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Posts posted by dnightmare

  1. Would be really nice if you could tell us exactly how that progression bar works once you're at max reputation with a faction, because i'm stuck at like 990k/1M in progression, but there is no salvage left in the yard...


    Well it's based of the damage you do when salvaging with a valid license.

    1.000.000 seems higher then what I have in the default config (should be 100k) but you should be able to get the missing experience from another scrapyard from the same faction as the experience is shared / tied to the factionIndex and not a single scrapyard.

  2. Well yeah, the update replaced my hook / loading so that's why there were issues.

    On the flipside: ScrapyardPlus only extends the vanilla logic and saves to the same tables etc., that's why the extended timers will always be there and even work, once purchased, w/o the mod. (and why MoveUI works with and without my mod. No witchcraft needed)


    The things that got changed (faction-fixes and chat messages) were included in 1.3.1 while we were on 0.14.x Beta so everything should be running smooth. Will look into the details nontheless when back home.


    RL = real life :P doing 60-70hrs/week kinda takes away the time from modding and recharging my batteries.


    About the remote control: It's based on two "channels" which I use to communicate between player and the captained ships. You have to visit the systems where your fleet resides in to get the corresponding script attached, after that they report back if the system/fleet is active or inactive, etc.

    The UI will include a dropdown of all active ships + maybe a small plan-displayer so you see what is what. After selecting a ship you could select the possible command on the right side, a bit like in the PoC.

    About fleetcommand: I'll try and make mine work as hazzlefree as possible. If it's in a stable state, I'm looking into how to extend the options, or incorporate stuff form the other mod, we'll see...


    For now, my focus lies on ScrapyardPlus 1.4 and getting the events done. After that, I'll switch back to RemoteControl.



  3. How does this work? I thought Sectors weren't loaded while you weren't in them, yourself.

    Since a couple of versions, Avorion will keep the last X sectors alive when you leave.

    For singleplayer it's 500 or so, for multiplayer the serverowner can set it, default to 5 iirc.


    There is only one problem though: you need to be at the Scrapyard to tell your "drones" to stop, as you cannot issue them commands while OoS (even with Fleet Control). I got a lot of angry messages from my most prized ally while I was in a mad dash through gates and hyperdrive warps trying to get there in time, and managed to literally on the last second before they'd destroy aaaalll of my baby ships to buy a new license.


    At the moment there's no way to remotely tell them to stop.

    I'm working on something like that: https://github.com/ctcDNightmare/avorion-remotecontrol


    The proof of concept works so far:

    (watch in fullscreen to read the console & chat output from the remote ships)


    But it's still far away from getting done / I'm busy with RL or ScrapyardPlus


    Man, all these mods are mega-cool. Thanks for all your work, guys and gals!

    Thanks :) Glad there's people out there who like my (and others') work.

  4. Also, looking at your mods/ folder structure and the mod hooks you're implementing by writing them into the original scripts files is giving me massive inspiration on how to actually handle the ModLoader / ModManager I'm working on in secret for my personal use, but plan to release once functional.


    Credit where credit is due: That's totally the idea from DirtyRedz who got me hooked with the whole modding in the first place.


    But glad you enjoy my little mod :)

    Once I find the time to get the events in there as well I'm sure it'll be another thing you didn't know you wanted :D

  5. Sooo, v1.3.0 is finally out!


    We now have working lifetime licenses yay


    They are quite hard to get with default settings BUT they work for the whole faction and not just a single scrapyard.

    If you are at max reputation (100k) you start earning experience towards the lifetime status when you are salvaging with a valid, regular license until you reach enough to permanently activate your lifetime-status.


    Of course the amount, speed, etc can all be adjusted in the modconfig for your personal preference.


    To make lifetime licenses worth using, I've also started to work on regenerating wrecks so you don't run out of scrapmetal after a while but this will go into 1.4+.




  6. Well better posted in the wrong spot than not at all :)

    Dirty & Me are actually working together back & forth on those two mods, so it was only semi-wrong anyway.

    I will take a closer look at my current version to and see if there's any other issues I overlooked when testing.


    Want to get more stuff done for lifetime license anyway (+ regenerating scrapyards to support lifetime licenses)

  7. ScrapyardPlus


    Your salvaging ops are longer then 60 minutes?

    You want to get something in return for grinding all the precious reputation?


    With ScrapyardPlus you can:

    • buy up to 8 hours total (depending on your reputation)
    • increment your current license in variable intervals from 5 minutes all the way up to 3 hours per order
    • get discounts for bulk orders and your current standing with the owner of the scrapyard
    • buy a personal license even as a member of an alliance
    • earn a lifetime-license for yourself or your alliance and never have to bother with buying an extension again (lifetime status is granted faction-wide!)
    • configure all important things to suit your (or your servers) needs




    - download & extract the mod into %AppData%\Avorion\mods\ folder on Windows or ~/.avorion/mods/ on Unix-based systems


    - done



    Default Config



    -- general

    ScrapyardPlus.enableDebug = false -- [Default: false] Enable/Disable detailed log output

    ScrapyardPlus.alliancePriceFactor = 4.5 -- [Default: 4.5] How much alliances have to pay more for a salvaging license

    ScrapyardPlus.pricePerMinute = 175 -- [Default: 175] Price per one minute of salvaging


