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Posts posted by Tarantel

  1. Could you show if the mod needs a server and/or side Client download ?


    Mods with Server Mod only needed for Servers ^^

    Mods with Mod are client/serverside needed ^^

  2. What's wrong with the shipyard captain currently?


    If you use the normal shipyard you can buy a captain for 160 Credits on the shipyard so i fix this in my mod.

    Because a Captain costs 7500 on hiring pools.


  3. Hey,


    Suggestion from a web-dev here on your mod-list site, it's trying to be way too "glamorous" at a significant UX cost.


    • The animated background is slow to load and distracting from the content
    • The animated background covers up content with similar colors periodically
    • It plays sound, I thought we where over this 1/2 a decade ago It's like a hidden advertisement you can't mute
    • The full-width navbar is unwieldy, as you need to scan all the way to the edge of the page to find content, this actively makes it harder for readers to quickly digest what is infront of them. Especially combined with the animation and navbar obstruction via background colors.
    • The full-width navbar does not fit without horizontal scrolling even on 1920*1080 screens


    Nothing against you, I just wanted to highlight some issues with the site as far as usability goes so it can hopefully be taken into account



    This is only a 10min sample of a site ^^

    I have not the time atm to work on a better site ^^


    I need to manage many servers/youtube channels and communitys ^^


    And i dont think to create a better site for mods ^^ because the game needs a workshop via steam.

  4. Hey Tarantel,


    I've updated the name and description of my pirate attack wave spawner if you don't mind updating that here!


    A suggestion for this list. Can we start categorizing mods to make discovery a bit easier?


    I added a small categorizing but if we have more mods i do it better ^^

    Check the Mainpost on top ^^

  5. Here is a way to insert the Mod with no new ship needs to be created


    Name this script sovloader.lua

    if onServer then
    package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/player/?.lua"
    function initialize()
    	Player():registerCallback("onSectorEntered", "enteredSector" )
    function enteredSector()
    	--Get the players index
    	local sector = Sector()
    	local ships = {sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Ship)}
    	--Get the players ship
    	for _, ship in pairs(ships) do
    	local faction = Faction(ship.factionIndex)
    		if faction.isPlayer then
                                            if not ship:hasScript("data/scripts/entity/sectoroverview.lua") then


    Add the sovloader.lua to server.lua

    after line 49




  6. having problem with /sethome command , it can be used only by admins , but not regular players ,.. any idea how to fix it ?


    Scroll a bit it was answered on this page and on previous pages, too.


    editing admin.xml didnot helped


    You need to stop the server and then edit the admin.xml ^^

    If you dont stop the server before the changes will undo on the next restart of server ^^

  7. While Avorion does sort of support mods, it seems safe to say that it does not have true mod support yet - not like other games.


    The biggest issue with mods right now, I think, is the potential for mod incompatibility. That is, more than one mod trying to change the same files. But there are other concerns, such as when Avorion gets an update and your modded files are not updated to work with the new version. Also, there's the issue of uninstalling a mod such as when it stops working or you no longer want to use it.


    Some mods which I've seen that try to change the same files:

    Perhaps the solution would be for more mod authors to do like guiohm with Allow Multi Delivery by using a file comparison tool to compare their modified files with vanilla files and creating .diff files for players to patch their own game files (after making backups)? In theory, this might also allow mods to keep up with version changes as Avorion gets updated - to a very limited extent, anyway.


    I added support for Theoman02's Spawn Changer ^^ check my Post ^^

  8. Dock building

    ... [snip]

    This is still WIP, as I have to figure out to make the player owning them actually matter. For now, they will just act as any other dock, but owned by you instead.


    How about attaching a custom script/code to each of these stations so they will generate a small income for the player who owns them at a regular interval? It only makes sense that an equipment dock, repair dock, or turret factory would turn a profit for you. The research station is not as obvious. But I'd like to imagine that the owner could offer research services to a number of potential clients.


    As for the amount of profit, I think there should be a random element - perhaps +/- 50% of a base value. And the base profit should scale higher based on the distance of the sector from the core. The closer to the core, the more expensive the turrets and equipment tend to be that customers typically buy. Also, the higher the demand for expensive repairs of expensive ships.


    atm i working on a TAX script for custom stations like shipyard and the owner becomes some things cheaper on the stations

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