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Posts posted by Shadinaxx

  1. New Addition to the fleet, mind you, the small details arent complete, but this ship HAS been battle tested and flown around.

























    50 hours of work so far, and I still need to do touch up and finer details (end caps on forward engine pods, front gun mounts, etc (I have frameworks as placeholders).


    Tell me what you think  so far  :)

  2. thank you  :)  The green can be changed, I use it with the Naonite generators and a trinium construction. The crew quarters being exposed, I forgot I had converted the armor for extra crew quarters (I have shields on everything  anymore), because I use the hammerhead to go get extra crew from stations, it has a quicker warp cooldown. However, the exposed crew quarters wont hinder the active crew, even if destroyed, as there's protected internal crew quarters in the center.

  3. Can we get easily identifiable status frames (aka raid frames) for our other ships and allies, with a filter for any/all? Particularly, our own mini fleet. It gets a bit hectic when trying to manage multiple ships (even in rts mode, which I love) in the heat of combat.


    Something akin to world of warcraft and most other MMO's for monitoring player's health bars. Perhaps along the top left corner of the screen, or even being able to move and resize the frames would be awesome.


    and thank you for all the awesome features of this game already, been completely stoked about this game for a while. :)

  4. A lot of works in progress, team of two so far, working on finer details and overall ship design.


    Will upload files as requested, but as current none are completed fully yet.


    Glass tubes with glow panels inside, part of a WIP named "Python"





    Larger view of the nearly completed ship "Python"






    More to come, Epox and I have been building ships in Empyrion for a while now, and with the building tool avorion has, we have so many more options to create, just takes time to remake the dozens of ships we had in empyrion here  :)



    New addition, "Hammerhead" design, I use this mostly for AI Miners, replace the green glass on the engine pods with Shield gens once you gain access to Naonite, otherwise, ship is constructed out of Titanium.











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