    -- timers / announcements

    ScrapyardPlus.advertisementTimer = 120 -- [Default: 120] Time (in seconds) when the scrapyard will spam the system with "get a license now"

    ScrapyardPlus.expirationTimeNotice = 600 -- [Default: 600] Time (in seconds) at which the first reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out

    ScrapyardPlus.expirationTimeWarning = 300 -- [Default: 300] Time (in seconds) at which the second reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out

    ScrapyardPlus.expirationTimeCritical = 120 -- [Default: 120] Time (in seconds) at which the third reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out

    ScrapyardPlus.expirationTimeFinal = 30 -- [Default: 30] Time (in seconds) at which the FINAL reminder will be send to players/alliances about their license running out


    -- lifetime

    ScrapyardPlus.allowLifetime = true -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable the ability to get lifetime salvaging licenses

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeRepRequired = 100000 -- [Default: 100000] Minimum required reputation before you start to gather experience towards lifetime

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeExpTicks = 1000 -- [Default: 1000] Actions (in ticks) after the player/alliance will get experience

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeExpRequired = 100000 -- [Default: 100000] Amount of experience to unlock lifetime-license

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeExpFactor = 0.75 -- [Default: 0.75] Factor to de-/increase the base experience calculation

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeAllianceFactor = 0.5 -- [Default: 0.5] Factor to de-/increase the amount an alliance will get compared to a player

    ScrapyardPlus.lifetimeExpBaseline = 7 -- [Default: 7] Base value of experience that's always granted


    -- high traffic system

    ScrapyardPlus.highTrafficChance = 0.3 -- [Default: 0.3] Chance that a discovered system is regenerative

    ScrapyardPlus.enableRegen = true -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable the regeneration of wrecks inside a system

    ScrapyardPlus.regenSpawntime = 15 -- [Default: 15] Time (in minutes) how often new event will start to spawn wrecks


    -- events

    ScrapyardPlus.enableDisasters = false -- [Default: true] Enable/Disable events from the (G)lobal (O)rganization of (D)isasters

    ScrapyardPlus.disasterChance = 0.03 -- [Default: 0.03] Chance that something bad will happen

    ScrapyardPlus.disasterSpawnTime = 20 -- [Default: 30] Time (in minutes) how often it's checked if bad things will happen







    Solo player after getting his first license


    Alliance pilot with a normal reputation


    Nearly reached lifetime status but lost reputation before finishing it (old version)


    Finally reached lifetime status (old version)







    - extend your current license instead of overwriting it

    - longer maximum duration for your license

    - reputation based benefits (max duration and discount)

    - flexible duration selection via slider

    - add support for mod-configuration

    - split the license system into private & alliance so you can buy a personal one even if you are in an alliance

    - lifetime license

    - regenerating wrecks / events to support lifetime licenses



    - polishing current implementation with more texts, events, interactions



    As I was not satisfied with the current salvaging-license model, I got to work and learned a bit of lua and modified the original script.

    So far you can stack your licenses, so if you buy 5 minutes two times, you get 10 minutes total.

    As this is my first mod for Avorion apart from some small private things here and there, don't expect the cleanest code in the world but I did my best to test it on my local machine and my dedicated server and haven't encountered anything game-breaking so far.

    It's available at GitHub if someone wants to contribute.


    Constructive feedback what I could change/implement/extend upon or fix in case you find a bug is more than welcome!


    Project-URL: https://github.com/ctcDNightmare/avorion-scrapyardplus


    Shoutout to Dirtyredz - We're working together on each others mods now and without him I wouldn't have gotten into publishing this mod at all.





    Version 2.1.0 "immunogenetical-transfashion"

    • fix issues with alliance license
    • add spawning of new wrecks in high-traffic systems (*finally!*)
    • add new icons for solo & alliance licenses
    • add more translations
    • enable high traffic systems by default


    Version 2.0.0 "xenomorphic-cobblestone"

    • steam workshop integration is here!
    • updated vanillacode to 0.26.x


    Version 1.4.1 "profanatory-narcotisation"

    • added travis.ci chain
    • updated vanillacode to 0.19.x
    • removed duplicated vanilla code
    • refactored code-structure
    • split config and modinfo
    • added more testcases


    Version 1.3.2 "kangaroolike-bowman"

    • fixed selling of ship
    • updated for 0.17 (works with 0.19.x as well
    • code-documentation


    Version 1.3.1 "unassimilable-demodulator"

    • fixed lifetime initialization on newly discovered scrapyards


    Version 1.3.0 "preelementary-reptile"

    • restructured file-layout
    • changed nicerNumbers helper to vanilla equivalent
    • refactored modConfig
    • add lifetime license feature


    Version 1.2.1 "bushless-intimidation"

    • port of vanilla functions from 0.14.2
    • add missing getUpdateInterval() & onCloseWindow()


    Version 1.2.0 "purebred-terrestrial"

    • buy personal licenses even as alliance member
    • fixed vanilla notifications
    • notify all online members of an alliance if time is running out
    • pricePerMinute and alliancePriceFactor are now configurable
    • add clickable coordinates to notifications


    Version 1.0.0 "preantiseptic-lingual"

    • variable maxDuration based on reputation
    • revamped UI with discounts for bulk-order & reputation
    • bought time is added to current one instead of overwriting it




    AWS Release Mirror




    DNightmare out!



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