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Posts posted by RadiantFlux

  1. So, I have collected five of the artifacts and am struggling to find or get the others. So I have not passed the barrier yet.


    The AI simply refuses to spawn for me, the smuggler ... well, I had all the cargo collected ... finally! ... and then I crashed into the border of a nasty jump gate and exploded. Then I was fed up with that task. I have found three coordinates of Project exodus but have not visited the locations yet.....


    mostly because they send me back into even more boring space.


    I am simply currently so overpowered that anything I encounter or do is rather boring.

    I fought the M.A.D boss and yea, he did lower my shields a bit ... and then died quickly.


    The only ship I currently have even half a smile for when I encounter it is the Priest of the sect who worship the asteroids. That one at least does not explode when I look at it. And it is my only source of Ogonite.


    I will take a break from Avorion at this point and wait for a future patch where hopefully there is a new level of difficulty that is WAY higher than what the highest is right now.


    Here my ship with it's stats, btw:



    Have a great time!



  2. Here my list.

    Some are clear bugs, some might be features but feel like bugs to me.


    * When entering a jump gate and holding down a strafe-directional button (for example strafe left) that strafe key input is locked in when exiting the jump gate in a new sector. The only way to get rid of it seems to be to enter build mode. So when exiting the jump gate the ship accelerates sideways endlessly, which can be quite devestating.


    * When I place turrets on my ship and then "override" the turret upgrade with some other upgrade all turrets stay on my ship. WIth this bug I am able to equip all ship slots with turret upgrades, place all the turrets I like and after having placed as many turrets as the ship can possibly hold I put shield upgrades into each slot (drag and drop over the existing turret upgrade to replace) and then I have a no-tradeoff super heavy hitting ship with all upgrades for example with shields, basically making me even more OP than I already am.


    * Starting at a certain ship size the "docking" prompt often does not appear ... probably because the distance to the chip center is calculated instead of the distance to the boundary of the ship?


    * When fighting an enemy the most effective thing to do is to equip a single Salvage laser (or have a squad of salvage fighters attack the same target) in order to salvage the ship as if all guns where salvage guns. A single hit with the salvage laser makes the block on destroy react as if it was salvaged instead of blown to bits by twenty railguns.

    This might be intentional and I actually like it the way it is now, but as this makes it unnecessary to collect and trade-off guns VS salvaging lasers I guess it is not intentional.


    * When docked to stations quite often all strafing directions are completely unresponsive until the ship receives some forward motion input.


    * I keep getting the Brotherhood artifact mission over and over again. I have the Artifact no.5 now 6 times in my inventory.

  3. Currently ships do not break when colliding.


    I have a ship that has two "arms" left and right. My right arm hits an asteroid with high speed and I would expect that arm to break off or partially shatter ..... but instead my whole ship gets a damage calculation applied to its entirety.


    Yea ... I just died because of such a situation. I clipped just the fraction of a side at 3000 m/s.

    Instead of instand death I would very much have expected and rather hoped for just having my entire "wing" burst off.


    I don't know how difficult it is to calculate damage this way, but to have it rather splinter off the parts that would physically be affected instead of killing the entire ship would be a nice thing imho. :)

  4. Yesterday I encountered a ring of asteroids with a circle of big ships that had a minable asteroid in the middle. When I started mining their asteroid the ships attacked me ...... And this was the first fight in a long time that was actually not too one-sided. They all had guns that had massive shield penetration so my hull went down faster than my shield. Some of the ships even had Ogonite components. (The first I have encountered because I have not yet crossed the border to the center)


    I did win the fight without much sweat, but they did indeed manage to get my hull down to about 50% health which was rather amazing! (While my shield was still at about 70%)


    But here again I noticed that the high durability of the building blocks on the ships are a problem.

    One of the ships had a clear weak-spot that would have allowed to break it in half, so I attacked that spot with high precision trying to break that intersection ..... not a chance. Before the block broke, the ship was out of health and just exploded.


    I really really really think that this game would benefit from two things very, very much:


    1) Much lower durability increase when using integrity field generators. (3x more instead of 10x)


    I believe this would have the great effect that HOW we build our ships and HOW we attack enemies would gain much importance and tactics. Currently it does not truly matter where I really hit a target. But if I could properly kill off specific sections of the ship, break them in bits more effectively instead of just blowing off the odd thruster here and there ... that would be MUCH nicer and give maneuverability of ships a much finer and better edge.



    2) Long streaks of survival areas that have no repair and build options.


    Basically have vast areas of space (that can be recognized like the areas a faction controls) that only allow for jumps up to five fields (Or 30% of current max range) which do not allow for repair options other than normal mechanic health. (In those areas you cannot build new blocks onto the ship and cannot replace blocks that have been shot off.)


    I had a situation like this exactly once and it was great, fantastic fun!

    I got into several big fights and sustained larger damage than usual. A few bits and pieces had broken off my ship.

    I did not have much money so I could not repair on the fly but I also did not want to turn back to the last set of stations. So I continued.

    Of the next seven jumps I six landed me in hostile areas. Pirates or factions with stations that hated me.

    It was great!

    The faction destroyers came and came and came and I fought and fought and fought.


    I won all encounters but could still not repair. Jump after Jump after Jump.

    And my ship at the end looked like a battered little thing that was still going strong despite it all.

    And when I reached a repair station and could sell all my loot and repair ... it was like coming home vitorious after a true survival battle with the scars to prove it.


    This was one of the greatest moments in this game by far.

    Actually feeling that my ship design was so good, my thruster placements and redundancy systems placed so well that my ship was able to fly and fight even when a third of it was missing .... it was truly great. That was the one moment where I really felt that my ship design and all the effort I put into it had mattered.


