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Posts posted by Paranoyd

  1. I loved Freelancer and Escape Velocity: Nova for the one simple fact that each NPC faction had a definitive style that identified them - round ships, flat ships, square ships, symmetrical ships, asymmetrical ships, etc.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Avorion's NPC ships are proceduraly generated? That would explain why each block is just, a square block placed in a certain order next to another square block.


    My suggestion would be to expand the block choices to include some "prefab" blocks that each NPC faction in a game can randomly choose from while a ship is being generated and then keep for that set for rest of the game. So the first NPC you encounter may have square modular ships parts that they then keep pulling parts from for the rest of the game.


    Also, adding the plain, X, Y or Z mirrors to NPC building options on top of this, to add even more uniqueness to the different factions for some fast identifying.

  2. I'm not going to give up this easily... yet.


    I tested this a bit and found out that my ship may have been causing some and/or all of this issue.


    I deleted my ship and flew around a few sectors with just a block, an engine and thrusters. Lasted longer than I had before when I'd essentially crash within the first 5 minutes. I went through some jumpgates with no issues. I let it sit a good 10 minutes with no problem. I did, however notice a huge grinding/loading coming from my hard drive after letting the game sit for another 20 minutes and then I had the same issue of nothing functioning.


    This time, it did save my game with my new... "ship" though. And looks like the rollback was only a few minutes old.

  3. I'd imagine it's more of a memory/CPU issue than graphical. Lots of calculations and then you add the damaged pieces falling off and floating around + the asteroids. Besieged, From the Depths, Last Leviathan, etc. all have issues with "too much physics" when things get hectic.

  4. As strange as that sounds...


    For one, every time I close Avorion, I still have 2 processes running, eating up about 1GB worth of my memory. The first time this happened, I didn't notice until I had massive lag in the game and nothing worked.


    Secondly, sometimes everything just... stops. Jump gates don't work. Hyper drives don't work. Nothing works. I get the menus and options, but the game fails to actually do any of it. Then I restart and there's about a 15 minute roll-back... in. single. player.


    Third is a newer one for me. I can no longer build my ship. No errors or warnings. I just simply can't place any more blocks on it until I restart the entire game, after I just had to restart it from the above-mentioned glitch.


    I should also add that each of these things, especially the last one, are now happening within minutes of starting the game up. In fact, I can't place more than 5 blocks on a ship without having them not register and everything stop working.

  5. Still new (<20 hours) and restarted the game recently. This time around I've mined out the beginning seed and have all of 2,000 titanium (and a decent haul of 40k iron) to show for it. It's enough to make generators for a smallish ship, but not enough for much else.


    The equipment dealers in the area don't seem to be refreshing with anything that really does me much good, just shield generators and turret upgrades when I really need a way to get around the map and detect things much, much faster.


    So now I'm a bit... stuck. Not sure what to do really. I don't have a module to show the trade routes and only have a total of about 150,000 credits anyhow, so trading seems to be out. I have a small ship because anything bigger requires more engines/thrusters and I can't generate enough energy to keep them powered up.


    I really need to find a new sector to mine in, but I can't really get anywhere fast. Even the 9x9 sectors around me that I've explored are pretty much barren.


    Any advice???

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