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Posts posted by Uthael

  1. If you can spare some cash and want to support the game further, buy more copies of the game!


    Make a lottery. Do a code give-away! Not only would you help funding the game, but would also bring more people to play it! That's like... Double-helping the game!


    I can't spare much but I've managed to saved some money for it. But I would also have loved to have recieved it for free. There's a lot of nice games I can't/won't buy  just because they cost money. And nice $-cosmetics in other free games.

    So, when you give a game away, it's not only helping the game, it's also helping some random person as well.

  2. I love the game! I hope it ends up as a simplifed version of FTD, optimized for multiplayer.


    Multiplayer is what I hope to enjoy (haven't played it much yet). And I hope the game sticks to that direction. Especially PvE content.


    Again, love the game. I've found a lot of flaws, exploits and potential improvements (I like finding that stuff). And I've made a lot of suggestions here, on the forums. Intended core gameplay was just a part of enjoyment.


    I don't regret a cent of what I've spent on the game and I hope the devs prioritize quality over release date. But some time limits are good for focusing :P

    I know it's incomparable, but take a look at this ("caveats" at the bottom):



  3. Nice idea!


    For start, why not just add sime into the game directly? There could be a toggle "Use player content for some ships"<->"Use randomly generated ships (based on seeds) everywhere".


    So, there could spawn a pirate faction which uses Star Wars' Empire ships/stations. Or some other random faction that uses random uncategorized ships.


    If it's for automatic implementation (as you suggested), users could tag their creations with a game or movie name and the game could pick some up from the shop by itsel, following those tags. Choice dependant on # of blocks used and rating (or # of downloads).


    I wouldn't really care if the Aerial aircraft carrier CZAR and the Heavy gunship Soul Ripper ended up on the same faction in-game. From Supreme Commander.

  4. Let's call it a "Warp gun". Desctiption: It tries to pull particles of your enemy.


    If the gun manages to "pull some particles" into itself, you get the same direction of knockback (hull hit). If it hits a shield, it pulls you towards each other.


    The energy drained is taken from your warp drive. If you just fired it, you can't jump. But it doesn't drain your battery. Warp drive does (if it's enabled).

  5. A lightning bolt dealing 1500 damage shouldn't be stopped by a rock-paper. The voltage should pierce right through. First, I thought "Add flat electrical damage reduction for each hit". In that case, tesla weapons would be sad.


    So, how about each Rock Armor block gets a "buffer" for electric damage? Dissipation rate depending on its volume and material. It starts taking damage after it's "full". But its dissipations still works even after it is full, reducing the damage taken. And if the DPS is smaller than dissipation, it's still invulnerable to electric.


    If you have all electric-based weapons on you, you'd eventually punch through. If you have "rainbow" weapons (just stacked on yourself whatever has highest DPS), your teslas get negated.



    I don't know if railguns have a "blocks pierced" stat yet. Regardless, 0.05 thickness of heavy armor shouldn't stop ARMOR PIERCING projectiles. Heck, not even regular, slower-firing bolters. Small bullets and anything that explodes is fine.


    Possible solutions:

    - Railguns could inflict a guaranteed amount of damage. If a block is destroyed, the damage travels on.

    - Composite Armor... Could reduce any piercing and explosion damage by a percentage before it takes a hit. 30%, 95%, or whatever in-between.

    - Amount of blocks pierced could be replaced with distance pierced, but that would have to take angles into account. Might be a problem to code.

  6. A weapon rework, eh? Here's my approach.

    1) Take all possible weapon effects.

    2) Delete redundant ones.

    3) Make a random weapon from these effects.


    Weapon's tech gives available weapon points

    Rarity also gives available weapon points. Multiplier? Flat?




    Many of the following categories shouldn't be a flat cost, but as a % of points invested in DPS. All numbers debatable and adjstable.


