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Posts posted by Hellatze

  1. This is a cool idea. I like it when the game kicks my ass (recently was caught with my pants down when transferring my fighters to another craft and having lowered shield, bam, full Xsotan fleet on my two ships in Build Mode; boom boom, wrecked haha).


    However, have you tested how this affects AI ships? Do they become unbalanced / unstable because the ship-generating algorithm isn't expecting these nerfs? I'd like some insight on your part into how you think this will affect enemy balancing, too, because if the player gets nerfed, but so does the enemy, then we're basically still playing the same game with different numbers: since players know they can whack in more generators, they can work around this, but I'm guessing the AI doesn't know this. But maybe I'm not giving the ship generator enough credit. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to know. ^^


    If you want to play hard like that. Just edit enemy ship have a 1 million omnicron then.


    System nerf are unworthy if no special effect, or changes to comply with the nerf (like adding energy req for turret, but actually giving additional firepower).


    This mod nothing more than tampering the system.

  2. I can confirm though that having spent some time playing in the Outer Rim of your galaxy, that it is a super safe place to put your ships if you don't want them attacked by things too often. And if they do get attacked, those enemies are going to be super weak. I believe there's actually a bit of game code that specifies that certain attacks are literally impossible (chance of spawning = 0%) in the outermost Sectors of a galaxy - don't quote me on that though -, so give that a try.


    That was far away to jump.

  3. Okay, so player-owned Resource Depot are given special treatment for some reason, but that does mean that there should be disparity in the code somewhere where it deals with Resource Depot. Something in pseudo-code like "if this Resource Depot is owned by a player, don't stockpile goods".


    Resource depot needs serious improvement ON TOP of the fix. Right now it is outright useless in singe-player and just nonexistent in general, i wouldnt mind the depot regularly buys or put some material in the stock for you to take, otherwise why even bother?


    Excatly, the only reason you have this station are selling resource.


    Nothing more than that if you buy all the resource.


    So avoid building res depot.


    (RIP my money) (i am rich anyway)

  4. Ahhhh nice one. Yep, I would like to be able to reduce that cooldown. We can reduce almost every other cooldown in the game by some way of blocks or System Module Upgrades, so why not. It would make hit-and-run attacks on PvP servers a lot harder to deal with though, as you can't keep 'em trapped in your System and they could just jump in, wreak havoc and jump out to who knows where. I think if we were to get a way to reduce that timer, we'd need a counterbalance in the form of Hyperspace Jammers as System Module Upgrades, or as blocks.


    Have a question.


    Can you mod a system ? I can help creating icon when i have a time.

  5. Hey now hey now, calm down cowboy.


    It could actually already be implemented, just turned off. I was looking through I think it was stationfounder.lua and saw one line of code that read "ownership tax = 0;  --gives the owner of the station this much % of the sales in tax" or something like that. So while it lacks a UI, the code to handle taxes may already be in the game... time for some modding!


    Really ?


    There is a hope after all.


    However when i got this ?

  6. Thanks for the Infos ;)

    a quick test with one minute says by a 1410/s Production block 560 Energy cells

    without 480 it worked but its very expensive  ;D

    my main ship is secure the sector then i away with my freighter to sell goods.

    Salvage makes a horde fighters.

    i dont look for sells then i search for an factori who whant buy my stuff next time i look.


    edit: after 30 minutes stay out of the sector no trader comes. i set activ sell and the normal sell

    edit2: i get credits but it doesnt show up


    1. Use trading post. Sure 25 mil, however the profit can go to 100 mil to 1 bil


    2. You can check the credits at economic chat.


    3. If AI trade hauler in your sector AFK. Your will never get the profit from station.


    4. If you afraid building trading post. Build noble metal mine with platinum and gold. Those thing wil gives 100 k per trade.

  7. That is normal rate, not slow. Look at FTD, where updates come once/twice a year. Game is playable as it is, so not "every month" update cycle is fine. And looking how fast they fixed they salvaging mistake - they do at least READ what we write. I call the fact that there are two (?) devs, and they have their lives AND game developement. I say they are better of resting or developing instead of chatting their life off with users. Community Manager does that, and he writes update news and that's that.


    1. FTD need some optimization, sure playable. However they need to put more detail to tutorial. And they have core feature already implemented, and remove exploit. They always talk to their community.


    2. I dont care about how many developer out there. Game have a big responsibity, you should not use that kind of reason, because the game itself need a serious patch and feature. Diffrent from FTD who have all feature and removing lots of bug.


    3. Salvage patch are insignificant, they should fix economy update.


    4. No communication are serious business in alpha stage. Critics and testing are part of development too.

  8. I didnt really demand planet landing but saying planet landing actually possible to implement.


    And for space engineer. I predict the game will fail a year ago, when i see develipment used too much "bugfix" and rarely implement feature. They dissapoint me too much, when they add tbat crappy planet. I am not suprised, they didnt care about their game in fist place. Even when i got protest, i got banned.


    just like this game, except moderator in space engineer ade active.


    I have prediction this game are doomed.


    And cant escape early acces probably for 3 years with development this slow. Maybe time are plenty for them.

  9. I think by "system" Hellatze means the System Module Upgrades. I'm guessing a bit here, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they are suggesting a new SMU to do with navigating the galaxy and helping with the coordinate system in some way.


    I'm interested to hear how a system like that would work in yor view, Hellatze? What does it do for you when you install it on your ship?