    I want more of this.

    Much more.


    Please? :)




  5. Update: I am now at the edge of the boundary for which I need the artifacts.


    My ship now has 9 upgrade slots and is a monster.

    The average bounty-hunter is dead before my fighters have finished deploying.


    The average pirate dies after two shots.


    I am seriously overpowered at this point and have started killing stations of factions that don't like me, harvesting hundreds of thousands of materials that way.


    I am still playing on highest difficulty.

    Most attacks on my ship result in a reduction of my shield down by maybe 20% at worst, if even that. It has been a long time since I was worried in any way. Just to mention: My hull has as many hitpoints as my shield.





  6. First things first:

    After many hours of playing I must say that Avorion is a lot of fun overall.


    My current progress, so you know how well I know the game:

    I am playing the game on the highest difficulty setting (Insane) in singleplayer.

    I am in the middle of the Trinium area of the galaxy and have just finished upgrading all my ships parts from Titanium to Trinium and just added fighter hangars.


    My main ship has 7 upgrade slots without computer-core and is heavy! (I will add a screenshot of its stats later)

    I have a fleet of two ships.


    • Ship for combat (Main, 7 slots)
    • Ship for Mining (Secondary, 6 slots)





    The good:

    • I love ship-building and design. The editor is good and for someone like me who uses Blender3D a lot quite intuitive. :D
    • The differences jumping from one sector to another are fun. The moment when I first found a wreckage-field was great, for example.
    • The upgrades-system is nice and collecting loot is fun.
    • Progression in the game feels well earned.
    • Different gun types, the upgrade system and all are really nice.


    To improve:

    • Ship AI is highly ineffective at times. My mining ship was wasting lots and lots of time not mining, but oddly flying around the asteroid instead of pointing the lasers towards it.
    • Some building materials such as the computer-core seem pointless and do not scale well with progression. With my current ship I would need a computer core-block that is almost as big as my current ship to add just one more upgrade slot.
    • My biggest wish would be to have ships get more damaged. For example by reducing the effect of the structural integrity field to double or at most triple durability instead of ten-times the durability. I would very much prefer to see my ship properly damaged and falling apart in intense combat instead of losing one or two small odd parts and then the ship health is gone and the whole ship explodes before any proper damage can even be noticed. If ship parts where more prone to falling off shield penetrating guns would have more use and it would promote well designed ship component placements for extra redundancy.
    • I cannot stress this point enough. Making blocks more prone to get blasted off would make building a ship with good function in its design and layout WAY more interesting and important than it is now. To build a ship that can keep going even when half of it is gone … that is something I want during battle way more often than currently is the case. But maybe that kind of gameplay will happen more often when I reach the “railgun” area of space? I very much hope so.


    Thanks for making a great game.





    My ship:


  7. Ah yes, I see.

    Indeed, such thruster behaviour is indeed better for more visual design freedom.

    Well, in that case I would like to have it as a toggle, just like collision damage and such. :P


    But until then I'll just pretend that all thrusters are simply gravitational or something like that and design my ships with more freedom now. ;)

  8. Hi,

    I'm RadiantFlux and stumbled over this game while looking for some sandbox game in space with self-made spaceships. :D


    So far Avorion fits my specs very well.

    Also I am very impressed that this game even runs well on my ancient Zenbook! Incredible.


    I have many questions, like, for example, if there is a persistent gigant universe planned in one way or another? Jumping with most of ones flee to some other quadrant that might be inhabited by another plaer or so. A bit like Homeworld once was. :D


    But I have to try the current multiplayer first, I guess. ;)


    Anyway, glad to have found this game.

  9. Hi,


    I am unsure where I should post this, so I hope this does not count as double post. :) (I'm new)


    I would love it if blocking thrusters would have consequences, so that smart ship design is rewarded even more.

    That thrusters currently work exactly as before no matter how much material is stuffed right on top of them just feels very wrong to me and makes ship designing for me too simple - relatively speaking.



  10. Hi all.


    I am totally new and have built three ships so far.

    And I had real fun building them. :D


    WIth those ships I took painstakingly care that all thrusters have at least two blocks space "free" in their firing direction and when I built something on top of a thruster directly, I expected those thrusters to simply be gone or inactive on the blocked wall...


    Now I noticed that blocking off thrusters does absolutely nothing as it seems. The ship can maneuver and fly just the same, no matter what material is over the thruster.


    I googled this a bit and have read different posts, some stating it is just unfinished, other that it is intentional, other again even said it is a bug.


    Now, if it is a intentional design thing, then I find it not quite so good because for me a big part of the design fun is to create ships that I design  with intelligent thruster placements. Such intelligent placement now is no longer necessary because I can just plainly put them anywhere I like, which is quite a downgrade from what I thought was the case.


    Is there any intent on giving us the option to make thrusters like this:

    - Need at least block 2 spaces free in their direct thrust direction

    - Are completely inactive when built over directly.


    That would be fantastic. :)


    Another thing I was wondering about is ship health.

    Please correct me if I understand it wrong, but as it seems no matter how much redundancy I put into my ship the ship dies even if most of the vital systems are still there. It dies because it used up its total pool of healthpoints, not because the vital systems all have been destroyed.


    I would like to have a mode that allows for the ship to not have just a total health pool, but rather one where we have to define specific ship components that are the "core" components that have a minimum relative size and have to sdtay connected with eachother. So if the ship breaks apart at a specific point and too many of the core components are no longer connected then the ship goes boom/critical. The amount of core components could be defined by ship mass like the extension slots.


    Something like that, maybe?


    Ah, well, the thruster thing would be more important to me. ;)


    Great and fun game you guys are creating here.

    Now enough typing, more playing. :D


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