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Posts posted by kurikaktus

  1. I'd like to suggest the idea of cryochambers or cryochamber blocks to put unused crew in stasis. I got this idea when I thought I didnt want to pay the salaries of the crew in my idle ships or if I have a large frigate parked somewhere that I wont be able to use to explore...but rush to get it if I encounter a large alien ship.


    A friend of mine who's just getting into modding had a slight thought of modding cryochambers though. Just a thought, no work has been started yet and we're not yet sure if its actually possible.


    Its also worth mentioning that someone also thought of a similar idea of not needing to pay the crew when the ship is not in use or is in an unloaded sector.

    Simple enough concept. If the sectors are not loaded, the ships are not doing anything, including mining. If they're not going to pay for themselves while I'm away, why should I pay them?


  2. I've hosted a private server for a few friends and we've encountered the problem of not  having iron at the starting point. I've checked the existing mod list and I've haven't found a mod that resets the roids. I've heard a certain server has that kind of mod. I assume it was made in-house since I cant seem to find it.

  3. Hey there. I've hit a road block. I've already setup a dedicated server but I cant seem to make people join via IP. I let the host join locally ( then we joined him through steam (right clicking steam friend and selecting join game). This method works but if he isnt in the game, none of us would be able to get in the server. We've already portforwarded and I am unsure what else to do.

  4. I was supposed to post the same problem.


    I was going to sell  anti gravity units that cost me 100 around mil worth of credits only to find that the station i was going to dump to didnt have a docking bay for me to sell them. I do hope there's a way to remedy this.

  5. I know there's an existing method to replace blocks with another block. The problem is you need to select the block group and to select which block to replace it with. Would it be possible to just have a tab to list all the blocks of the same type and replace the material? Lets say I want to change all reactor blocks to Naonite, or all Hull blocks to titanium.

  6. Hey there, I'd like to suggest a change to progression. Is it possible to make newer modules still cost iron or some of the lower tier metals? My concern is this, after a while iron becomes a junk metal and it doesnt seem to be worth keeping it. My best example is terraria vs modded minecraft (in terms of resources). In terraria, I'd tier up to the latest gear, and all inferior metals are already junk. In modded minecraft, the recipies and easily accessible materials such as coal, wood, and iron, are still mostly used to reach higher tier blocks.


    In this way, we would still find early metals still useful. Maybe in terms of immersion, higher tier equipment would need rare metals that alloy with iron or metals that came before them.

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