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Everything posted by Cyka

  1. I dont understand how this is going to work when the fleet AI is stupid and theres no resource respawn feature, so be prepared to be griefed until no tomorrow by any older players because they have exhausted the centre and put everything on avorion grade.
  2. Im prefering a more automated system, Rusty server runs it.
  3. Is there any way to mod this so that it applies the cargo haulers and player? to prevent cargo haulers stuck/not docking. I've heard that it is a fairly good fix.
  4. Any way to mod this so that it applies the cargo haulers and player? to prevent cargo haulers stuck/not docking.
  5. Can i ask how did you increase dock and trading distance? it'd be extremely useful currently for the buggy cargo haulers.
  6. If the turning thing is a dodging mechanic, they certainly are doing an awful awful job at dodging.
  7. Although i like this, for simplicity sake since we still have a billion other contents to import i would absolutely not mind that if fighters that got abandoned without a carrier are instantly deleted from the game, better than server bloat and eventual painful implosion.
  8. Can we fix some bugs first? i mean my industry sector still have 20+ stuck cargo ships as we are speaking, and one of the public server that i regularly visit had to remake because a buggy sector was crashing the entire server, this game breaking bug is still not fixed after 6 months since its first report. Talking about a dedicated internal server is laughable at this point, this game is being developed by 2 people, we need to get our priority straight here.....
  9. In my experience seems flat simple ships that moves slowly fires abit better than nimble smaller more defined ships, which makes no sense. It doesnt matter where i put the turret the smaller ships will constantly spin for no reason even though the targeting is already good. We desperately need a script that keeps the ship still if the target locks on the enemy ship. This is just the basics but we absolutely need this right now. Is getting ridiculous that i need 4 or 5 ships patrolling one area, each with 10k+ omnicron to ensure they don't idiotically suicide into weak enemy fleets that only has 700 omnicron. EVEN ONE of those should rip through them with ease.
  10. Reduce their cost, Nerf their dodge and make them DIE IF THE CARRIER DIES JESUS PLEASE. Having hundreds and hundreds of lefting over invincible fighters while new carrier spawns is not just atrociously to look at and destructive to sectors, it is game ending!! Servers eventually will get bloated and overwhelmed no matter what, make them go away after Carrier dies is a perfectly sensible solution employed by MANY RTS games. This has to be done or you will eventually crash no matter singleplayer/multiplayer due to bloating!!!
  11. No, those blocks are bloody useless, why would anyone ever use them? I wouldn't call them useless, broken but not useless. I was asking because the can cause the AI to act funny much like how you are describing your issue. If you don't have them than you are encountering an issue that I haven't come across as of yet. This issue is really easy to replicate, just download any ship from steamwork shop and equip them with weapons, watch them fight/mine/salvage and you'l notice they'll spin around even though the turret is already in position to fire, causing them to misshots or out right bug out and refuse to fight.
  12. Because they are literally breaking the entire multiplayer, everywhere i go theres hundred of these unkillable fighters causing the server lagging with 90k+ ping grinding everything to a hault, and the faction ships are literally killing themselves over these fighters because none of their shots can hit them.
  13. No, those blocks are bloody useless, why would anyone ever use them?
  14. Because there is something blantly wrong with the fleet AI in comparison to the enemy stick ships AI. Any enemy ships you encounter will come into a position then fire all of its turrets if is in range, then keep in that optimal position to continue firing at you. Your own fleet AI is objectively worse as it constantly spins around FOR NO REASON even though all turrets were already at an optimal position of firing, it will simply spins and spins without firing anything as the turrets struggle to keep up with the spin. There is some huge disparity between your own AI ships and enemy AI ships, and it isn't just about how your ship design works, because any of your ship will spins like an idiot while being destroyed by the enemy AI.
  15. Hang on, are you saying that if you create a RD inside a different faction's Sector, you still don't make any money for operating it? That sounds broken. I mean, I have no experience operating one so I wouldn't know, but I'd expect at least an income from NPCs coming up to it and trading for resources. Alot of the stations that arent obvious in trading are bugged. Smuggler's den for example GIVES NO MONEY IF YOU SELL STOLEN GOODS. They all literally disappear in thin air.
  16. Resource depot needs serious improvement ON TOP of the fix. Right now it is outright useless in singe-player and just nonexistent in general, i wouldnt mind the depot regularly buys or put some material in the stock for you to take, otherwise why even bother?
  17. This is ridiculous, all the areas on the map is green to me so i thought is safe to found an alliance station, turns out the alliance rep is just randomized and now i have factions that are friendly to ME sending bunch of unkillable fighters and constantly harassing my alliance stuff. I also have to painfully re-grind those faction rep just to stop them from attacking my alliance. Is it so hard to just make the rep scale with leader's rep? what sense it is to actually make alliance a complete different faction with separate rep system?
