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Posts posted by DeathTech

  1. Hi there,


    Just wanted to suggest something I tried the other day and does not seems in the game.


    But would it be awfully terrible of me to ask that we can receive reputation points for repairing non-hostile ships of other factions?

    I tried mending fences with a faction who's defensive ship I grazed just a little and lost some rep with them.

    Rather than having to go sell some resource to restore it to full, I would consider repairing the damage with a repair beam equally worthy of restoring some reputation.


    I'm not asking for massive rep boosts. Just small increments for repairing their ships.

    This would also act as an incentive for players to consider repairing local military assets in certain sectors.

    Rather than leaving the sector weakened because there is no gain for actually repairing them.


    And if I would be cheeky, if you haven't personally damaged the specific ship maybe throw in a small cash prize for repairing their ship.


    What do you guys think?

  2. Interestingly enough I also have experienced my ai ships (who are all custom designs by me, not workshop) are doing the weird thing of flying straight up to something and then turning away, turning around and moving back in its face. Most notably. It does this even on mining barges.


    I can't tell you how hilarious it is to watch a mining barge do mining strafe runs against an asteroid.

    Honestly, I think this behavior is possibly tied to a particular turret type.


    My mining barge counter-intuitively is not equipped with independent targeting turrets instead of the regular kind which leads me to believe it thinks that it is a fighter of some sorts. I don't know.


    Maybe I will do some tests. But the devs can probably tell us straight up how their A.I. works.

  3. All factions in the game have different reputations.

    When you start you have a set of starting reputations.

    When you meet new races the reputation is randomly picked.

    When you start an alliance it takes all reputation the same as it's leader but then it separates.


    From that point on if you want to "fly" or "build" stations under the name and reputation of the faction, you must specially construct a ship as an "alliance" ship. And use that to build an alliance station.


    Otherwise, they are just "your" ship and your "station".

    And even if you are in an alliance you still have personal relations with other factions. So if you want to "be flying as part of the faction" you should go to a shipyard and spawn a new ship with the tickbox "alliance ship" selected.


    Then remake your ship as an alliance ship and man the ship with crew.


    Keep in mind that you need alliance permission to create alliance ships, control them, edit them.

    The same is true about stations.

    So if you are not the owner of the alliance, be sure to ask for those permissions.

  4. I am not sure if it is like that for everyone.

    But I think you only get it when you beat it, on the first time you encounter it.


    I know I beat the pirate guy and the DAU. Still, I hold neither achievements as I ran for my life the first times I encountered them.


    At the same time, it could just be a bug due to the beta.

  5. So the thing about resource depots is that much like any other station they consume resources.

    The resource depot has materials it will buy and I have noticed they do slowly consume any ore stored within.


    As far as I am aware for trade purposes stations only get A.I. visitors if they are set to request them.

    And it won't get any natural traffic unless it is in a system that has at least one warp gate.


    Furthermore and I will only mention this once.

    As far as I am aware resource depots do not seem to service anything other than players.

    The A.I. cannot "hold" or "transport" raw resources found in the depo, as that is a player resource.

    And those ores are not manifested in cargo holds as they are not "Cargo".

    A.I. only buy and sell "Cargo" that includes ship mods and turrets but not "resources".

    Also, consider that A.I. "Ore" is a "Cargo" item.


    Therefore you will not see A.I. ships buying or selling them. (Exception for A.I. merchant depots.)


    So in conclusion. The resource depot is only useful in multiplayer.

    And only if you are willing to take the evaporation loss to sell the resources to other player factions.


    Nonetheless, it still has to be available in singleplayer to work for the multiplayer as they are the same server software except when you start singleplayer the game is not hosting the port to the internet. It just enables it locally.


    I hope that my attempt at explaining what may be going on there, helps you in some way.

  6. Honestly, the devs could implement some planetary landings and all of that jazz.


    But here is the thing.

    The game can have a ship the size of a planet.

