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Posts posted by ns9559

  1. Would have been nice to know before I lost my ship. My poor Grand Tuna... ಥ_ಥ *crying sounds*


    Seriously though might want to default it to off in the next patch, until it does protect the ship.

  2. So I jumped to a new sector, and was waiting for it to load up. I left the "press space to continue option" on, and thinking that I was safe in that screen got up to get a beverage. When I came back, the screen unchanged, I pressed space to exit the jump. instead of a new region to investigate explore I found my drone in my home sector. after checking my personnel screen I found that my ship doesn't seem to exist. It seems to have disappeared along with all of its very valuable turrets, armor, and crew.


    So is it correct to assume that the "press space to continue" option does nothing?

  3. What if it was not a server issue, what if the player decided how often the crew were paid? There could be a series payment sliders that allow you to determine how much each crewman is paid and how often (possibly even by job,) and the level of pay could have an effect on their performance. Of course the longer they have to wait to be paid the more they will want to be paid, and the penalties of not paying them would change accordingly. If you miss a payment when they are getting paid every day (5 min in-game) they will not mind as much, but if they get paid once per quarter (once every 6 hours) and you miss it by so much as a second they will be ready to mutiny! It would be wise in that latter case to invest in a paymaster!


    The total pay of your crew could (in the future of coarse) influence how many crewmen will volunteer to serve on your ship or the quality of the crew available. Maybe (again in the far future) your crew could have needs that they would spend their money on (gambling, luxuries, personal goods, etc...) that might effect their performance?


    *notice to all crew: no prostitutes will be admitted onto the ship, and always put a hat on your sailor before swabbing the poop-deck, or pumping the bilges. -you captain* :P

  4. The odd thing is that the station was already firing at me, and I could hear it firing. The game always crashed when I destroyed a module. I didn't break off a large section or anything, just a part at the edge. A similar thing happened when I tried to delete the last block on a ship, related perhaps?


    Also this isn't really a bug but beam weapons are hilariously ineffective on station.

  5. So I made myself an awesome ship , The Grand Tuna was her name, and decided to test my luck against a sector full of pirates. It was an epic battle, dead pirate ships their carcasses scattered before my mighty fish. The was only one matter left to deal with, the pirate shipyard itself. I attack mightily all guns firing, beams and projectiles raking the million strong hull of the station! Alone in my room I bellow "TASTE THE RAINBOW MUTHAF@&^#R!"


    Then my game stopped (I assumed it was just taking a few seconds to process my my pure awesomeness,) only to be greeted by desktop and a notice that Avorion has stopped running. I reloaded the game to try again, perterbed that my bubble of pure testosterone had been so rudely popped, only to find that each time I did any damage to the shipyard the game would crash again.


    I can only conclude that attacking stations is not possible. Needless to say, this makes me sad.  :(

  6. I was thinking that there could be a there could be discounts for frequency/amount purchased. Similar to the way you get better deals with an AI faction when you have a better relationship with them. Friends of you or your company would pay, say around 50%. Where as someone who you have never dealt with before would pay full price, and enemies of your benefactor nation would be forced to pay 130%. Maybe you could negotiate contracts (through the in-game mailing system) with other player/AI cooperation's for better rates on raw materials? Say if you have a number of steel factories, you might negotiate better prices for iron in exchange for a cut of steel sales.


    Ultimately people would be encouraged to work together in order to get the best possible prices... unless of course they engage in "dirty business", encouraging pirates to go after competitors, starting wars to get access to richer asteroid belts, and of course the arm/shipwright industries, which can be easily corrupted.


    On another note, I noticed in one article that there would be some kind of warp gates coming up in the future? There are always profits to be made at choke points! Charging a toll for passage... to help with maintenance of course. And the talk of docking in future updates also opens up new possibilities! Docking fees, tariffs, inspection dues, food, entertainment for the crew, repairs... so many ways for players to make money in space, helping those poor weary travelers. ;)

  7. I know that the dev' team is focusing on the economy and trade so unrelated suggestions wont be addressed seriously for a while. But I am incorrigible and desperate for human contact in any form so why not have a thread dedicated to economic ideas.


    Thinking about economics and trade has  make me think about asteroid mineig outposts. Maybe an item that can be carried in the cargo hold or a module that can be attached to your ship that would allow you to build resource collection points on exceptionally large asteroids. That could not only suck up the minerals from the asteroid it is on but it could tap into the surrounding asteroids as well.


    If you had control over the prices of the oar at your facility you could sell at a premium undercutting the AI. And you could supply your ships/factories for free~ish. you would have to pay for the initial installation and for the workers but in time you would make your money back and then some! You could become quite a wealthy man on a multiplayer server.


    Sorry about starting so many threads in a (relatively) short time.

  8. I ran into an interesting bug. I keep jumping into pirate controlled sectors where the pirates are initially neutral, sensing something is wrong I restart reload the galaxy and the pirates immediatly try to kill me. I just play it off as if the pirates didnt realize who I was, or maybe their sensors are spotty. I just thought it should be brought up.

  9. What if you had the option to make an emergency jump without waiting for the nav computer to calculate a trajectory? Say if you jump into a region of space controlled by pirates, that way outclass you, all you need to do is hold longenough for your jumpdrive to recharge and punch it, any where is better than a death trap, right? Of course where you come back into reality would be pretty random so you could end up jumping into a worse sitiuation than you were in before!


    Using an emergency jump could be pretty dangerous, you pop back into reality with half of your crew dead from strange radiation, or maybe you blow out your engines and are just trailing smoke, forced to send your drone to get help. parts of your ship missing or your cargo holds mysteriously empty. If you were traveling with a fleet they could be just as bad off as you if not worse, scattered across large swaths of empty, limping home.


    Maybe a freak chance that the jump could leave you on the opposite side of the galaxy?

  10. Nebulae, planetoids abandoned ancient space stations, oh my!


    Space is big and weird.  :o Nebula that knock out ship systems. Giant alien defense satellites left derelict. Things that don't show up on normal sensors? Entire space faring civilizations in generation ships. Mysterious icy comets shrouded in clouds of water vapor. AI communes! Minefields! The possibilities are as endless as the universe itself!


    A bunch of things that don't show up on normal scanners. Ya know, things that make exploring off the beaten path that much more interesting, and possibly rewarding? Say you find a giant comet filled with virtually inexhaustible amounts of one metal or another. Lost alien weapons depots, waiting to be looted... or bristling with defense turrets. Fields of giant ice crystals ( well white spiky asteroids, but hey its the thought really.) Something to reward the exploring type.

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