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Posts posted by Teklor

  1. So I'm looking around for a guide to factory chains.  Specifically what factories/mines I'd have to have to produce higher tier goods.  I'm not finding much though.  I put together a list of what I'd need to make an accelerator chain last night and it's kind of crazy. 


    Does anyone know where I could find such a tool/calculator, I feel like it would save me a ton of time bouncing back and forth.  If not then I might throw together a little guide for other people with the same question.


    EDIT** I also just realized that I need to figure out production values etc...like how many steel factories will I need to keep the proper flow of goods to keep the higher tier factories running....this is turning out to be more complicated then expected...

  2. Awesome thank you so much, I love your mod.  I'm currently experimenting with building an accelerator complex(so many mines and factories....)...I'm hoping that it isn't too much for the mod/my pc to handle.


    Keep up the great work and thanks for the quick reply :)

  3. Which file do I have to add that line of code in order to use it with the dock building mod?  Sorry I'm totally new to avorion and modding.  I'm just using it in SP galaxy.  I have it installed now but the option doesn't show up on my stations/factories etc so I'm guessing it has to do with the missing line of code.



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