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Posts posted by Ulrich_Rüstungjäger

  1. I recently sent one of my ships at the request of the devs so they could have a have a look at the issue with certain turrets not firing. Sd o hopefully they can figure something out, cause I like my hidden torps.

  2. I feel it has to do with the turrets hitbox clipping inside of another blocks hitbox which triggers a flag to be thrown on repair of the ship.  Seeing as it's only very specific areas that are giveing me issues. I'm further convinced it's something to to with hitboxes because on the custom turrets slightly clip through the area I have them mounted, as well as the green bounding box clipping through as well. Like I said I will post a vid when I return from work, and I will also save both states the ship is in.

  3. Can you reproduce? This is a very old issue that have never been fixed. Got it by myself sometimes, but could never reproduce though. If you can reproduce please let us know how.


    I can reproduce with 100%accuracy, and am pretty sure the Musai class I have on the WS is the version that can (there are hardpoints on the nacelles that you can place turrets on) they will vanish. As soon as I get home from werk I will attempt to send a gif or a video.

  4. As the title says, this is a bug that effects turrets what are placed in a valid area.


    With the new beta branch out this now effects custom turrets as well now so I thought I should bring this up again. Currently 2 of my ships are subject to this issue one of which uses custom turrets, and I'm certain it has something to do with the the collision of the guns hitbox and the blocks surrounding it.


    If any dev sees this and want known ships this works on please contact me and I will gladly provide the ships and turrets that are causing the issue.

  5. Been quite some time, but seeing as the new beta branch was released I felt it was about time to resurrect this shipyard.


    The ship you see here is a Chivvey class high speed cruiser, meant for breaking through enemy blockades so it can engage the targets from behind. Equipped with 2(or 3) massive triple barrel cannons, numerous AA cannons and 12 torpedo tubes this ship can take a chunk out of an enemy fleet.






  6. Sweet update all, turret building brings alot to the game now.


    I did notice alot of lag in the build mode when using larger templates. It happened when I was trying to place some of my premade thruster bells in a recessed area of the ship. I tested on other areas and think it could  be the shadows trying to project onto the not yet placed part

  7. Since the AI ships are randomly generated you do have a chance to be fast enemies. Although most of the time they are just the enemies we normally see I have encountered AI that can get up to 500-600M/s. While you may not consider that fast with your 5000m/s ship with an acceleration value of 1000  this is indeed very fast for the AI, and I have been caught off guard by them numerous times.

  8. https://gyazo.com/429be1c4c64c208493d7951c757a7057


    While it's not a server log, it does show what people are referring to.  I really don't think it is the server not being able to keep up, but rather something to do with the position of either the ship or the weapons themselves.  While the gif I posted doesn't show it I unloaded the entirety of both railguns onto the target until they overheated with no effect. I then moved around to the back of the target, fired and did damage.

  9. /What even was a negative space ship?


    I'm not much of an expert on them, but I believe  they were ships that were edited via the xml file to have negative values, hence the "negative". This basically made the ship indestructible.  They were normally used in conjunction with hologram blocks to give the ship more areas to place turrets (also been fixed)


    haha nice try. but i am not cheating.


    Never said you were(although your remark makes me even more suspicious), I was just asking a simple question if you were useing them because I find it strange that all of your ships just vanished while no one else has had this issue. All if my ships are perfectly fine, and the server I am on we had no issues either.

  10. I have this happen sometimes as well. Railgun shots don't register to one or two enemies but if you widdle the numbers down to just a single entity the railguns damage registers again.


    Can comfirm the wormhole guardian has fits of ignoring railgun damage completely.


    I will have to disagree with that, I had one hostile left during a fight and my rails were stilll ineffective. Although I did notice something...interesting... I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I found that rolling the ship made the rails work again.

  11. /What even was a negative space ship?


    I'm not much of an expert on them, but I believe  they were ships that were edited via the xml file to have negative values, hence the "negative". This basically made the ship indestructible.  They were normally used in conjunction with hologram blocks to give the ship more areas to place turrets (also been fixed)

  12. Adjusted balancing of loot-range boosters

    Lower energy, better scaling with rarity, lower price per range

    Changed name of loot-range boosters to something a little more immersive


    OR you can remove it entirely, and make it a type of BLOCK instead! that would make MORE sense.


    Definitely NOT.


    Blocks do always mean bigger is better, making huge ships even more OP. No thanks. Just take 6 less 500k omicron turrets and use an upgrade...


    To be fair, the only ships that should really need to use the range upgrades are 15 slot  PLANET CLASS ships that cant navigate roid fields without taking massive damage from constantly hitting rocks or wreaks. And if your in one of them, let's be honest here, you can sacrifice one small slot.

  13. how to scale turret ?


    As far as I undestood it, you can't scale them yourself but find bigger ones which also take more slots. If you were enabled to choose a scaling in the turret factory, that would ne quite nice... (didn't test yet, does that work?)


    The scaleing is tied to how close to the core you are. Within Xanion teritory rail guns are always  size 2 from what I have seen and within avorion teritory they are always size 3. Certain weapons do not scale however, such as PDC and Flak. And yea, haveing the otion to choose a scale whilst building weapons from scratch would be nice.

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