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Posts posted by harrymcb

  1. as title suggests i put in some mods that i want gone. more specifically a long time ago i installed mods and now i want to go back to vanilla. unfortunately i don't even remember what mods i made. i would prefer not to have to reinstall but i am willing as long as i can backup my designs/galaxies. any suggestions? and no i did not make a backup of the files and i did try verifying files

  2. Might be me thinking wrong here, but :

    ..., you need double the directional thrusters of the engines. ...

    wouldnt that mean four times the directional thrusters compared to engines (given 100% Crew Efficiency)? Since they divide their force to front and back (instead in all directions for the normal thrusters)?


    I am having trouble understanding your question. essentially directional thrusters(the ones that only point in 2 directions) have half the thrust of an engine forwards and backwards. 1 directional thrusters pointing forwards/backwards give half the brake thrust as 1 engine gives forward thrust. this is based on tests, and has nothing to do with anything said by the devs.


    also at Pyrax the short answer is i don't know. i will do some tests.

  3. i have a miner that works when i'm in sector. out of sector it doesn't. here is a little troubleshooting i did with the scripts.


    here is a portion of the server log. in color are points of interest

    | Player logged in: shawn.m.greer, index: 1

    2017-06-14 01-51-57| scheduled save for sector (-194:407), 0x584b0d0, entities: 1172

    2017-06-14 01-51-57| saving sector (-194:407)

    2017-06-14 01-51-57| player events roughly every 12.35 minutes

    2017-06-14 01-51-57| Player shawn.m.greer moved to sector (-194:407) server time taken for change: 92ms

    2017-06-14 01-51-58| sector (-194:407) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_407"

    2017-06-14 01-51-58| scheduled save for sector (-194:407), 0x584b0d0, entities: 1172

    2017-06-14 01-51-58| saving sector (-194:407)

    2017-06-14 01-51-58| scheduled save for sector (-194:406), 0xe959840, entities: 1403

    2017-06-14 01-51-58| mining

    2017-06-14 01-51-59| sector (-194:407) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_407"

    2017-06-14 01-51-59| saving sector (-194:406)

    2017-06-14 01-52-00| sector (-194:406) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_406"

    2017-06-14 01-52-48| Player shawn.m.greer moved to sector (-194:406)from (-194:407) server time taken for change: 92ms

    2017-06-14 01-52-48| Warning, can't keep up, skipping 1 frames...

    2017-06-14 01-52-48| scheduled save for sector (-194:406), 0xe959840, entities: 1406

    2017-06-14 01-52-48| saving sector (-194:406)

    2017-06-14 01-52-49| sector (-194:406) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_406"

    2017-06-14 01-52-49| scheduled save for sector (-194:407), 0x584b0d0, entities: 1169

    2017-06-14 01-52-49| saving sector (-194:407)

    2017-06-14 01-52-50| sector (-194:407) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_407"

    2017-06-14 01-52-51| scheduled save for sector (-193:405), 0x12c36830, entities: 1898

    2017-06-14 01-52-51| saving sector (-193:405)

    2017-06-14 01-52-51| mining

    2017-06-14 01-52-52| mining

    2017-06-14 01-52-52| sector (-193:405) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-193_405"

    2017-06-14 01-53-52| mining

    2017-06-14 01-54-14| Player shawn.m.greer moved to sector (-194:407)from (-194:406) server time taken for change: 71ms

    2017-06-14 01-54-15| scheduled save for sector (-194:407), 0x584b0d0, entities: 1160

    2017-06-14 01-54-15| saving sector (-194:407)

    2017-06-14 01-54-16| sector (-194:407) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_407"

    2017-06-14 01-54-16| scheduled save for sector (-194:406), 0xe959840, entities: 1403

    2017-06-14 01-54-16| saving sector (-194:406)

    2017-06-14 01-54-17| sector (-194:406) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_406"

    2017-06-14 01-54-19| scheduled save for sector (-193:405), 0x12c36830, entities: 1898

    2017-06-14 01-54-19| saving sector (-193:405)

    2017-06-14 01-54-21| sector (-193:405) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-193_405"

    2017-06-14 01-56-48| Player shawn.m.greer moved to sector (-194:406)from (-194:407) server time taken for change: 395ms

    2017-06-14 01-56-48| scheduled save for sector (-194:406), 0xe959840, entities: 1402

    2017-06-14 01-56-48| saving sector (-194:406)

    2017-06-14 01-56-49| sector (-194:406) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_406"

    2017-06-14 01-56-49| scheduled save for sector (-194:407), 0x584b0d0, entities: 1162

    2017-06-14 01-56-49| saving sector (-194:407)

    2017-06-14 01-56-50| sector (-194:407) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-194_407"

    2017-06-14 01-56-50| scheduled save for sector (-193:405), 0x12c36830, entities: 1898