  18. I really think this is the way to go. Directional shields create an incentive to keep moving. In the early game, you naturally have to dodge as blocks start to fly off. Or maneuver to hit areas of the enemy with weaker blocks. Overall shields remove that necessity. Consider shields abstracted as a big cube with 6 sides: fore, port, starboard, aft, dorsal, and whatever the nautical term is for the underside of the vessel (navel?) Shield generator blocks operate like directional thrusters. Their effect is calculated to a certain direction based on facing. All the shields facing a single direction add to the HP of that side. Shield generators are naturally nerfed as each generator is split one of 6 ways, rather than adding to a massive total HP value. Ships get infinitely more interesting as they get "weak points" where there are less facing shield generators. You're now trying to fly your ship and shoot to keep damaged shields out of the line of fire, while simultaneously trying to keep your enemy's weakest shield in your ideal firing arcs. To make the game difficult like star-point you need equivalent resource sinks and economy to support that difficulty. Star-point/Sins of a solar empire/Any 4X games have stations generate resources and money on regular intervals so even if you had your entire fleet destroyed you can still rebuild. What we need really is a re-spawning feature for resources and a functional economy, both of which will provide room and justification for heavy difficulty tinkering so the player can actually afford constant repairs without it becoming a grind. Imagine fleet battles where you loss millions of materials and billions of credits in minutes, there must be equivalent of supporting that, and right now it just isn't possible in the game ESPECIALLY multiplayers. Just to add: also im not sure the AI is combat ready at the moment. Right now the fleet AI for you are tedious to manage and outright utterly retarded. You got a custom ship rather than a stick? too bad for you, the ship will now spins around until death and NEVER FIRES ANYTHING. I've never had any of this kind of problem in any other space game thus far, it is making the game extremely frustrating, feels like you are protecting your FLEET rather than the otherway round as it should be. Once all of these issues are fixed, i welcome any drastic increase in difficulty, until then it is just a chore.
  19. I don't want to fight bullet sponges either, and I'm generally not one to call for nerfs, but come on now. With two M-TCS-4 and 10x Xanion, Trinium, or even Naonite lasers from a decent turret factory, you just press LMB and ships explode like a bunch of popcorn. Currently they're the opposite of bullet sponges—they're balloons, and your lasers are the needle. I know that everyone has done the same thing at some point. In fact, I removed an M-TCS-4 and replaced it with a C-TCS-5 so I could fit salvaging lasers for convenience, because even 6 factory lasers are enough to annihilate almost anything quickly, except beefy stations of course. I tend to agree. Random pirates and aliens simply appearing at the player's position at intervals is less than ideal, and it becomes obvious after a while that they're just a timer that follows you around. The problem is that the nature of combat IS left clicking, game play wise it didn't change much for me at all fighting vs the wormhole guardian at 30k omnicron or 300k omnicron, it was basically press left mouse button and wait until the gigantic hp bar moves to zero. Back when i was smaller size there were maneuver dodge moves but once i get into a colossal dreadnaught it is literally impossible to dodge those bullets/lasers except may be cannons/missiles. Unfortunately this is just the nature of combat atm, this isn't elite or space arcade like games, heck even starpoint gemini warlord had timed CD and spin your ship around to the correct shield in order to survive. Right now late game is just mashing buttons or spam a bunch of obnoxiously invincible fighters and watch them decimate anything afar. To truly make an engaging gameplay we'll have to see what the combat update brings, but i wont hold breath.
  20. This gets even worse with the eternal factions wars as well btw. One of the faction for some reason has wiped out nearly 2 other factions and now those sectors are completely empty.
  21. Although very important to fix this, i think youre barely gonna make any profit anyway outside of certain trade post exploits as your sector gets increasingly overloaded with dead AI cargo ships.
  22. sadly resource rarely restock. very very rare. never build resource depot. Well i dont mind they dont restock, i do mind however they somehow eat all the materials and set them to 0!
  23. Are you sure they weren't purchased by AI ships? Im pretty sure Ai cant use resources, i never got any money from them purchasing either. Millions of ore i sold just vanished out of thin air. Originally i intended to sell it at my station so other player can buy them and i get some passive income
  24. i already posted an economy fix in detail in the economy section, sadly no body has yet to give it any attention. In terms of combat and difficulty, gimping player is not the way to go. I dont want to fight bullet sponges, i want fights to be interesting. Making factions, pirates and aliens uses their own turret upgrades is the way to go, and have proper fleet battles instead of the current random encounter annoyance. I'd sincerely hope dev can give some updates now, time flies by and we have 7 months left until their original august release deadline, yet we still have some game breaking bugs that are STILL not yet resolved such as cargo/AI bugs, crashes, duplicating wreckage etc. I understand this is early access, but we are still alpha testers who paid to test for the devs, some updates will be nice.
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