    But if you have a planet it will take a way probably a lot of resources not to mention time and effort to program all that in for virtually some thing that boils down to "Just another station."


    Or just simply a big hunk a junk with loads of space where there is nothing useful to do.

    The question is not, why didn't the devs make planets available.

    The question is why should they bother spending so much effort on something that adds little value to the overall game.


    However to add more food for thought consider some of the load times when entering sectors.

    Then consider how much worse that would be if you added fully randomised procedurally generated planets to them.

    Then consider how many of those planets you'd actually take advantage of, out of the hundreds that you would run into.


    And finally also remember if you add any mining mechanic to the planets that would fully break and undermine the resource scarcity that is currently used to push players closer to the centre.

    If you add financial taxation and colonisation that would add a lot of micro to the game as well as way too easy money ways to get money.


    Instead those players will have less motivation to move towards the centre as they can just harvest them local planets.


    In my opinion much like X3 planets are currently in the best position they can be.

    In the background, looking pretty, adding a feeling of grander scale showing where people live but not actually being needed as the game provides plenty of its worth through other measures.


    We had the same argument in X3 and that game is very similar.

    That game released in 2005.


    And besides, it adds some more realism to the origin of all these patrols that just "spawn into existence".

    As if they came from the planet to the sector etc.


    I don't know that's just my take on it.

    And don't talk to me about creativity or vision. I myself have always been on the "omg cool planet landings" train. That train of thought died after all the recent games that feature it and have literally nothing interesting on the planets. They are just big hunks of boring, even if you sprinkle some stuff here and there.


    All they do is look pretty and that can be done from space without requiring addition functionalities or wasting my cpu on features I and probably a lot of players wouldn't be using all the time.


    ps. I agree with K.I.S.S

  7. My leap into cargo hauling/smuggling was a moment of "Oh hey, look at all that cargo just floating out there... I can't let those credits go to waste!" then building what amounts to a rather large "shipping container" build onto the underside of my ship...


    Hah, interesting. My response to space issues was adding some impromptu cargo holds.

    Afterwards, I build myself a cargo transport vessel for the ai.


    Aaaaand then I realized I'm not playing X3 at the moment and I can't go ordering it around to go buy/sell stuff.

    Still great storage space though. :3

  8. Perhaps deactivate the ai on the fighters after their carrier dies and start a timer for them to despawn.

    Unless its a player owned carrier.




    When watching a fight between ai I saw plenty of them get killed.

    It took a while but they did die.


    Although to be fair their dissipation did take a full hour.

    Perhaps ramp up the speed they die off with?


    Or simply start slowly damaging them over time once their carrier is destroyed.

    (Much like if you don't have enough mechanics.)


    That's all I can say about it. :3 Personally haven't encountered situations where I was fighting them.

    And furthermore, I don't think I would want to until the "anti-fighter turrets" update arrives.

  9. Hi my name is DeathTech. People call me DeeTee.


    I am a jack of many trades and a streamer/youtuber.

    About two months ago I also joined the Dutch translation team.


    And I love building stations. But the rent is too damn high.

    Thinking about making some Avorion videos for my channel.


    I guess thats it. :3


    ps. Avorion is currently my favorite space game.

  10. Hi Devs,


    Perhaps it is an idea to provide links to any licensing information you might have so any content creators can give you guys the proper credits. Maybe even go as far as posting a default text with information and links we can copy and paste below the content this growing community might create.


    Sadly no matter what anyone does, once youtube's content id learns something is copyrighted and has it set up to strike it usually does so regardless. I know it is possible to license specific channels out but that is done on a per channel basis and I highly doubt the team will have time for all that.


    To be honest the best thing you can do if hit with a strike is as stated before.

    Just tell the team and they will sort it out. Alternatively, file a counterclaim and the should be automatically alerted to the fact. That your video got striked.

