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Posts posted by douglasg14b

  1. Just made some factories, logged off, then came back to an AI cargo ship stuck beside every one of my factories/mines. Some several Km away, some within their tractor-beam range.


    While these traders are here, no others come to trade with the factories.


    I've tried bumping them, and removing and replacing all docks on the factories. On only a single factory, the "stuck" ship vanished after replacing all docks and a while later a new trader came, and continued the normal cycle. All other factories still have stuck traders.


    Some other reports:










    Reproduction Steps:


    This can be reproduced by unloading a sector while an AI trader is approaching a factory. They can be in the approaching stage, or in the tractor-beaming stage. When you load the sector again, the ships will be stuck, and no other trades will occur.



    Relevant Log Entry:


    I received this error once, and only once. I am not sure what triggered it, but I have been unable to get this error to show back up in the logs since it's first occurrence.


    2018-01-28 03-24-11| could not execute function 'updateServer' in '"data/scripts/entity/merchants/tradeship.lua"':
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 1) >= this->size() (which is 1)
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| 	[C]:-1: in function isDockFree
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| 	data/scripts/entity/ai/dock.lua:31: in function flyToDock
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| 	data/scripts/entity/ai/trade.lua:75: in function updateServerAI
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| 	data/scripts/entity/merchants/tradeship.lua:62: in function ?
    2018-01-28 03-24-11| Setting state to invalid.

  2. I made a few changes to this mod if you want to integrate any. Instead of modifying the types of fields directly, I added a few variables to control the size of asteroids, as well as the resource probability. I feel like this makes for a cleaner asteroid field, and makes it somewhat configurable by the player.


    You can now set resource asteroids to be a certain multiplier bigger, and non-resource ones to be a different multiplier.



  3. Followed the advice in another thread to find where the beacons where:


    /run package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua"; local OperationExodus = require("story/operationexodus"); local a, b, c, d = unpack(OperationExodus.getCornerPoints()); print (a.x, a.y); print (b.x, b.y); print (c.x, c.y); print (d.x, d.y);


    Finally jumped to the sector, and the sector would not load, and was just hung, I disconnected. When I try and reconnect it just says the server is unavailable after a minute or "connecting".... Others can still connect and play normally on the server.


    Logs say the following right when I went to jump:


    2018-01-20 21-28-14| Authentication failed for user 76561198011400305. Reason: Authentication ticket was canceled.

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| Authentication error for 76561198011400305: Authentication ticket was canceled.

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| <> The Nav-Computer is calculating the jump route. Please stand by.

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| Creating sector at (158:31)

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| <> The Nav-Computer is calculating the jump route. Please stand by.

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| sector (452:-418) saved to "C:\Avorion\Galaxies\MoocherGalaxy\sectors\452_-418"

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| Generating new content for sector (158:31)

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| scheduled save for sector (460:-405), 0x14033e60, entities: 0

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| saving sector (460:-405)

    2018-01-20 21-28-14| sector (460:-405) saved to "C:\Avorion\Galaxies\MoocherGalaxy\sectors\460_-405"

    2018-01-20 21-28-15| Ending authentication session of 76561198011400305


    The above problem was corrected after a server restart.

  4. Typically if I was to think of a mod loader, it would be able to:


    -- Load files into their appropriate directories 
    -- Manage file merges (mod inserts code into an existing file)
    -- Handles and warns of conflicts during merges
    -- Handles mod dependencies (Mod B requires Mod A...etc) [i would optional this until we have an official mod repository]
    -- Can be used without installing 3rd party libraries/SDKs/frameworks [This may be unrealistic given cross-platform compatibility. I would personally use .NET Core with all necessary dependencies packed with the executable with separate builds per supported OS]

  5. added your scripts to our server and made some minor changes: removed some debugging messages, added some new ones like print(" difficulty=" .. difficulty .. " scale=" .. scale .. " count=" .. count)


    Using this as part of eventscheduler.lua and it's nice to be able to tweak everything (on the fly!) for more advanced players seeking more challenge.


