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Posts posted by Glockshna

  1. When working on large ships the editor can struggle to 'rebuild' the geometry. Hiding a large portion of the ship I'm working on may help with this.


    I’m not sure it’ll help with that part. If you’ll notice, even when you have it set to show only one block type it can still struggle, even if there are only a couple blocks of that type.


    Interestingly, it seems to have no trouble with it when you first enter the builder and it hasn’t finished rendering light and shadows. It’s after it has finished this that it starts giving you those long wait times while it rebuilds and red outlines where you deleted blocks remain.


    True, it may require a bit more work but this feature should be a bit more than just the "show blocks of type" functionality. Rather than just ghosting them, that geometry should be fully hidden and not calculated until unhidden.

  2. Simple suggestion, I'd like the ability to isolate the selected blocks.


    E.G. I box select a section of the ship I want to work on and press a Hotkey or go through the View window to hide all geometry that isn't selected. This would be nice for several reasons.

    Number one: When working on large ships the editor can struggle to 'rebuild' the geometry. Hiding a large portion of the ship I'm working on may help with this.

    Number Two: Working in tight spaces.

  3. Similar to my last post of being able to destroy cargo directly from your inventory, it would be nice to be able to filter what items your ship picks up, or better yet, view cargo items within your pickup range and choose what to actually take rather than vacuuming everything and then having to fly around and drop the garbage.

  4. Has a Destroy Cargo option been considered yet? Towards the late game when raiding stations the volume of cargo that gets dropped starts to get out of hand. Much of it is useless, which is fine, but getting rid of it is an issue beyond a certain point. Dropping it is not a good option as it starts to lag the game, and then you have to be careful to avoid picking it up after you've dropped it. Selling it doesn't work either as it's tedious for low price items and yields no worthwhile return. The ability to destroy cargo would solve this issue.

  5. This issue has been fixed with the latest patch, what version are you playing on?


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I encountered this bug on 20.0. The game has updated to 20.1 this morning and it's working in single player now. I'm waiting for the multiplayer server I play on to update and I'll bump the post only if it's not working there. I imagine it's probably fixed.


    Keep up the good work, you guys rock!

  6. Just as the title says, if you install the trading module it works fine until you jump to another sector. After that the tables do not populate any data. Tested with three different trading module systems of different rarities.  It works great for intra system trades but if you want to take advantage of the price history over X number of systems, you can't due to this bug.


    Removing, and re-installing the system from your ship fixes the issue until you jump again.

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