    Category Effect Point cost
    DPS (incl f.rate & cooldowns)
    For every 100 DPS 1
    0-1 km 0
    1-3.5 km 1
    3.5-5 km 2
    5-7 km 3
    7+ km 4
    projectile speed
    slow 0 rockets, cannons might have 1
    normal 2 machine guns
    fast/instant 4 railguns, beams
    Fire rate
    very slow 2 allows for hit & run alpha strikes, ignores cooldown point cost
    slow-normal 0 requires constant re-aiming
    fast-continous 2 keeping aim on the target is easier due to the damage stream
    Cooldowns or energy?
    firing time : cooldown time ratio = point cost, up to 4
    DPS : energy cost growth ratio = point cost, up to 4
    Independent targeting
    no 0
    homing on target X scales with turn radius and DPS
    yes 4
    Additional effects
    Accuracy - X Should scale with surface of the sphere drawn with weapon's max range. Other side of the cut sphere.
    Every +100% shield/hull damage +50% DPS points cost Salvage laser has -100% shield damage inbuilt
    Every block pierced 2
    AoE X scales with AoE radius AND DPS. Any AoE can but doesn't have to have piercing effect
    Every 10% of shield pierce 1
    Salvage turret +100% DPS points cost
    Knockback 0 Knockback is dependent on DPS and damage type. Affects you and the target equally
    Minig turret 0 90% loss in DPS, huge increase in damage to rocks
    Repair turret 0 DPS is converted into shield or hull heal. Or a fraction of both, making up to 100%
    Force turret 0 100% loss in DPS, target recieves much more knockback (or pull), you none
    Possible new effects
    Proximity detonation X scales with radius and DPS. Is always AoE. This = flak?
    Lingering AoE X scales with AoE radius, linger time and DPS. Can also be of different damage types.
    AoE after penetration 3 Only weapons that recieved both AoE and Piercing by the random generation can take this effect
    Cone damage 6 Averages damage over accuracy for range covered. Replaces AoE
    Is a mine 0 Converts range into duration
    Bounces Y times Y*points in DPS For chain lightning and projectiles that can home in on another target.
    Reduced size 1 Weapon size depends on points it is worth. "Reduced size" can stack with itself
    Rotation limited - X Rotation is limited to up or front. Scales in a similar way to accuracy.
    "Hits" at range end 1 Anything that does something more than damage a single block can have this


    EMP (electric type) damage scales 0-200% with what block it hits. Block material may be involved. Components that use power take over 100% damage. Rest take under 100%. If this is implemented, base health of internal components could be buffed.

    Heavy armor would reduce "blocks pierced" depending on its thickness.


    Weapon representation, the name and visuals/audio it gets are dependant on the result.

    For example:

    If the system randomly generates an energy weapon with 4.2km range, "fast-continous" fire rate, "fast/instant" projectile speed, that's a laser. If it has inaccuracy, it's a lighting.

    Energy consuming weapons with projectiles would all be named plasma weapons (for shield disruption, may be called supercharged plasma).


    Now this will DEFINITELY produce some random nonsense that doesn't exist in the game yet, but those can be patched in later, as the occur.


    - A player gets a laser weapon with the "Homing on target" trait. They post screenshots or a video and get a few laughs. Yay, you discovered a Link Gun alt-fire weapon! Next patch, just rename "turn radius" to "arc radius" and give it another name.

    - Non-continous fire rate lasers? --> pulse lasers.

    -  If a kinetic weapon gets "Cone damage" modifier, patch it so it's damage is divided among mini-projectiles. Projectile amount dependant on accuracy. Viola! That's a shotgun.

  7. To move friendly ships I have no access to (for different reasons)

    To rotate a station

    For trolling

    To try to emulate the efects from the original suggestion


    Edit: those different reasons include saving them from a "AI can't move or they collide" stalemate, pushing idlers away so they're not collateral damage, freeing up a station dock, moving NPCs away from salvage so the laser doesn't affect my reputation with them, and maybe some more.


    Currently, my ship is equipped with 1 salvage laser, a lot of force turrets (they stack effects, ofc) and an array of railguns. I just switch upgrades for armed/unarmed turrets.

  8. We have one big display of our primary target in the bottom-right.


    1) I've often needed a target-of-target for faster focusing.


    2) I'd like to be able to keep track of one important target while I deal with some nuiscance. Also, makes targeting the important one again a lot faster.


    In Options, we could configure if any of those are displays (3D moodel showing orientation), bars with values or existing at all.


    To make things more compact:

    - Hull and shield amounts could be written over their respective bars (you also lose the words "Hull" and "Shield" this way)

    - Distance and Velocity could be toggled off on the display and toggled on around the cursor.

    - Other text could be put in the same line. So, instead of this:




    Ship - Xaitan

    The Followers of Ulbimer


    Relations - Admired

    Hull 646.7k (81.3%)

    Shield 258.13k (94.6%)

    Fire Power 1936 Omicron

    Distance 1.94 km

    Velocity 111 m/s

    <Shield bar>

    <Health bar>


    we can have this:


    Dreadnought - Xaitan

    The Followers of Ulbimer <Admired>


    Fire Power 1936 Omicron

    Distance 1.94km

    Velocity 111m/s

    <646.7k (81.3%)>

    <258.13k (94.6%>

  9. In FTD, you can adjust how "inaccurate" can your guns be when they fire. This means that a cannon doesn't have to be pinpoint when it fires, but instead it can have a 1° (configurable) inacuracy. Also, you can delay its fire so even if it enters the firing cone, it still has time to aim for a bit longer before it actually fires.


    Now, let's say your weapons rotate slower the closer they are to absolute accuracy. Call it time for targeting correction. They could still fire before reaching this.


    With these changes, fighters wouldn't even need their invulnerability. Instead, hits would be done with precision and dodges with agility. Dogfights would look much more realistic.


    Now imagine laser beams just going haywire, trying to hit a fighter that's actively dodging. And when it turns to re-angage, it actually gets melted instead of doing loops while the beam is frying him.