  11. I ended up becoming hated by a faction for getting caught smuggling stolen goods... twice... of course, I didn't comply. What smuggler does? .... I just have to avoid those guys now... and learned my lesson about getting too close to frigates...


    Haha, who doesn't. Then again I don't suppose anyone went the vengeful route like I did and wiped out their cargo transports for some top up after killing their security forces.


    I mean after all. The stuff I picked up literally from one of their own security ships.


    So I assume your suggestion is MINE EVERYTHING. Nice :3 Already doing that wherever I go too. ;)

  12. A quick word on this.


    In the years working for steam dutch translation, I find the solution for this seems odd but actually makes sense when you think about it.


    You would think you can not translate it but the truth of the matter is that this is an issue in sentence structure differences.


    "the" can be omitted in that case as "the" should in this case travel with the subject name. Not the sentence it is currently in. I am not aware if those strings are separated from naming strings but I would assume they are.


    In any case when you find a string like that it should be safe enough to ignore the word "the".

  13. Hey everyone,


    I have recently assumed the role as Lead Translation Verifier for Dutch.

    And I am aware several people have aided already with the translation effort.


    In order to help us get through the translation process as smoothly as possible, I would like to invite all the translators to join the verification team in our slack group chat.


    There we can strategize and co-ordinate.

    I will also be writing a couple of translation guides and strategies so instead of randomly translating and getting stuck on words we can debate as a group how to best proceed and do large similar sections in bulk.


    So if you are a translator for Dutch or wish to help with the Dutch translation please click the provided link and join us so we can all coordinate.


    With a little bit of group effort, we can get a lot done very fast.




    Happy Translating


  14. On a quick note regarding my translation, I must have done that one the wrong one if I placed "geschuttoren" for "tower" as it is a correct translation for "turret".


    But yes, I do believe there is some oddness regarding the formality of the language.

    In Dutch (Flemish) any sort of instruction information is usually written in Formal.


    Which puts thing a bit at odds as the game original text seems far less formal.


    In the terms of articles, it is probably best to review them on a case by case basis.

    Preferable it would be best to avoid such issue sentences if one is not very good with them.


    As stated before the correct translation for "turret" is "geschuttoren" but hopefully I cleared that up already.

    Tower itself should just be "toren" with potential attached text, as to specify the tower type.


    When consistency is involved I agree that the same words within the same context should be translated exactly the same way across the effort. Any deviations from established translations would just create confusion.


    When it comes to words like upgrade it is interesting to note that when google checked to translate "Upgrade" from English to Dutch it yielded as only result "Upgrade".

    Although if you know your dutch, reversing the translation to Dutch -> English. Typing in "Opwaardering" is the only valid translation entered into their system for "Upgrade" as it does allow the translation to find "Upgrade" as a result.


    Once more proving that google translate does not have all the answers. But yes. In some cases, people familiar with English will have no problem understanding "Upgrade".

    Though the reason for translating the project in the first place is to accommodate those who do not speak English. Personally, I find translations need to be understandable by as many people as possible.


    When it comes to translating the words exactly as they stand or if we should adjust them to Dutch standards, I think the best thing to do is to swap them for.


    If ever confused please keep in mind the set translation guidelines by the dev team.

    Everything should be translated in a way that sounds as natural and free as possible. That said, there are a few things that should be considered:


        The meaning of the text needs to stay as close to the original as possible.

        The context of the text needs to be accounted for. Some sentences have different meanings based on context.

        Sometimes, extra context information is given, represented in a gray box.

        %-Variables and $-Variables need to stay in the translation unchanged. We use them whenever some part of the text is unknown during translation and will be filled in by the game, like "10 Ships" will be represented by "%d Ships", as the translator doesn't know how many ships there are.

        Most number-dependent translations will have one singular and one plural translation.

        Whitespaces need to be preserved. The translation needs to have an identical number of newlines, and trailing/leading spaces and newlines also need to exist in the translation.

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