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Posts posted by Ny

  1. Dear Avorion players,


    it's been six month since the game was released into Early Access and it's been an exciting and trying time. Thank you to everyone who's been with us since the beginning and welcome to all those who have joined us on the way. Avorion was originally scheduled to leave EA in the third quarter of this year. Unfortunately time flies, we have reached the third quarter and we can all agree that there is much more work to be done. The Alliance Update took longer than anticipated, the engine needs more work and there are balancing problems that need fixing - a big thanks to the community for pointing those out and sharing your insight.


    Now, we could simply postpone the release date by a few months. However we want to be sure we can make the new date even if other unforeseen problems occur. We don't want to continue giving you an over optimistic estimation we'd have to adjust every time we hit a road block. That is why we have decided to move the full release of Avorion to Q3 2018. This will allow us to deliver you a high quality product containing all the features we initially planned and maybe some more.


    We'll post the roadmap for upcoming updates in a few days, so stay tuned!


    Thank you all for your support,

    have fun!


    [German version]

    Veröffentlichung auf Q3 2018 verschoben


    Liebe Avorion Spielerinnen und Spieler,


    jetzt ist es schon sechs Monate her, dass Avorion in die Early Access Phase gestartet ist. In dieser Zeit ist viel passiert und wir danken allen, die uns von Anfang an begleitet haben und freuen uns über die vielen Neuzugänge. Eigentlich war der Plan Avorion im dritten Quartal dieses Jahres fertig zu stellen. Leider wird daraus nichts. Das Allianzen Update hat um einiges länger gedauert als geplant und auch in die Engine und das Balancing müssen wir noch mehr Arbeit stecken. An dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön an die Community für das viele Feedback.


    Wir könnten die Veröffentlichung jetzt einfach ein paar Monate nach hinten schieben. Wir möchten aber  sicher sein, dass wir den nächsten Termin auch wirklich schaffen anstatt euch von einer überoptimistischen Einschätzung auf die nächste zu vertrösten wenn weitere unerwartete Probleme auftauchen. Darum planen wir jetzt Avorion im dritten Quartal 2018 zu veröffentlichen. Damit bleibt uns genug Zeit euch ein hochwertiges Produkt zu liefern, das alle geplanten Features enthält und vielleicht sogar ein paar mehr.


    In ein paar Tagen posten wir die Roadmap mit den geplanten Updates für die nächste Zeit, also bleibt dabei!


    Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung

    und viel Spaß!


  2. Does the loot not currently time out when there are no players in the sector?  I've been assuming that if I take an hour or two to return to the sector from halfway across the galaxy, all the loot would have disappeared before I get there.


    unfortunately that's true. Sorry didn't think of that  :(

  3. I appreciate the response, and I totally agree with you. But more importantly where do dev's read feedback and bug reports more? Thats really all I care about. I like this game and I want to see it do well, and I want to make sure my feedback isn't being left somewhere so one gives a sh*t about.


    We read both here and on Steam. Just make sure you post in the correct section. If you post a "bug report" that's 80% a wall of text with suggestions it might well be skipped since the dev reading it is there to find and fix bugs, not to read all your other wishes for the game. If you have suggestions post them in the suggestions section.


    I dunno, but Ive posted dozens of suggestions'feedback'bug reports on the steam forums and a dev has not responded to a single one.


    There's a difference between reading and writing. Most of the things you post will be read but replies take a lot of time so they have a much lower frequency.

  4. So I know we now get 5 sectors that will run depending how many ships or stations are in it. So if I leave a sector protected by a fleet, will the xotan(forget their spelling) or pirates still invade, get blown up by my fleet, then my fleet pick up the modules or weapons if they are close enough?


    Well if it's one of the sectors that's up for out of sector simulation, the salvagers should pick up modules/weapons if they are close enough.

    But if your fleet is patrolling, they will destroy the invaders but they won't collect the modules. You'd have to have some ships patrolling and some ships salvaging and hope that the salvagers get around to the place where the fight took place...


  5. Sure we do but we don't have enough people to read everything and even writing a short reply takes time. So we read a lot more than we write. Also, not every Dev can answer every question - depending on what they have worked on. If we kept interrupting koonschi to relay every question from the forum, development would come to a standstill (and who would want that?) - so many questions remain unanswered by us, especially those that can be answered by other players. When it comes to suggestions, posting them is a way to see what other people in the community think about it. It'll give us a chance to discuss it with the other players and allows us to see how many people would like to have it. If it's a feature that fits our vision for the game and can be done (a lot of things people hope for are a lot harder to realize than they'd imagine) it might be added.

  6. Why is this community so dead?


    Most of the discussions have migrated to the Steam forum.


    I guess a lot of players don't want to register a new account when they can post with their Steam account.

    And of course, the more people see they get more feedback there, the less they come here.


    And where is the dev moderator presence on the forums?


    As most of the action is on the Steam forum now, we also spend more time there. Also, there is a lot of activity there and we are just a few people so we often spend more time reading, to know what the community thinks, and less time replying. Especially when questions have already been answered by other players.

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