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Sir Charles

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Posts posted by Sir Charles

  1. While I like the new ambient additions, I was a big fan of the old combat music and still find it better than the new one. I think it would be great to simply put the old tracks back in additionally to the new ones so we get more variety and a better overall experience. Mabye the type of the combat music should depend on the thread level of the enemies you are facing, I think that would have great effect like "Oh shit, it's THIS music, shit just got serious..." :D

  2. Hi!

    Since this is meant for the devs specifically and I am not that confident with my english, I will write this down in german. Should anyone desire to read it, I might add an english version later on tho...



    Nun zum Wesentlichen:

    Ich habe Avorion am 14. Februar 2017 erworben. Kennengelernt hatte ich es kurz zuvor via YouTube (Hirnsturz, der ja wenn ich nicht ganz falsch bin auch mal mit Koonshi gestreamt hatte) und ich war sofort Feuer und Flamme, weil das Spiel viele meiner liebsten Elemente aus anderen Weltraum-Spielen auf eine sehr vielversprechende Weise zusammenbringt. Auch wenn ich mehr Spielzeit in anderen Anwendungen habe, ist Avorion doch als Lieblingsspiel in meinem Showcase und es ist wohl eines der vier Spiele, die ich am häufigsten weiterempfohlen habe. Insofern an dieser Stelle erst einmal ein herzliches Danke für dieses Spiel, das mir in gewisserweise einen Kindheitstraum erfüllt.

    Dennoch gehört zu jedem Feedback auch Kritik. Dass diese wahrscheinlich den größten Teil dieses Posts ausmachen wird, sollte dabei aber nicht missverstanden werden, ich habe nur keine Lust, all die tollen Dinge am Spiel aufzuzählen, dann wäre der Text nämlich etwas zu lang für meinen Geschmack...


    In meinen Augen hat Avorion zwar verschiedene Baustellen, aber spielentscheidend, d. h. um zumindest mir ein gutes Spielerlebnis für die Ewigkeit zu garantieren sehe ich drei Problemfelder, die ich im Folgenden etwas ausbreiten möchte:


    1. Das Handels-System und die damit untrennbar verbundene Diskussion um den Geschützturmbau. Wie DivineEvil hier im Forum nie müde wird zu betonen, existieren die meisten Güter eigentlich nur für den Bau von Geschütztürmen. Ich halte das Gütersystem, so wie es im Moment aufgebaut ist, für zu kompliziert und würde mir entweder eine Vereinfachung und eine Entkopplung der Geschütztürme von Handelsgütern oder eine einfachere Möglichkeit, die Strukturen der eigenen Galaxie nachzuvollziehen (Stichwort Ingame Wiki mit integrierten "Links" zu bereits entdeckten Stationen), wünschen. Meine Persönliche Präferenz für einen Lösungsansatz wurde in diesem Thread ausführlich besprochen. Das dort propagierte System würde nicht nur die Komplexität reduzieren, sondern auch das Spielerlebnis an sich vereinheitlichen, was in meinen Augen ein großer Gewinn, gerade für neue Spieler, wäre.


    2. Die Galaxie ist tot...

    Avorion suggeriert oberflächlich eine lebendige und lebhafte Galaxie voller Ereignisse und Möglichkeiten. Nach längerer Spielzeit gehen die Abläufe jedoch "in Fleisch und Blut" über und das Spiel fühlt sich nicht mehr wirklich lebendig an. Xsotan und Piraten sind nur Timer, Faction Wars sind im besten Fall gratis Loot und im schlimmsten ein Server Crash usw. usw. Insbesondere die immer und ewig starren Fraktionen, die auch noch Flotten und Kopfgeldjäger ins All schicken, wenn man sie bis auf den letzten Frachter ausgelöscht hat, sind mir ein Dorn im Auge.

    Auch hierzu habe ich an verschiedenen Stellen im Forum meine Meinung kundgetan und ich hatte bisher das Gefühl, dass die Threads durchaus von den Entwicklern verfolgt werden, insofern möchte ich mich nicht allzu oft wiederholen.

    Trotzdem an dieser Stelle meine Idee (Ich habe nur ein sehr begrenztes Verständnis vom Programmieren, wenn das schlicht nicht machbar ist, wäre ich trotzdem dankbar für eine Antwort):

    Mit diesem Update wurde ein System eingeführt, dass die Entwicklung von Gütern in einem Sektor automatisch beim Laden berechnet und dann aktualisiert, sodass die Stationen augenscheinlich "nachproduzieren" oder "leergekauft" wurden. Ich habe mir von diesem Moment an die Frage gestellt, warum so etwas nicht auch mit der sonstigen Sektor-Entwicklung möglich ist. Könnte das Spiel beim Laden eines Sektors nicht "berechnen", wie z.B. Franktionskriege ausgegangen sind, ob Stationen neu gebaut wurden oder ob der Besitzer eines Sektors sich verändert hat?