    All seems to be working well!


    Looking forward to what you come up with next


    You have no idea how exciting it is to hear that it is in use and modified to work for you! Especially the event scheduler integration, which really lets you customize how hard your pirate events can be. I should probably remove some of the debug messages though, goodness knows how many of those are kicking around.


    If you have any requests or ideas, please let me know! Aliens are next :D

  6. Update to v1.3




    v1.3 Changes how parameters work and are parsed.


    You will now need to enter the actual parameter names you wish to use, such as --player or --count. The reason for this change it to allow for more optional parameters, and the entry of out of order parameters.


    /spawnpirates douglasg14b 5 10 5

    Changes to:

    /spawnpirates --player douglasg14b --diff 5 --scale 10 --count 5


    Please let me know what you think, and provide good or bad feedback here so I can make improvements.

  7. Enemy Spawning caused Servers to lag. We had to reduce our Alienatack.lua to become the Server stable.

    Use enemy spawners with caution .


    If you spawn AI on AI to attack each other, there seems to be performance issues, which is unrelated to this mod. You can often see this with faction battles. I've been able to test this with up to 25 pirates with only marginal performance impact, maybe your hardware is not up to snuff?

  8. Question, will forcing tougher enemies allow for better drops? This seems amazing so I want to try anyways lol


    Edit: yep.. best mod ever lmao. Can't wait for the alien version!


    Did a 75 / 35 / 5 and was fighting 400-500k hp enemies.. dropped tech 52 stuff! Was great! lol .. need to do this during a faction war and 25 enemies! haha!


    The higher the difficulty the higher the material and tech level of the ships and their weapons. Though if you ever want to use it, but not provide you or others with advanced modules, you can leave the difficulty at 0 and it will chose the default difficulty for your sector.

  9. Hey,


    Suggestion from a web-dev here on your mod-list site, it's trying to be way too "glamorous" at a significant UX cost.


    • The animated background is slow to load and distracting from the content
    • The animated background covers up content with similar colors periodically
    • It plays sound, I thought we where over this 1/2 a decade ago It's like a hidden advertisement you can't mute
    • The full-width navbar is unwieldy, as you need to scan all the way to the edge of the page to find content, this actively makes it harder for readers to quickly digest what is infront of them. Especially combined with the animation and navbar obstruction via background colors.
    • The full-width navbar does not fit without horizontal scrolling even on 1920*1080 screens


    Nothing against you, I just wanted to highlight some issues with the site as far as usability goes so it can hopefully be taken into account

  10. I was initially trying to add a command to the defaultAuthorizationGroup so anyone could use it, but the admin.xml file is being overwritten every time the server restarts, so I have no idea how to do this.


    The alternative, since this is just a test server, was to give admin to the users I need to test this with. I've been trying the /admin command with no success, I just get back:


    [pre]<Server> 0 [] added to administrator list[/pre]


    I'm trying:

    /admin -a playerName

    /admin -add playerName

    /admin -add --name playerName

    /admin -add [playerName]

    /admin -add [ --name playerName]


    How do I add an admin to the server and how do I set up new commands in the admin.xml file without it being overwrittne on server start?

  11. I am not sure about drop rates, but harder spawns are definitely possible. You could replace the default pirate spawns in eventscheduler.lua (scripts/player) with my script and a few parameters.


    This line:

    {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "piratehunter", to = 560},


    Could be replaced with:


    {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "cmd/spawnpirates", arguments = {0, 5, 5}, to = 560},


    This would spawn a wave of 5 pirates, with a volume scale multiplier of 5 over the default. The volume scale multiplayer will also increase their DPS.


    or even


    {schedule = random():getInt(60, 80) * 60, script = "cmd/spawnpirates", arguments = {0, random():getInt(3, 10), random():getInt(3, 7)}, to = 560},


    This would spawn 3 to 7 pirates with a volume scale multiplier between 3 and 10.

  12. There are concerns that need to be addressed regarding voting on mods. Where do you do hold vote? How do you reduce exposure bias (Mere-exposure effect)? Some mods are great for servers, and not so much individual players, there is a much smaller "voter base" for these, even if more people actually use it on a daily basis.


