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Posts posted by Coovargo

  1. It gets rough when you get ships that need a few thousand crewmen on board to keep it running. It would be nice for their to be a recruitment station where players can put in orders for basic recruits that will be fulfilled in much the same way shipyards fulfill orders for ship, player purchased stations or otherwise.  It would also simplify crewing new ships significantly.  It's fine in the beginning when you have a small ship and want to get skilled crewmen. Right now I just fly around in a ship with an obscene crew capacity clearing out the nearest 10 sectors.

  2. I never 'completed the quest'. I made the blocker, no update. I just decided to start a new quest with the bottan smugglers and when I got there I just used the blocker and had a new option in chat, destroy hyperdrive. I killed Bottan and was able to pick up the XSTN-K system upgrade, which was not visible. . At that point I got what I needed, but I never completed the quest or got any updates. As long as you have the system upgrade after the battle you can consider it done.

  3. There will be a safe period being adding to the game entering sectors.


    Be aware if you hold W A S or D during warp, your ship can accelerate all the way from the beginning of the loading screen in the new sector and physics will be enabled. You can be destroyed before your screen even comes up. I've had this happen with a capital ship with 600,000 hull. Warped holding w, and before the loading screen even came up I was destroyed on an asteroid in my home sector.

  4. I was in a salvaging sector and there was an AI just parked in the wreckage doing nothing. I went to salvage it, it exploded into a million pieces and I immediately lost 100K faction. They were not happy.


    I also can't gain faction with them because the way that faction from combat is bugged for this faction in my game.

  5. I haven't had any issue with turrets falling off my ship. Early on I would mount them on open hull and they would get blown off. My new ships have mounting blocks that extend all the way to the back of the ship and only stick out the front a little.


    If you lose volume and system upgrades, you will not lose a turret. You will also not lose turrets if you remove a turret control system upgrade. They will simply cease to work.

  6. Copy your template to the build UI. You can do this by selecting your blocks, opening the build UI and going to the bottom where the templates are, and pressing CTRL+V over them. This might resolve your issue. Q allows scaling slowly, W is for fast and imprecise scaling. Even if you lose your ratios you should still be able to rescale them properly with A S D.

  7. The computer core block counts 5x for volume when it comes to calculations for system upgrades. Unfortunately the small multiplier exponential scale makes it rather useless for trying to get a benefit from it for anything but small ships.


    All computer core blocks are equal except mass and HP, none are currently better than another. If you're going to use them, use trinium, it's lightest. Make sure they're well protected behind armor.


    I hope this clears up your question fully.

  8. The elder scrolls doesn't sound great or even remotely interesting to me. Yet it's one of the most popular RPGs out there. Minecraft sounds like trash but people love  it. X doesn't even even sound like it means anything to anyone, yet it's one of the most popular space sim series RPG/Strategy/Combat/Traders out there.


    Avorion is a material within the game. It's something exotic, it's not mentioned anywhere. People will ask immediately what is that?


    People don't look at games for their title, otherwise why would people play games like Empyrion, SOMA, or Terraria. Generally speaking, games with the most outlandish or indistinguishable names catch the most attention. In my opinion Avorion is an excellent name for this game. I'm 30 and I've never judged a game by its title. I'll always at the very least look through screenshots first.

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