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Sir Charles

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Posts posted by Sir Charles


    I think insurances should be more specific. Insurance against asteroid collisions? Basic trader insurance against pirate ambushes? An insurance for your trade goods or system upgrades/turrets?


    That is a great idea, there should be a menu to chose what kind of insurance you want, adjusting the cost accordingly. Like suggested before, cost should be permanent intervalls added to crew payment or something like that.


    An insurance giving you back your materials wouldbe fine for me in that case since the problem with shipyards building ships for just money makes it just to easy to get materials, like "Hey, i need 20 million xanion, lets just trade some body armour and by this shit!"


    If a mechanic like that is added to the game, balance will be broken forever...

  2. I really don't like this idea.

    I know the server problems you're talking of exactly but just giving you money is exactly what an insurance is supposed to do. Where is the risk of approaching into battle when you can just get everything back by your ensurance, especially your modules.


    Does stealing modules from other players even work? When i tried to loot a players shipwreck i wasn't able to get even a single one because the were all fixed there, waiting for the player who would never ever come back for them.


    I would like to suggest another idea: What if shipyards would have the option to build a ship for an insane amount of money, but only money. Then you could simply take the money from your insurance and make a shipyard build a new ship, wich you could then transform into the ship you lost in building mode. The result would be the same, but this way it would just feel a little more realistic to me. It would also fix the ressource depot issue since you could just buy a ship and then delete it in building mode to get the ressources, transforming money into ressources. Because of this the cost should be really high i think so minig and salvaging will still be more profitable in the long run. Mabye this could even be avaiable only if you lost you ship and got insurance...


    I hope this fits with your wishes :)

  3. I like your idea, but I wouldn't stop where you did. I would like to have alliances much more integrated into the actual faction system, right now alliances are similar to factions, but they don't get the advantages or disadvantages of being one.


    Making the ownership of a sector changeable would be great since empty sectors could then be taken over by alliances, converting yellow or even empty sectors to green ones on the radar. This would also allow to get an actual war against another faction, taking over their former sectors and integrating it into your alliances territory.

    Factions that hate your alliance should also start sending ther attack fleets like they would do when attacking another faction instead of just spamming bounty hunters on your sectors.


    A living economy would be great, but the even greater thing linked to it would be the "respawning" of destroyed sectors. Many players like to get their money and ressources from raiding entire sectors leaving nothing than a tag on the galaxy map wich states that there has been something there in the past. Factions should start rebuilding such sectors, the recovering speed should depend on how good the economy of the faction is at the moment, allowing raided sectors to slowly recover (and be raided again  :P). Also if a player really wishes to, he should be allowed to take out a faction completely by destroying everything it has, removing that faction from the map and leaving its territory to be annexed by another faction or the players alliance himself.


    In my opinion a system like this could make the galaxy truly alive if done well. :)

  4. I'd go with Shrooblord in almost any point, but when it comes to artillery cannons, i think the cannons wich are in the game already should just be like that in general. Right now they are pretty useless after You got your hands on Railguns...

    I especially agree with the stories and stuff, because although the game is really deep right now it just misses background like I also stated in my Outer Regions Post

  5. I like the idea of some punishment for disabling the force field, like EVERY faction becomes hatefull on you instantly or something like that... The Player should get to now that he just did something really bad.

    I talked to some guys on a server and they made me aware of the fact that the xotan getting buffed would be a huge problem for newer players. However this could be avoided by the option to disable that in the world settings.


    I also thought of giving some life to the project exodus story in the outer rim first of all, but i am lacking in ideas to do so. I think there should be some more background on those guys though. You could get a message from outside, telling you to put down the force field? But Why? Or you meet some Exodus guys, telling you they created the AI to defeat the xotan and trying to kill you 'cause you defeated it... So many possibilities XD



  6. Building your own gate wouldnt be OP if the distance is capped and money spent scale to distance of gate like the NPC gates. Gate costs barely exists and no way matches the profit you get from mines/tradeposts/millitary outposts etc etc. Gate is mostly for convenience especially if you have a multi-sector production chain going.


    Hm... you're problably right... but would they really make a big difference since using them automatically is not possible?

  7. Building your own gates could get quite op quite fast... What should ne the maximum ratio, what should costs be, do You get tax from people using them?


    However, I really like the idea of a Hyperspace blocking turret, mabay also some other area weapons like that spiral in space rangers 2, causing very little damage in slow intervalls (anti-fighter-weapon)...


    This is written on smartphone, sry for mistakes ;)

  8. So these are my own ideas:


    I want to refer to two points i think still are on the roadmap: Legendary bosses and Fast-Travelling-Points.


    The first thing is obvious. There is a legend of that super strong alien invader ship in the outer regions of the galaxy that already wiped out billions of innocent people on hundrets of planets. The player can get a mission by hearing these rumors wich leads him to a devastated sector in the outer regions of the galaxy. After some research wich includes jumping through multiple close sectors the player finds the boss and beats the crap out of it (or the other way around  ;D).


    The second idea leaves much more room for some creativity. E. g. there could be a very low chance of getting into some new kind of pirate ambush when using such a fast travelling point. The player is moved to a travelling point in the outer regions he had not discovered yet with a huge and somewhat strong pirate fleet waiting (no it's not illogical 'cause there is a travelling point right there :P)...


    A third idea that could be quite cool would be the inclusion of let's say four more legendary bosses into the game. In each corner of the galaxy there is a space station with an insane amount of hull and shields, surrounded by a fleet of really strong guardians. The purpose of those stations is the keep-up of a strong force field or something like that around the whole galaxy to protect it from xotan-invaders coming from the outside. I don't know how this fits into the idea of a story the devs have, but in the end the destruction of every station will lead to a big increase in the power of all attacking xotan, making the game interesting again for players with super-overpowered battleships.


    I am curious on feedback, critics and more suggestions :)

  9. Hey Leute,


    this topic is about the outer regions of the galaxy. By that, i am talking of the "real" outer regions (those sectors behind the players spawn sector). There basically is a huge part of the galaxy not being used for anything 'cause the player is spawning closer to the center than these sectors are.


    I would like to see those sectors having any other use than getting the exodus-item. So this thread is meant to collect some ideas on how to make the outer parts of the galaxy more interesting without destroying the idea of a stronger core.


    Don't get me wrong, it's not ez pez like some other games, which you play on hardcore difficulty blindfolded, but I was able to survive in mid without any problems on highest difficulty with a naonite ship ^^ Maybe perform a scaling which is dependent on the material of the weapons you are using? (if it doesn't exist already, I'm not sure about it)


    Or maybe you could invent a new stat "damage multiplicator" which can be boosted by building a new block, like "Battle power modifier" which starts at 100% and can be boosted (similar to hypership cores)




    I do actually love this idea. This could be a great way of making higher materials  more effective.

    I think it would be a good idea to go like SkyCore suggested here.

    The formula could then be adapted to the used material with only Avorion granting unlimited (or at least very high) possibilities. I would even consider using this machanic with other blocks (like hyperspace cores, computers, thrusters etc.) as well, mabye with other values used in the formula.

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