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Posts posted by gn_leugim

  1. well, in ordinary arithmetic, the number 0 does not have a sign, so that −0, +0 and 0 are identical. In fact, -0 or +0 will be regarded as wrong if you use them in many different contexts. I know that in programming it may represent different things and as such, it may be the reason that it displays there in the first place.


    however, one thing is the programming language, other is the UI data displayed, and there it should abide the rules as described above, so, I thing it should be corrected to "0" and not be "-0"

  2. Nice work Dino,


    I am thinking in doing a statistics ananlisys on them, so you could see them with numbers, but will take me a while.


    I tried to "cheat" my way in to do so by changing, in a test server, the Server.ini lines:




    In doing so I though I would make get bt  loads of turrets, together with the "spawn pirates" comand... but guess what, it does not work :\ drop rates are still the same. any idea whY?


  3. Some of them are already on game. like:


    1.1 Rail gun

    3. Missile

    6. TracKtor.  (kinda)


    Some of the suggestions are ok, but donno how if can be implemented.


    Regarding weapons, I would like to see some standardization, as right now, thy are very random, and is quite impossible to get a set of weapons on a ship with 2 weapons alike. some have more rate of fire, others dmg, other range, etc etc...

  4. Two things I would like to suggest:


    1- a instant toggle button for changing to rts type map back and forward, without the need to zoom in and out all the way in;


    2- being able to rotate the camara in the rts map.


    is it possible?

  5. I believe I am facing the same thing again, but this time I guess I know what has happened:


    1- Had ship with no cargo blocks. Equipped a storage upgrade to add +285 (+/-) cargo capacity

    2- stole some cargo and pick it up.

    3- flew some sectors and then logged out.

    4- Exit game

    5- in other day, open the game and load the galaxy




    The cargo I had on my ship was on the space around the ship.


    And I believe that it was when the cargo was "pickable" again that the game crashed, AvorionServer still running. I was still on the middle of the cargo cloud.


    It might have happened the same on the previous crash, as I started to happen after picking up some cargo with an upgraded cargo ship.


    There's the log attached to post.




    I tried something else:


    1- loaded the galaxy and when I am loaded into the game, I move my ship out of the cargo cloud.

    2- jump into other sector

    3- jump back to initial sector

    4- move into the "cargo cloud" and as soon I start to pick up cargo, game crashes, AvorionServer still running.


    I checked in all sectors, the upgrade system was there and in the ship's properties, it said 285 cargo capacity, and the it was empty too.



  6. How can we (if possible) change the of our ships?? I though it might be possible by opening and editing the players .dat file, though I haven't tried it yet, but it could be awesome if one could do it in-game.


    Also, how do you upgrade a station? from S to L or something like it.

  7. I guess I'm the biggest Space Strategy nut?


    Master of Orion (originals only so far...)

    Sword of the Stars I

    AI War (There's a second one coming out! :o )

    Homeworld (mainly the first game remastered)

    Supreme Commander (first one)

    Total Annihilation (Planetary Annihilation is iffy)

    Sins of a Solar Empire

    And i cant decide which X game... 2 or 3?


    I also play TA from times to times. Do you play with any mod? like TA Esc.?

    As for SupCom, no FA? if yes, are you part of FAF community? :)

  8. The situation I like this the most is when you go to a sctor with a distress code, and it is a fake one, and they say: "ah ah our decoy worked, you are as good as a dead maggot", or something like it. Then you look at them, and they are just pathetic compared to you, and still, they attack you as if they had a chance... honestly, if it was realistic, when they would see me, ans specially taking one of them in one second or so, they would hyperdrive out. that's what I would do at least if I was one of those pirates XD

  9. Hi again,


    So, i'm kinda hopeless here and I have started to play a new galaxy, as mine is currently corrupted.


    Not sure how it happened, all I remember is that the game started to crash and leave the Avorionserver process running in the background.


    Before that, I was destroying a trading station, and my cargo ship got the cargo t dropped, and, as I hadn't enough room for it, I equipped a cargo system to increase its cargo capacity.  It didn't work well, because no extra cargo entered the ship though.


    Now, every time I start a session, I load the galaxy, upon loading I hear an explosion sound, I have some cargo around me, it plays for a couple of seconds, and then the game window shuts down, with the avorionserver still running on the task manager, which I have to "terminate process" in order to start Avorion again.


    I leave here two logs of those sessions, maybe they can help out. they have some weird lines, regarding turrets in asteroids(??), and update version from 0.0 to 0.1. but I can't  make sense of it.


    I wish I could give you more details on this, but can't. I can give you the galaxy folder if you think is worth to take a look.


    Best regards,





  10. COmmunity is yet small and therefore, not many people sharing their screenshots. But for me, one of the main things regarding this game is ship building. You build your ship, then go out and try it, you find it's flaws, mod it to fix those flaws, and then you move on, and it gets a bit weaker, and you improve it, and test it, until you decide to build a new one, and repeat the cycle again :p


    I have myself over a dozen of ship models, although I am playing with three or so. I give them class names as well. Currently I use the Atlanticum Mod4, Mediterranium Mod2 and India Mod2, for minning, combat and trading, respectively. Maybe I get some Screenshots of them to share when back home.

  11. I agree on taking them out...I can see many rage quits on steam if they were left in.


    I could understand them in a boss level..but not in a ordinary sector.


    In a boss level? can you imagine, your travelling with a unarmed, unarmoured ship and suddenly a boss spawns.  and you can't get away from it. that would be good reason to rage quit lol

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