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Everything posted by Ertil87

  1. may i make a sugestion, use My cyclops for Alot of the little edge-smoothing and detail tweeking. thats what most of my time went into, it might save you alot of time or at least give you some ideas :) Just gone over EVERY cm of this thing now :) Might help you with your ship. Just superficial changes. Cyclops 2XIII https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jGV7RqzupXeG44NkQ3LVlRY0k
  2. LOOL i was literly gonna make a post about a command to spawn Enamys :P Thank you !!!
  3. i know your not finished, but i just wanna Show my thanks to all your work !! Thank you :)
  4. omg plxx let us have some XML's
  5. ohhhh id LOVE to seen your personal Cyclops some day :D i am such a fanboy of it :P
  6. Oke I think iv nailed it now, my OCD isent triggering anymore xD Here is the finale and best Version im making. Credit go's to Scytales Laboratories for there Modules. And a Big thanks to Hale's "The evolution of the Cyclops II: A full history." for the base ship and inspiration. My Cyclops 2XII https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jGV7RqzupXTUd6bllRenlTWHc
  7. Oke I think iv nailed it now, my OCD isent triggering anymore xD Here is the finale and best Version im making. Credit go's to Scytales Laboratories for there Modules. And a Big thanks to Hale's "The evolution of the Cyclops II: A full history." for the base ship and inspiration. My Cyclops 2XII https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jGV7RqzupXTUd6bllRenlTWHc
  8. Ertil87

    Sofa's Builds

    See attached file. Also I found out I built it out of scale so hopefully you don't mind. I based it off this definition: Plus, it seems to me that "destroyer" refers specifically to a relatively small, fast ship used to protect capital ships and convoys from short-range attacks (ie: subs, torpedo boats), while "frigate" has been around for longer, and seems to have had a broader definition between different navies and time periods. So this is just my take, and not necessarily trying to be "accurate" (since, if that was the case, I don't think I'd be using nautical terminology at all). OMG thank you !!!!!!! iv been in love with this little guy since you first posted it <3
  9. Ertil87

    Sofa's Builds

    when are we gonna get the xml's for the other awsome ships you have :( that miner you made is all iv been waiting for :..(
  10. Ertil87

    Titanium Abaxial

    what does it look like :P
  11. Oh boy !! the void shields are labeled worng :P the Trinium is the Neonite and the Neonite is the Trinium
  12. Tada! As per requested, 2 new modules have been added to the front page, a Naonite, and Trinium version of the Void Shield. Holy gods of Avorion! You guys/gals are the bomb, no really THE BEST !!! Thank you thank you !!! no but in all seriousness, thank you <3 i love my small ships and all these modules you make really help me out :) if there is anything i can do for you guys/gals and its within my powers to do so, its done !
  13. may i make a request ? if so, can you guys/gals make a "void shield" ? :D
  14. wow may we have a Xml of this plzz its soo cool
  15. You just dont stop giving us awsomeness that gen is the bomb *bows*
  16. iv just been waiting for a 40k ship <3 you sir deserve a emperor size cookie
  17. once again Thank you for your inguines ideas and ships thnx thankx thx thank you <3
  18. omg what do i have to do to get a XML of the runabout ??? my first born child, my fleet of classic Vespas :P plzzzzz give us a xml of the runabout
  19. wow, my eyes hurt after reading all that on my phone while pooping Props for the backstory :)
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