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Everything posted by PsyberTech

  1. The Dirty Server Manager ROCKS! I know.. that is punny, but it does! We are using DSM on our dedicated server specific for Avorion. A great many thanks go to Dirtyredz for all of his extensive assistance with this install. We would not have this working so perfect without him. I am honored to now be one of his Patrons. Bill Sr.
  2. *grovel* You are awesome!!!! I am thumbing through your tar.gz and looking at what you have. My server already has everything installed through the Centos Web Panel. (http://centos-webpanel.com/) and I am looking at what I can pull out of it to run without the need to install, Php, MySQL, Apache etc. Your web interface for Avorion is down right amazing, and you will find this old guy an avid supporter. :)
  3. Hello, Just found this today and it is exactly what I need for my 7 ships. I followed the instructions on both the dedicated server and on my client. Both were shut down and restarted after the new files were added. When the /fleetcontrol command is ran, all I get is: 2017-08-12 13-49-25| Unknown command: fleetcontrol I can see other commands in the same folder that I can run, but this fails. Any thought would be wonderful. Many thanks! -Bill Sr. Is this a dead mod?
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