    Könnten Fraktionen nicht eine Art "Stärkewert" erhalten, der einen Einfluss darauf hat, wie viele Piraten und Xsotan angreifen und in welcher Stärke sie das tun (wenige, aber heftige Angriffe auf starke Fraktionen, viele Piraten in Gebieten mit schwachen Fraktionen, viele Xsotan in Gebieten ohne Fraktionen)? Könnten Territorien den Besitzer wechseln und könnten Spielerallianzen nicht auch so gehandhabt werden wie Fraktionen (eigenes Territorium, keine Kopfgeldjäger mehr, sondern Flotten wie gegen NPC-Fraktionen etc.)? Die Anzahl der Fraktionen könnte auf lange Sicht stabil gehalten werden, indem große, aber schwache Fraktionen sich beispielsweise spalten.

    All dies sind ehrliche Fragen, keine zynische Kritik. Ein so dynamisches System würde Avorion eine unglaubliche Tiefe und Langlebigkeit verschaffen, aber ich weiß eben nicht, inwieweit es in dieser Form überhaupt umsetzbar ist... In meinem begrenzten Verständnis klingt es nur deutlich realistischer, als eine vollständig simulierte Galaxie...


    3. Waffen-Balancing

    Das Combat Update hat große Fortschritte für die Unterschiedlichkeit von Waffen gebracht. Trotzdem ist es oft so, dass man einfach die besten Waffen, die man gerade zur Hand hat, an die Front seines Schiffes bastelt, um dann mit gedrückter linker Maustaste fröhlich weiterzufliegen. Ich würde mir hier noch größere Unterschiede oder eigene Mechaniken für die verschiedenen Waffen wünschen und fand die in diesem Thread vorgestellten Ideen sehr vielversprechend, um speziell auch das Early-Game-Erlebnis noch etwas aufzuwerten und später mehr Vorteile durch spezialisierte Schiffe zu haben.





    Gerade in letzter Zeit bringt jedes neue Update Avorion in riesigen Schritten weiter in Richtung meines Traum-Spiels. Ich hoffe, dass ich mit diesem Thread vielleicht ein paar Ideen anregen konnte und bin gespannt auf die weitere Entwicklung dieses großartigen Spiels!


    Keep up the good work!

  3. You can even imagine it being possible to find a stash of several legendary torpedoes or fighters, which are otherwise unobtainable, which a player would cherish greatly and use with caution..


    Great idea!  Also if I already said earlier here, legendary turrets and fighters should get more buffed so they actually feel like real superweapons...

  4. I agree with systems being something special, but I still think they should not have their own system, because that would be exactly what we wanted to remove with this suggestion.

    The balancing for systems should be done inside of the borders of the blueprint system, e. g. there could be no blueprints at all for legendary upgrades (and mabye turrets as well, but if so, legendary turrets would need a huge buff to make this reasonable).

    So (for updates, turrets only with legendary buff) you could loot and research legendary upgrades, but not replicate them.

    Xsotan artifacts would stay as they are of course.


    But I am pretty shure that if the devs consider this (and I hope they do, because the current system is really bad) they will give this their own touch anyways; and I am not concerned about it being good, just about it being actually done.

  5. Could the game get two monitor support as well please?

    I always have different stuff on the second one and it would be nice to just slide out with the cursor without having to alt+Tab everytime. Or is this option already in?


    Lol I just thought whether it would be possible to actually support two monitors for active gameplay; like all the menus open on the other screen...

    Is that even possible?

  6. Bosses should drop artifacts every time you kill them (at least true in multiplayer).


    When you want to move on to the core, you gotta find one of the Haati Gate sectors (search yellow blibs near the barrier).

    If you are there, take 8 different ships, put one of the modules in each and then place them close to the asteroids with the same number as your artifacts got on them. Tada! Magical mystical beams (and an evil little suprise) occur and you got a passage to the center of the galaxy. The bad thing about this is that with doing so you will enter a not very developed zone in terms of game design. I actually stopped playing several times after crossing the barrier cause I got bored and started a new galaxy.


    Have fun playing!

  7. That is a really really good idea.


    I support it without any exclusions!



    I like the way it would make things more connected and uniform, also it will give iron, titanium and Naonite production blocks an actual reason to exist (beside factories ofc).

    It also gives a use to turret factories in the outer regions of the galaxy and makes torpedoes more attractive.

    Last but not least, it would make loot much more valuable and make you feel happier when you find some good stuff. Since looting torpedoes is a planned feature, I see some great potential here. Creation of torpedoe and module blueprints from stuff you already own could be problematic in terms of balance, so mabye that should only be possible for torpedoes and fighters.

    An overall change like you, DivineEvil, suggest will not touch the current way to play early game, but it will expand possibilities and grant a better feeling  for all those players who like to build specialized ships with uniform weaponry.

  8. Using commodities for producing turrets makes absolutely no sense, since they're oddly the only part of the spacecraft construction attached to them - neither Fighters using these same weapons, System Modules, Torpedoes or ships themselves has any relation to Commodities, and large portion of trading goods exist for the sole purpose of making turrets, which makes their variety superfluous and convoluted. Commodities should exist as an independent source of credit income and as a method of improving relations with NPC factions and increasing their capability to defend claimed sectors, wage faction wars, replenishing casualties, offering better services and greater credits rewards to players, etc.