  10. A couple of suggestions on this one:


    1) On the bug report screen, make a button that would generate a clientlog. Currently, we get that file upon exiting the game. That means you have to exit and turn it back on to send a report.


    2) Show a path to the latest clientlog. Or that just-generated one. Even better, make a button "upload the latest clientlog".

    Alternatively, mention "Windows button + R" for Windows. I think it's Alt+F2 for Linux.


    3) Add a screenshot. Or some other file (few zipped screnshots or a gamefile you know is bugged). You could let the game know where your Avorion screenshots are so opening it is only 1 click away. Usually here if the you use Steam to do it:


  11. Sometimes you just need to hold your target in place. Take for example a station that's floating away. Or a stick-ship spinning like a fan. Or to grab and hold in place one of those pests that come out of hangar blocks.


    For cases like these, I'd suggest a Force Turret that acts like an Inertia Dampener. Or that it just applies its force in the opposite direction of target's movement.

  12. What's holding you from typing in search field smth like "salvag avori indepen" to sort out all avorion salvage turrets with autotargeting?

    Maybe I have a bad memory and I can't remember the phrase "independent targeting" so I just type "auto-aim". Or the game ain't translated yet into the language I'm most familiar with. Same with "recycler turrets" and that red-colored material, last on the list.


    While we're at it, sorting turrets by type should put each type in a new row. Would help when researching.

  13. Yes, I'd like to use it. And no, I don't like spoilers.


    Arguing aside, I don't think much more writing is needed. Plain text, I mean. Don't know about code. All the needed descriptions are already written in the game.


    OK, forget the word "Wiki". How about a catalogue of what the player has encountered so far? Weapons, trade goods, ships,stations and sectors.


    A lot of the existing UI can be re-used. For example, when you want to know about a specific race's ships, you'd get a window similar to what their shipyard would have.


    Another example would be weapons. You get a Turret Factory UI, but you can also set higher rarities and choose between possible modifiers (Burst Fire, +XX% damage to hull,...). When you choose a modifier, it shows you which turret factory you've seen that in.


    Also, a list of trade goods and where to get them. Some turret factories and trading stations sell Laser heads. I can't find those by searching the map. Wiki doesn't help there because each galaxy is generated anew.

  14. integrated browser with links to the wiki seems like the cost effective solution

    Highly against that!

    - unusable offline

    - has mini-loadings

    - info depends on people posting instead of being pulled directly from the game's files. Can be outdated

    - wiki can't read what you've discovered. It shows you everything it has regardless of your preference about spoilers

  15. I heard a rumor (in-game) that they are using genetic algorithms to improve equipment at research stations. I was excited at first, but after some trial and error, I've concluded that it's just a false rumor.


    It would be great to see it in action. I really mean it! Let us control its parameters.

    - Population size would be the amount of equipment you put in.

    - Mutation rate - the amount of gamble

    - Number of generations - effectively a time limit


    And let us see the graphical representation of what the algorithm is doing at the moment (either an icon or a 3D model).


    It doesn't have to be fast. Heck, slow it down on purpose! Just like it takes a long time to build a good fighter, it could take a long time to research a good weapon or an upgrade.


    For impatient ones, you can leave the old research system we have now.


    Edit: for reference: http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/index.php

  16. It's already stated in the game that the Xsotan come from some other galaxy. As far as I've understood, the're like locust, feeding on matter.


    The Guardian is actually guarding the portals to those other galaxies (or just one of their border galaxies).


    Those things you fight aren't their ships, it's themselves. Thy don't have the instruments to communicate with other races from this galaxy because the inhabitants of this galaxy have been sharing/trading/stealing each other's tech for a while now and they're unfamiliar with that.


    If you leave them alone, they leave you alone. But they're attracted to random energy outbursts (which is reflected as reputation loss when you fire weapons) and see them as a potential threat or food. You've probably seen them consuming asteroids, turning them into usable material for food or new ships. They probably see asteroids as plants and other ships as meat.


    But all of this doesn't exclude the option of traveling to their place and finding out they have their own problems. Heck, before even doing that, we could find a way to establish communications with them, make some trade pacts, explain our situation WITH them TO them, etc. Maybe they would agree to take waste/radioactive products of our civilisations in exchange for <whatever your story needs>.


    But I'm against new materials. That would mean that Avorion, which you strived for this game is actually very weak. And it would also feel like what's coming is just a copy-paste of what you've been through already. Maybe just add "purified/energized Avorion", which would be very hard to obtain. It's like energy, solidified or matter, destabilized. You'd obtain it in trace amounts and it wouldn't show up as material, but a trading good (would take up cargo space). But eventually, you could unlock the hidden option to build ship components out of that. When deleting a component, it just vanishes but that's explained before you could even start building with it. Better for it to vanish whan explode :P

    Oh, and it could be the ultimate material for warhead explosives!

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