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Posts posted by Neverr

  1. I ' lost half my fleet to xsotan and pirate spam building a new top of the line battlecruiser using all the tech we know of! (For me xanion, haven't broken galactic core)


    I'll upload a pic of my new baby today, just got to put some lights on her. Ill also upload two of my babies that I lost in the process.  (Was literally my first design that I just kept adding to it so it looks miserable lol)

  2. Hey guys I'm fairly new at about thirty hours in, I've had a ton of fun and now my fleet consists of about three 8 slot size ships totaling about 2.5 mil resources altogether. My total crew payments are about 400k every three hours. While it is fairly easy to maintain this through fighting when I spend an hour building a ship I can feel it in my coffers. So my question is how do you guys make money? I tried the trading scene but I found it to be barely better than combat and a lot less exciting. What do you guys  do? The best situation I've found thus far is taking my fleet to roid sectors with four miners and my combat fleet on attack enemies, I salvage while the fleet kills and collects.


    Btw I know this may sound wierd, but I'm not looking for a way to cheese the system. I've heard horror stories of people making 100s of millions In an hour utilizing a broken economy, I'm not too interested In that as it would break that part of the game.


    Same reason until it's nerfed or the ai gets stronger I refuse to use the crafting system

    I don't want to be killing battleships in five seconds while they take five minutes to kill me.  In fact I'd prefer they be stronger than me pound per pound.


    I know I could just not craft op Weapons but I'm really picky. I really REALLY like challenges, but I have no limiter on myself, I'm a pure 100% min maxer. So if I use something I HAVE to use it to its full potential.


    I'm sure most of you are rolling your eyes and walking away at this point haha.


    So Yeah! How do you guys make money?

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