    Exactly. Making turrets is not fun, it is just annoying...

    I don‘t know know if I would like a blueprint system as it would add another layer of complexity to the game, but it definitely is a nice idea and will give the game even more depth. The key is to slowly introduce this as you proceed towards the center, so it won‘t be overwhelming for newer players in my oppinion and the devs have not disappointed me in the past when it comes to creative solutions.

    One of the reasons I created this poll was to find out how the community thinks about turret factories in general and so far the current mechanic seems not to be wanted... we will se how this develops (hopefully), if more people participate here.

  9. It would make random weapon drops far more valuable. Right now, the absolute best turrets are always made at a turret factory. It takes the fun and excitement out of finding a new legendary weapon drop, because you know that whatever it is, you're going to be able to build something better at a factory.



    Especially when the legendaries you create out of factory-turrets at a research stations are always worse than what you put in there -.-

  10. Currently turret factories require goods to make specific turrets. I would personally prefer them to duplicate your existing turrets at the cost of resources instead of trading goods[glow=red,2,300](Not up to date. DivineEvil suggested something way better down there!)[/glow], but with this poll, I just want to find out whether other people like the current system or not and mabye create a suggestion based on that.


    I am very curious what results we will get here!

    If you got another idea that was not represented in my questions, type it below! :D

  11. Did they change something about this?

    When I was experimenting with trading posts, they were not very profitable, especially when they got attacked and  I had to repair them.

    Or are you talking about the issue where you can take the cargo of your trading post and sell it again? Cause that one should have been fixed...

  12. Yup, the upper screenshot happens when you search for something and then delete everythin you wrote... I think I reported this as a bug, but mabye I forgot? I don`t remember...


    Something like a legend (i hope this is the right word in english, I am talking of an explanation window that tells what symbol means what and offers you the option to click little boxes on and of), where you can enable/disable certain icons would be nice.

  13. No problem! Language shouldnt be an issue when trying to improve the game!


    Gewerkschaft replied about my bolter idea, suggesting that they should have the highest penetration value of all the small weapons. I think that would suit them well.


    Also he made some points about coaxial weapons, which I do agree with as well in most parts.

    Basically he said that coaxial weapons should have the same aim mechanics as the usual weapons, but being restricted to one turning axis (so they could turn left and right or up and down, but not both) or be even restriced to a certain turning angle.  [glow=red,2,300]I misunderstood him here, see the end of this post[/glow]

    That way, they would allow broadsides (and yes, I am a fan of 40k, and yes, you got me in for that :D ) and be more usefull for the application on big ships.

    He also suggests to make them have a much bigger recoil, so you really feel you are firing something powerfull there.



    I think that coaxial weapons could have a special feature, different for each weapon type

    Las could be a real superlaser with charging time and a short, very powerfull shot.

    Cannons could have a massive AoE effect.

    Railguns could have enormous recoil.

    And so on and so on.

    I think coaxial weapons should have something to show they are at a different limit than normal guns.

    At the moment they just fit in the usual "delete and proceed" behavior where you just put anything you find in front of your cuby ship and hold Mouse 1 untill nothing is left.


    This is btw what I like the most about this topic. It is about making weapon choice matter, something that could give Avorions combat system more depth when done properly (and I hope what we suggest here is `properly`...)



    [glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left][shadow=red,left]Edit: Gewerkschaft actually wants to enable coaxial weaponry to rotate on  two axis, like the MG of a tank. He suggest limitation to the angle tho, e. g. 45 degrees [/shadow][/shadow][/glow]

  14. To make this discussable:


    The essence of this posts idea is that armor blocks should get a new mechanic. Their thickness, material and so on will generate a value, with different weapon types having different potential to penetrate it,

    In concrete gameplay this will mean that e. g.  chainguns will do no damage at all to a ship, when hitting thick armor, while cannons will be the only weapon to penetrate any armor.

    So basically there will be an „armor value“ versus a „penetration value“.

    The post also states that lasers will reduce the armor value, making them special and more different from other weapons and also making laser fighters something unique.


    I like the idea a lot, as it would give the combat mechanics of Avorion more depth and make weapon choice actually matter because the type of weapon you use will dictate the best targets. Additionally searching for weak spots will be more important.

    Also it will offer an opportunity to make bolters more different from chainguns and give cannons a really  useful feature. The idea about lasers reducing the armor value is great in my opinion, as it will make the really special and very tactical...

    One last think I found really good about the suggestion is that it will make the early game much less painful because you will have the ability to hide behind armor and protect your ship from damage at the cost of mobility. Obviously this needs to be balanced, mabye bolters should reduce the armor value as well, but not as much as lasers ?


    As this post is about weapon mechanics, I want to add what has been said many times already:

    Pulse cannons need to be changed (I would like them to disable boost and hyperspace jumping for a set amount of time) so they can actually do something...

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