    2017-06-14 01-56-51| saving sector (-193:405)

    2017-06-14 01-56-51| mining

    2017-06-14 01-56-52| sector (-193:405) saved to "C:\Users\shawn\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\adventure\sectors\-193_405"

    2017-06-14 01-57-06| mining



    here is code i altered in the ai/mining.lua starting from line 117

        elseif valid(minedAsteroid) then
            -- if there is an asteroid to collect, attack it
            if ship.selectedObject == nil
                or ship.selectedObject.index ~= minedAsteroid.index
                or ai.state ~= AIState.Attack then


    as you see i set the server to print "mining" when this runs. the mining vessel is in sector -194:406. you may notice that mining only prints when i am in that sector plus once on startup. i hope this helps you fix this


  4. If you are like me you often make ships that go really fast... straight into asteroids. i had a difficult time learning how thrust measurements work in this game. i finally buckled down and did the math and this is what i got. first the metal used to build only seems to effect the mass involved. second due, i assume, to lack of decimal point precision in the stats, these are not perfect values. i did all my testing with 1X1X1 cubes of iron and trinium.

    1X1X1 engine makes a thrust of ~20391.8 / ship mass

    1X1X1 directional thruster makes brake thrust of ~ 12745.2 / ship mass

    1X1X1 thruster makes brake thrust of ~ 5098.6 / ship mass

    also max speed seems to only be effected by the volume of the engines. i don't know the math behind top speed



    this suggests a few points towards ship design. first of all max brake thrust is ~ half  of forward thrust. thus to equalize forward thrust and brake thrust, like i wish for, you need double the directional thrusters of the engines. this shows that where thrust is involved all that matters is metal mass and the percentage of engine parts to other parts.


    thus a ship that is 100% engine has the same thrust no matter it's size. for the record the top thrust an iron ship can have is 784.3 m/s. the lighter the blocks used the higher the max thrust can go. so if there is an acceleration you want or a brake speed you want you can do the following


    take the weight of a 1X1X1 cube of your material of choice then divide the number above for the part you want by the weight of the cube. this is your max acceleration for that part. next divide your desired acceleration by that number. this is the percentage of blocks you need to be of the thrust block of the chosen type.


    for example you want to use directional thrusters to get a brake speed of ~ 200 m/s using iron. iron is 26 t per 1X1X1 cube. divide 12745.2 by 26 to get 490.2. 200/490 = 0.41  thus 41% of your iron ship must be directional thrusters to get that brake thrust.


    well i hope my rambling made sense to some of you. post below for more tips to get that desired speed.

  5. this helped a lot! thanks! i have most non ui done. but i'm getting an error.


    this is the code with the error


        local cost , resscost, resstype = getFactoryCost(production) --edited by mod
    	print (resstype)
        local canPay, msg, args = player:canPayResource(resstype, resscost)--edited by mod



    this is the error

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| 1

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| could not execute function 'foundFactory' in '"data/scripts/entity/stationfounder.lua"':

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| invalid type 'userdata' at stack position 2, expected 'Material'

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| stack traceback:

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| [C]:-1: in function canPayResource

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| data/scripts/entity/stationfounder.lua:258: in function ?

    2017-05-31 13-44-42| Setting script "data/scripts/entity/stationfounder.lua" to invalid.


    note when i did this i tried a low level factory thus it printed 1 as the material titanium as i expected. what is going on here? if you want the whole script i can send it. i intend to upload it once ready.

  6. to start off i want to say i am a fair programmer but never used lua before. i would like to do this myself if i could but there are things i need to know first. what i want to do is change the price to found a station by lowering the credit price and adding a resource cost of a flat amount say 50K of a material depending on factory level. so a basic factory takes 50K iron and advanced factory takes 50K trinium. i found the script that controls the price but i don't know how to make a resource payment. i am also unsure how to get the level of the factory. i think i can solve the latter problem myself, but the first i cant find the information to solve. any help is appreciated.

  7. thanks. i assume if i change a server script that it will only effect my servers or single player? i'll look through the docs for more thanks.

    PS. i just figured(based on assumptions) out that scripts like the systems scripts are entirely server based. the OnClient part is the server telling the client what to do. so my changes there have no effect on other servers. BTW if i am way off, which i don't doubt, tell me please. i don't want to cheat.

  8. I started using/making mods, but i don't know how to tell if a mod works on a server only or server and client or client only. for example, i made a simple modification to script/systems/valubalesdetector.lua  would that have any effect if i play multi-player? or would it change something if i made my own server? my main experience with mods is Minecraft.

  9. how does damage work? what is the difference between ship hp and block hp? how do integrity fields work? i saw an old thread about I-fields that said they lump all the health of effected blocks together, but that is not what i have noticed it doing. if it does do that does that mean armor blocks are just as useful in the center of a ship as if they plated the ship?

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