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Posts posted by Yeedo

  1. Here's a few of mine ;)


    1) Setting for battle music 'turn-off' range (it's kinda annoying to have the music constantly switch as you move around the battlefield)

    2) Cost screen for build-mode repairs, as exists in shipyards/repair docks (especially since it's more expensive, I want to know how much Trinium/Xanion is about to go down the drain)

    3) (Configurable) loud warning sirens (or at least unique sound) for when pirates/hostile factions warp into the sector (let's be honest, the best of us are AFK at times and it kinda sucks to be alerted to the presence of enemies by the sound of your ship exploding)

    4) Bigger turrets. 'nuff said.

  2. People love putting antenna on their ships just for cosmetic effect. Why not make it into a block type that replaces sensors. This adds to the idea that you can tell what a ship does just by looking at it.


    A few thoughts:

    - There can be one long range for galaxy scanners and one short range for sector scanning.

    - It's strength can based on the longest dimension of the block. (Long thin sensor blocks are suggested)

    - There needs to be exponentially more scanners to reach farther. (4x the scanners and power only nets you 2x range/strength)


    I think they should just boost sensor range the same way the upgrades do (ie we keep both), but I think using the block's longest dimension is a very nice idea (but still subject to the same spammy problems we have with thrusters).

  3. Well. The label is wrong then in the game stats. I didn't have anywhere to work from aside from the information given, which was nonsense.


    When you get around to it, change the measurement label from cm^3 to m^3. That will fix it, and give a proper scale.


    It seems to say 'cm' which I guess is an abbreviation for 'cubic metres'. Still, I think koonschi could do with pasta'ing

    in ⁻¹²³ characters (if it is possible) to make m³, m s⁻², m s⁻¹ and rad s⁻¹.

  4. The ship only appear at the Fleet window, when the sector is currently explored.


    When you was at unexplored space before to find new things, you need to find the ship again. But only to radar range.


    The trouble is that it wasn't showing up in the fleet window even when I was in the same sector.

  5. I have seen a few faction names which are at least readable or memorable, such as "The Ahoosoo Collective" or "The Uey". However, most faction names are complete and utter gibberish that are clearly computer generated - names like "The Uugqoujlhiin' Conglomerate", "The United Easpbaakaiv Organisation" or "The Empire of Ulbufiodl". How can you even pronounce these?


    If names were generated consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-etc they could at least be procedural and pronounceable even if they might sound a bit odd. If you add some other things like 'th' to consonants or 'ea' to vowels you can create a wide variety of procedural names while not being ridiculous. My first faction is called 'The United Guild of Imoamoa' which is quite a good name, however I have recently been involved in the war between 'The Viuxsxiz Army' and 'The Conglomerate of Dguumwiogb', and it would be nice to able to pronounce their names...

  6. I have this same problem, and it is definitely nothing to do with pirates. The first time it happened, my ship didn't appear in the 'I' menu, but I wasn't paid any insurance. I went back to the sector where I left it (before getting 'connection to server lost', in singleplayer) and it wasn't there either. I decided to look around the nearby sectors, and when I came back it magically appeared again, but it didn't appear in the 'I' menu until I boarded it.


    The second time it happened (a few minutes ago), I repeated all this warping around and relogging, but I haven't found it again yet  :'(


    I posted a bug report with the logfile from the 'connection to server lost' BS, but I have no idea how to replicate it so it seems it won't get fixed until we can find out what is causing this...  :(


    I guess I'll just play multiplayer for now.

  7. Hello everyone.


    I've been looking at this game on Steam recently, and I am pretty close to buying it now, but there are a few things I would like to know before parting with my £13.59.


    1) What is performance like?

    Probably the main reason I'm interested in this game is because it fills the void left by Space Engineers, which I can't enjoy anymore since my computer is a potato. It meets the minimum requirements, and I could run SE on low-med settings at around 20-25fps (which is slightly below what I would want), although it can run simpler games like Minecraft pretty well (like 60fps with prettiness cranked up). KSP also runs fairly smoothly (apart from during re-entry).


    2) Does it suffer from game-breaking bugs/crashes?

    I was considering getting Empyrion, but I was put off by people complaining that there are major bugs which can cause you to lose your ships, and which apparently haven't been fixed for a long time. Does Avorion have anything like this? Also, is there a way to manually save and reload previous save files? If so, I don't really mind if I lose my ship if I can just soft-reset.


    3) How does this 'dynamic scaling' work?

    Specifically does it 'snap to grid'? (I'm a bit OCD and I'd hate to have the size off by a couple pixels)


    4) Anything else?

    Is there anything else you think I ought to know?


    I'll probably get this game unless there are any major issues (and tbh I'd probably have heard about them already).

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