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Posts posted by AugyTek

  1. I think it's great that we had most of the "user bug reports" fixed on Rusty's months before ichi poon got around to "fixing" them.  (Not sure what the hold up was either, you'd think problems would want to be fixed asap)


    It would also be nice if he gave direct credit and/or collaboration credit for the fixes considering that they were fixed by someone else and the code was graciously shared. 


    I don't foresee a lot of code sharing in the future if the original developer takes credit for fixing something that has been broken for a while and didn't or couldn't fix it.  This of course leads to stunting of the game because there aren't a lot of German only software code monkeys out there.


    I know that based on that, I won't be offering access to my sound studio to develop additional original tracks to add more music depth to the game, instead of the 12 repetitive tracks we have now.  Rusty's however, may enjoy them.


    Just saying giving recognition goes a long way in the development community, especially when it benefits a for profit enterprise development.


    Oh and on a final note...  Mods may be annoying, but they are a true measure of popularity.  When you stop seeing updates and new mods posted on this site, I can guarantee that application or program is not far from total death due to lack of interest or other shenanigans from the original developer(s).  See Pokemon Go for reference.

  2. Hey all -


    If anyone is having sound issues loading, and are using a secondary output source, like a monitor, or subwoofer, surround sound, amp system, etc.  They must plug in a regular set of speakers to their rig and load avorion, then with Avorion loaded switch out to what they were normally using.  This sets the config in avorion to normal output.  Something must have been added into the beta patch that tries to detect surround sound or something related to sound.  It doesn't work obviously. 


    I have now reloaded Avorion after several system reboots, messing with settings, etc. etc. and the sound seems to be fixed, so it should hold after you do the aforementioned "fix".

  3. As a VIP player on this server, I feel that my donation is well allocated to the furthering of this project.


    IRL, I am also the CEO of a technology company, and I have been constantly impressed with the dedication that the Rusty server developers have put into features like this on the server.


    It truly does make it stand out and I think that one day in the future it will be a stand alone modded and evolved server that is chosen more often over vanilla base multiplayer servers.


    If you don't know if you want to use this manager, why don't you come to Rusty's and try it out, get the info, and see how it works?


    Better yet donate some money to the cause too if you want to use it!  It can only get better faster if you do that!


    (P.S>  To warmongering PVP meatheads, yes, I do suppose that it would be entirely possible to tweak it to run your own server and manager where all you do is use the interface to see where your opponents are, jump in, hyper to them and blow them up.  For confirmation of that, ask Dirtyredz about it, but I don't see why you couldn't tweak it to that.  PVP at it's finest I suppose eh?) 


    But really, for people that don't get paid hardly anything to come up with this in their spare time and to keep it updated, it's worth at least checking out on Rusty's right? 


    Maybe the original developer of Avorion will buy it, it really is that good.  That would be an awesome reward for our devs that have developed this wonderful work of art and made Rusty's Galaxy what it is today.

  4. So I get that having billions/trillions of credits is a bit overkill, for now.  So it sits there, and doesn't do anything, until you need it.


    I don't want to sit and mine and salvage for hours on end.  I would like to have the option to trade and explore. 


    I can't trade and explore if I don't have credits. 

    If I don't have credits I can't build a bigger ship,

    If I can't build a bigger ship, I can't hold as much cargo

    If I can't hold as much cargo, I have to mine/salvage more material to sell and build.

    If I have to mine/salvage more material, I can't trade and explore.


    Do you see how this is an infinite loop of problems?  Let alone the 3 million in credits you need for a REQUIRED progression aspect of the game.


    By cutting the price for sold materials in half, you have effectively doubled the amount of time it takes to mine/salvage and then you have to choose to build or to sell off for credits.  Leaving trading, exploring, and developing the galaxy out in the cold.


    By the previous nerfs to trading, there are no longer (or extremely rare) multi-million dollar trade routes.  I promise you, even in futuristic space there will ALWAYS be these.  It's profit and gain.  The drive of every civilization, in some form.


    If I wanted to grind endlessly for materials just so I have a slightly bigger ship, I would go play something completely different, and automated, as well as fully finished.