    Simply reduce time to calculate coordinate used for jump.


    I do t want to wait 20 min to jump 100 sector away ( my ship capavle to do that )

  10. Avorion rarely updates.


    Even when they do update, they are not so significant and incomplete.


    Just like that economy update.


    And range between update are more than a monsth usualy or probably more.


    And avorion dev rarely talk to its people.

  11. This is unbiased comment :


    Economy system in avorion are very incomplete. You can exploit it and sometimes the factory didnt work at all.


    Why bother having cargo hauler if the factory didnt work as intended.


    And AI itself always AFK in sector. Making all future trade pointless.


    Teading post are the most OP station. Because they keep produce thoose free goods out of trade. Habitat,rezearch station, casino, biotope are very pointless.


    I say dev need to fix economic system ASAP. And please make an update already (more than 1 months passed since economy update)

  12. The ammo part? Well, it might work, but then like this: a turret gets 2 new stats: ammo usage/second and ammo production/second, with ammo not transferable between turrets or something like that. This would mean that your turret might be really powerfull, but if you got a really high ammo usage and a low production, its not gonna be OP, but more of a burst fire weapon. But after all with the overheating, i think that it's fine like it is now.


    My thought would be to just abstract ammunition production and have a weapon decrease your ore reserves as it fires.


    Example: Firing an iron chain gun uses 1 iron ore / second.


    This incentivizes weapon diversification and leads to more tactical choices.

    • What resources can you devote to this encounter?
    • Do you have enough resources to see the fight to completion?
    • Should you keep one or two common material turrets mounted to deal with lesser threats?
    • What combination of mining/salvage is necessary to keep your fleet fight ready?


    I dont like the idea of using material, because weapons already overheat or are not that powerfull, with the exception of lasers and tesla's, for that, it would be nice to have something like that, because they become so OP so fast. (I got 60 teslaturrets that do 8900 dps on 3,9 range, thats way to good)


    I have laser gives 22.000 dps.


    Building station near gal center are OP.


    Tearing any ship to shreds.

  13. dont worry, AI are weak in this game.


    if you want to make a ship design follow this guide :


    1. make a new map set very easy no collision damage, and cheat enabled.


    2. make a ship. if enemy come, their damage are nil. if enemy come and you got annoyed, safe ship and jump 1 sector away.


    3. if enemy spawn in that sector and cant jump. abbandon ship, jump with drone, found ship, applied saved ship into your design.


    (design are carry over all game).


    also use this script :


    /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua")


    will help you add crew and stuff.

  14. This place is not for promoting mods.


    It's not my script, it's a year old, and I'm not "promoting" it. I'm linking to it because it might help OP create ships in peace. Speaking of which, I believe there's also a script that adds turrets to your inventory directly in Aki's script compilation, but I'm not sure if it still works.


    I would suggest dialing down your incredibly abrasive and confrontational attitude. I noticed you managed to get yourself banned from the Avorion Steam forum, and it's no wonder.


    got banned because i notified piracy in game.


    do you even know how i got banned ?

  15. Robotcraft - become pile of garbage. At least they have better multiplayer feature. Used to be a good game.


    Minecraft - developed by company now, yes used to be a small team. At least minecraft are powerfull feature because they have a team who dedicated to it.


    Starmade, didnt make significant progress. I wonder if people play that game. Didnt even pass from alpha of all this year. At least they can make a better ship than this game.


    Its ok to play this game later. But beware of game that have potential to be another no man sky.


    And FTD have powerfull communication between dev and its people in forum. Even the game have ship man made. And looks good as hell.


    This game however. Not only dev rarely talk, poorly documented, several area didnt implemented fully, exploits, bugs. They also rarely updates. And been developed bor more than 1 year it seems. Maybe the dev become lazy... really wish they give us a hint what kind f a feature they want to add. Not a just news and pointless event.


    Give pic, and full documentation what they want to add, so i will not getting worried on my money.


    I am not naive as you guys.



  16. I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but I do consider you to be very naive when it comes to development.  Stability, efficient algorithms, resource costs (for the users PC's), and more all have to be considered with everything you do.  And on top of that, with every change you make you often run the risk of introducing new problems into systems that did work.  I'm not saying it should take the developers 5 or 10 years to button up this game, but considering the amount of time they do have into it I think a bit of grace and patience should be allowed.


    You also seem angry or a bit on the offensive side in your replies.  Maybe that is just how I read into it.  At any rate, chill and enjoy the game.  If this game doesn't do it for you, try another. :)


    I know development take a long time. However thay could not prolong it like mass effect andromeda. Who ruined by long development and oney going to wasted.


    Also when i investing the game i expect getting info, a lot of it. How the development going, etc.


    That money could be used for other game, that developer needed the most like monster hunter world. I hate wasting money on game that have troubled development.


    And reminder, i dont care how big the development team. Shen making a game, you should hire another crew to make this game more intresting. There is no such thing as slow and safe.


    There is continious and safe

  17. If I may make a suggestion as an artist and designer. The icon is nice but it doesnt "feel" like an icon that is supposed to be used as a "found system". Maybe instead of a / through the planet,  maybe have a flag like in "found ship" on the planet, or a wrench.



    ~610th Technical Evaluation Division


    This icon represent for nav calculation system.


    Maybe i need to changelater on on better icon.

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