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Posts posted by MattyK

  1. If I were to guess, it's a station that spawned with either no cargo bays, or the cargo bays that spawned on them are too small to be functional as they need to be a certain minimum size in order to work. A few kinks in the whole random generator thing.


    Pretty much this. I notice it happens a lot with Repair Docks. After a visual inspection it appears that the Cargo Bays were never large enough to support more than a minuscule volume of goods, or were somehow blown off with the docking port after a collision with a Freighter.


    That said I have definitely seen stations with inventories in the single-digit numbers, so it could definitely just be a ship/station-generation thing.

  2. Hi, I just bought the game, spent 2 hours playing with the ship building tools, then was told by the tutorial to make a hyperspace jump to a nearby sector.  After I jumped to a desolate area with literally nothing in site, the tutorial tells me to jump back but my hyperdrive has a 1.7 hour cooldown.  So I had no choice but to let the game sit for two hours but of course pirates came along and destroyed my ship so now I have nothing.  Not the best tutorial experience.  The game looks like it has a lot of potential but I sure don't have the motivation to start over from scratch now.


    In hindsight; your rudimentary Mining Drone has the capacity to Hyperdrive the default (~3 sector) distance. You could also have removed all weapons and modules from your ship before "scuttling" (See; turn off Safe Mode in Build, select entire ship, Delete) and saved yourself the tedium of waiting at the expense of losing your crew.


    Normally what would've happened is either you were fortunate enough to find one of those illusive starting Titanium Asteroids and either built a big enough Generator, or simply stripped down to the bare minimum and strapped some great big honking Solar Panels to yourself to improve the efficiency to the point where you can jump out.


    That said, there are two things the tutorial doesn't teach you about; Power Generation and Consumption. That early on the easiest thing to do is build something small and efficient, utilizing only half of what your ship produces, and be mindful of your money too until you get lucky with a claimable Asteroid or salvage a Force Turret to sell.

  3. This could, in essence, be implemented as it's own Factory, therefore clearing up any of the issues you've listed below.


    Though that would also be a fun thing; Mobile Factories. I mean, we already have the Salesman-class of vessels and point-of-purchases, so why not put it in the player's hand too; provide enough power and the correct components, and you can effectively manufacture your Fighters on the fly!

  4. Hah, these ships look awesome. Wouldn't mind seeing a faction composed entirely in this style/uniform you have going on now.


    The only thing I'd say, is I'm a sucker for utilitarian ships. These all seem militaristic by design and quite expensive at that. Having some cheap side grades would be nice, to size oneself into early-to-mid game (especially early game where the inspiration for me seems to be the most lacking)


    The sloped hulls actually remind me a lot of Starship Troopers.

  5. So, I've had quite some time to play with Avorion now, but something I always found an oddity, was the lack of a fundamental block that could give such quality of life features as increasing the pickup radius of my vessel...


    Then I noticed this lovely block;

    "Docking Port [station Only]"



    Over the last few hours in my adoration for the game and see more depth added, I started coming across ideas in how to make what seems like such a simple block, add a good deal of interactivity to an already brilliant early access game.



    So may I present; the Docking Port 2.0

    • Increases Resource and Item Collection Radius, up to a maximum of 2km
    • Increases the Docking Radius of the vessel, allowing it to dock further away from the targeted station to a maximum of 2.5km (Very useful for larger capital ships and vessels)
    • Allows a ship to dock with another ship to share Hyperdrive Range. While docked, the largest jump range is inherited, reduced by 1 sector per docked ship.


    Now, you're probably thinking, "hang on a second, if we introduce ship to ship docking, we can introduce the boarders and the security, and suddenly an unimplemented feature finally begins to take shape..."


    Well I'll probably make another thread for my suggestions on boarding, prisoners, ship to ship boarding weapons and all that, for now, I'll just finish off by listing the block requirements and tier differences.


    Material Tier: All

    Cost Tier: Medium-High (Between Computer Core and Shield Generator), this is a quality of life block that only really needs to be built once.

    Build Restrictions: Inherits the two-plane open approach of Hangar building. At least one face must have clearance from the parent ship at all times to function

    Crew Requirements: 0.5 Engineer Workforce and 0.5 Security Workforce per half (0.5) kilometre in function gained.

    Docking Restriction: For Ship to Station, No Limits. For Ship to Ship, the ship attempting to dock must have a volume of less than 0.7 of the parent ship (Therefore giving reason to things like corvettes and marine frigates)


    I'm sure you guys probably have something like this in the pipeline already, but just including even one of the suggested features above would give a nice little quality of life to the game.

  6. A brilliant high-effort suggestion if I ever saw one. I feel that the exploration aspect of Avorion is one of the most overlooked aspects of the game, besides as a quick payout via asteroids or secret caches.


    Adding these almost FTL-like events and anomalies will go a long way to adding some much needed diversity to the galaxy (that, and you do have to admit, the idea of stations or even combat in no-light Sectors is both intriguing and terrifying at the same time.)

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