    I am not like every other meat head out there that wants to slap around their E-peen and see who has a bigger badder ship.  I get you are attempting to slow their progress to the core by making it a "longer" journey to get what they need, but you are completely killing off 2 other important aspects of the game.  Creation and Trade.


    I believe that a balance needs to be struck for multiplayer servers before starting to nerf anything.  First and foremost that needs to be addressed are those that kill off entire NPC factions for "fun".  That's great, that was my re-spawn point, thanks.


    Secondly, breathe some life into trade by making the parts you need for turrets only available through trade stations.  They aren't on ships, they aren't on stations when you blow them to pieces, and they don't drop from any spawned wreckage.  You have to trade for them, and they are expensive. 


    Building turrets shouldn't be an arbitrary thing where you get enough parts and some few credits together and PRESTO!  you now have something that can blow apart a rock or ship in seconds because you just made 20 of them.


    This is where bringing back trading comes in.  Yup put back in the 500+ body armor drops and the 100 million plus trading runs.  If you are selling to a faction that is at war and you are selling weapons to both sides, so be it.  But if you are carrying stuff like that, instead of having a dangerous cargo permit, you are a pirate and xsotan magnet.  Like extensively so, and gets worse as you get closer to the core where you have entire battle fleets jumping in on you every 10 minutes because you are carrying weapons of war.


    You are gonna need that cash because at bare minimum a turret component part (that isn't a natural resource like copper, lead, etc.)  is 50K credits, for Iron turrets.  The amount of materials would have to be tweaked a little too. The cost of components in building then doubles every material upgrade, so effectively something like this:


    I need 5 laser head components to make an iron salvage laser at max efficiency at an iron turret factory.

    I need 10 laser head components at  titanium

    I need 20 laser at nao

    I need 40 laser at Trin

    I need 80 laser at Xanion

    I need 160 laser at Ogo

    I need 320 laser at Avorion


    If that laser head component is 50K a pop at best faction ration from a trade station, then yes it should cost me 16 million just for that component aspect if I am building a nasty Avorion turret in the core.  Altogether with all components needed, if it isn't costing me 200 million or more per crafted Avorion turret to build with sick stats way better than what usually drops to give me an edge, I am getting off cheaply.


    In addition to this, you also need to provide 100 material per component that goes towards building the turret after Trinium.  After all you can't make Avorion turrent without Avorion right?


    THAT is how you effectively install a nerf for the warmongering meat heads to slow them down WITHOUT killing off the rest of the game for the people that prefer explore and trade at a non break neck pace.


    Presently as it stands Avorion right now is some sick overpowered joke that even a 4 year old can obtain without too much trouble.  (That is probably why you also only get 24 credits per for at a max faction resource trading station.)


    This way the path to building avorion weapons is difficult, but not impossible.  After all if you trade for stuff you can get the credits to buy the materials and components needed for making the weapon, that path will still take you to every aspect of the game right?  You have to buy or mine the materials, trade for the components by selling other things to get credits to do so, and you get those other things by salvaging, mining or trading right?


    Seems like that is a fairly even balance and you can STILL have 100 million + trade routes, actually they would kind of be required with all the other stuff added in.


    I will post more details if wanted, but that is enough to chew on for now I think.





  5. The bridge scale is a little off, but only slightly, and only maternal basement dwelling epic nerds will realize it.  I had to look at the real movie shot of it and stare for a bit to see it.  It's the same shape, just not as much base area.  Functionally speaking unless that missing bridge scale is made up of things that improve the stats, I think it can be forgotten.

  6. Hey all here is a link to download a new music package for Avorion.  It does nothing more than add new music to Avorion, some of which long time and hard core gamers might recognize.


    Feel free to scan it and test it and whatever other paranoid measures you might want to take but I assure you every file in there is safe.  Instructions are included for those that need.


    Again this does not modify server files or scripts, but rather adds additional music to Avorion instead of the same 8 tracks played over and over.  It is a client side "installation", but if someone wanted to turn it into a server side alteration please feel free to.







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