    As a developer, part of the joy of writing a mod is getting people to use and enjoy your code while bringing in thoughts, suggestions, and ideas of how it can be improved and added to. That is reward enough for me. The code becoming a permanent part of the game if you win the vote eliminates that "reward", since I can no longer make changes, implement suggestions, and take user feedback to improve my "product". Obviously I don't speak for all devs, and that is only my opinion.







  13. Hey Tarantel,


    I've updated the name and description of my pirate attack wave spawner if you don't mind updating that here!


    A suggestion for this list. Can we start categorizing mods to make discovery a bit easier?

  14. Large update!

    • Changed the command and parameter structure.
    • Did away with hard coded difficulties and created a more dynamic and configurable spawning system
    • Added ability to spawn pirates on another player!


    An alternative use for this could be to provide more aggressive random events. Instead of using the built-in pirate script you could use this one for the pirate events instead to provide more configurable attacks on your server, or even novel triggers for custom battles!


    Please let me know what you think of the balancing, and if you recommend any changes or tweaks. As usual, if you notice any issues or concerns, let me know here.



    • Better parameters. Ability to use --player or --difficulty and other parameters out of order or not at all
    • Ability to spawn aliens


    Note: This mod does not need to be installed on clients, it is a server only mod for you server managers out there.

  15. Simply because I'm abrasive but I never meant to be condescending. I'm sorry if you see it that way. Yeah, I said it is a "table" but in which context? The whole explanation is in my two previous posts, also something to clear it up below.


    All good, looks like it was just a misunderstanding. I come from a pretty professional environment, so I'm often taken aback by abrasiveness if I'm not expecting it.


    I think it is somehow similar to Params in C# (in terms of function parameters), if that helps you. Also brackets don't change what function returns. You could see it that way:

    local function foo()

      return 1, 2, 3


    local a = foo() -- a == 1; 2 and 3 are gone

    local a,b,c = foo() -- a == 1, b == 2, c == 3

    local t = {foo()} -- t is a table: {1, 2, 3}

    local t = {0, foo()} -- t is a table: {0, 1, 2, 3}

    -- next one is tricky:

    local t = {foo(), 4} -- t is a table: {1, 4}


    I think this code should cover most of the cases.


    I see. For clarity the Params in C# just lets you pass a variable number of parameters or arguments into a function, I think it's similar to luas ... in a function call. In my area of familiarity you would never be able to do return 1,2,3,4 unless the language would automatically create an array or some sort of object like [1,2,3,4] in which case you would get an array back and would index it or loop through it for your value.


    The behavior you just illustrated is novel for me. I'll let you know the results when I'm back home.

  16. i see all the pirates are the same faction, is it posible to make it random ?


    It's based off the same pirate sector attack mechanics as the random event. It uses the pirate faction in the area of space you are in. It would technically be possible to get a random pirate faction, but I wouldn't want it to do that by default. There could be another argument for the random factions.


    maybe a suggestion to make some timebased waves? maybe every hour a massive waves as an event spawning one ore more waves at once. time surely adjustable. could be a big threat in a peacful galaxy XD


    That would probably be a different kind of mod, that just changes the regular events.


    Did I say it returns table? Read again what I wrote: it returns Player.... I even made that bold. Look at the code I gave you and notice {}. If you catch vararg without {} into a variable (local players = Server():getOnlinePlayers()) then you will get only first Player object, which is of type "userdata".


    Why are you being so abrasive/condescending? That does not seem warranted at all, especially coming from a moderator. You said that it is a --table of players, so I interpreted that as it being a table in your context.


    I mentioned that I am not familiar with Lua to set a precident so you could hopefully forgive some ignorance of code structure, syntax, and common language structures/definitions. I was not aware that the squiggly brackets surrounding the functioncall would change what it returns, I come from a C# and JavaScript environment and that is not a behavior I am familiar with.


    That being said, I will try this again when I am home, thank you.

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