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Posts posted by [DM]Origin

  1. The topic already existed, but referred to the ships that were controlled by the player. I don't understand the argument, but OK.


    The situation is quite different for ships controlled by the AI. That's what it looks like:


    You place a mining laser and a point defense turret. Then you assign a number to the mining laser. e.g. the No. 1.The Point Defense Turret gets e.g. the No. 9. Then you assign the setting Defense (Fighters, Torpedos) to the No. 9. With this configuration it is possible that the Point Defense guns only fire at enemy targets and not at the asteroids.


    Since every ship of a player in every sector can be attacked and the attackers also shoot with torpedoes at the ship this is inevitable. Especially because torpedoes are only attacked by the Point Defense guns if they are aimed at the respective ship. Means a guard ship lets through any torpedo fired at the ship to be protected. Which will destroy it.


    Therefore it is essential that the settings are permanent! At the moment it simply makes no sense to leave ships behind because they either do not dismantle the asteroids but destroy them with the turrets or are destroyed unprotected by attackers. With or without guard ship.

  2. Even if it was a misunderstanding, there is still a bug here. He showed up with me when I converted my existing ship using a template. All weapons were removed from the ship, but one remained invisible and then occupied a slot.


    To fix this it was necessary to reset the complete configuration of the weapons. Delete all key bindings and remove all weapons. After that, the slots were back to 0.

  3. First, it might be fun, but that on its own would not justify the addition and corresponding coding necessary for it to work. In the vacuum, there's no feasible reason to have landing pads or runways to begin with even for fighters, as any spacecraft can be suspended by a simple harness frame or a single hatch gripper.

    Of course you can do a lot in space. However, there are also things that are better implemented by gravity. But above all without a bulky and heavy space suit. In terms of programming effort, that's not so much now.


    Second, which also responds to your latter points, Avorion has a much, much greater scale foundation to consider having landable ships. One dimensional unit of the building tools corresponds to 10 meters. That means, that a base 2x2x2 block, which is a origin of a new ship is 20 meters in every dimension, or almost a small 6-story building. Considering that, any sort of furniture is pretty much out of the question.

    You can scale blocks down to 0.1 unit. So it's one meter. It would be possible to bring a single bed as a block and position it in the grid without any problems. But I'm not talking about the wardrobe, I'm talking about decorations in general. This also includes things for the outside. They are Pre Defined Blocks. They do not necessarily all have to be scalable and not have a size of 2x2x2 units in the base. Just because the base block is this size.

    It would only give you a little more freedom in design.



    I do not see either as relevant changes. These are things you can implement later in the game. For example, as a small DLC.

  4. Why? You have a really, really, big spaceship. And then only 30 turrets? That is very unrealistic. Especially since larger turrets use more slots and in the end you don't have 30 but only 15 or so.


    The correction nozzles show the way. The bigger the spaceship, the more correction nozzles you need. However, there comes the point where you lose agility. Since it is no longer possible to place more correction nozzles. Or you can't put anything else in.


    You can do the same with the turrets. Volume is only one possible indicator. The number of slots is not scaled linearly, but in a curve function. The more volume you have, the more volume you need for another slot. It then comes automatically the point where more volume no longer effectively delivers more slots.


    There's one thing you mustn't forget. The bigger a ship gets, the slower it gets. This makes it easier to hit and also provides more area to hit.


    From the modules' point of view, only one thing can be said. Such a system can even accommodate 2 types of modules. Namely comparable to the modules for the storage room. One module for a fixed number of slots and one that provides more slots in percentage.


    Alternatively, a completely different system. Got one in my mind. But would completely change the ship designe and requires a new block with a new mechanics :)

  5. - Langing gear is useless, because Avorion spaceships do not and have no need to land on anything.

    A landing gear maybe not. But a landing zone? :)


    This would be really fun to land a little space ship on a landing zone on a very large space station. This could be an alternative to the "Dock Block".


    Another thing to pre defined blocks could be decorative blocks. Things like tables, bushes, a box with plants, etc.

  6. Ok. The Bug Report function ingame has a bug. It didn't upload the selected and well set client log file. Instead it breaks a message: "Please upload the client log". Well, I have done that. Therefore here:


    Beta 0.16.5 r11107 d869ab146e13

    Graphic Error

    Main Game (Steam)



    This happens in build mode with ships with a hight amount of blocks. It's about 30,000 blocks and more. At some point when blocks are deleted, the blocks are removed from the block structure, but remain in the graphic pipeline. The removed blocks are rendered but cannot be selected anymore. Instead the blocks behind them are selected. You need to relogin into to galaxy to fix that problem.


    I toke a screenshot that show you the problem. All the glasses above the ship have been erased. See link below.



    Steps to reproduce

    This is difficult, because this bug ist random. Build a ship with over 30,000 blocks. Then start to delete blocks. And hope, this bug comes up.


    Client and Server Logs

    Are part of the zip file.


  7. I miss several informations at the fleet panel. There is only an overview of alle ships with sector and payment. It would be nice to implement more informations. These are the current command, if one set and also informations about the crew, damaging informations and upgrades.


    The next one is an option to command a ship. For example at right clicking with mouse or the "F" key.


    Not realy for the panel. But it would be nice to see the jump radius of all ships in the same sector ("M" key pressed).

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