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Posts posted by Crymson

  1. One of the things I like about Avorion is the procedurally generated nature of the game and its challenges.  That said while there is alot of room to grow with faction interactions and such I would like to propose a simple but significant upgrade to the endgame gameplay.



    What if upon destroying the wormhole guardian, what seemed to be the solution to the Xsotan problem instead turned out to be exactly the opposite?  Everything we have been told is that defeating the wormhole guardian would stop the Xsotan but what if instead of stopping them it made them react violently.  At one time the Xsotan were flooding in from the wormhole, but now they have established many breeding sectors throughout the core as anyone who has explored the core region has seen dozens of these. I would propose that once you kill the wormhole guardian new more powerful fleets of Xsotan begin to spawn, all the formerly passive Xsotan on the map become hostile to everyone.  And larger fleets of powerful Xsotan ships begin to spawn at the breeder sites and then move to faction sectors and attack them.  The goal then would be a long term fight against a ravening hoard of Xsotan and the eradication of key breeder Queen entities in the breeder sectors.  This would give an ever escalating conflict that would carry on beyond simply eliminating the wormhole guardian.  Perhaps it could even be made a flag in server settings so servers that want a mostly passive xsotan experience for players to grow and enjoy could have that.  Meanwhile folks who want to face a major threat and ongoing challenge after the wormhole guardian would have a reason to keep playing.


  2. Well assuming turret slots were no longer related to system module slots that would free up alot of room that would otherwise be taken by turret control modules.  If the Turret bases each "used up" some processing power it would make it a dynamic of compensating processor use by turret slots against adding processing power to the ship to compensate.  Also there would be fall off point as ships grow beyond a maximum size to processing power ratio where gains in size and processing power would outpace the need for system module slots and all that excess processing power could be diverted into turret deployment.


    Most of my argument for reworking turret allowances is focused on availability of turrets beyond what the 15 system slots allow for very large ships.  At that point nothing natively existing in the game poses such ships a challenge.  The challenge then becomes allowing those who wish to deploy such ships to do so in a fashion that remains relevant "within" the gameplay loop.


    It is easy enough to install a mod that provides modules with massive turret allowances and thus obviate this discussion altogether.  I am trying to propose a solution that would keep these choices functionally important within the game design.

  3. Currently turrets are tied to the essentially hardcapped system module slots.  I can understand that decision but in a truly sandbox game this is rather restrictive for ship design.  Virtually all other ship design elements can be controlled and scaled up as you increase ship size.  Assembly, cloning, fighter cap, torpedo cap, academy, shields, power, all these scale directly with the ship and can be controlled with great granularity in the ship design. 


    Turrets do not scale endlessly no matter how you build the ship.


    Here is my suggestion.

    1) Require turrets to be mounted to turret bases.

    2) Require more base volume not just face size for larger turrets.

    3) Tie turret base volume to a ship power/processing power cost reflecting power feeds, capacitors, ammo feeds etc.

    4) Make the costs for the turret bases scale so the more total volume of turret bases you have the greater the overall cost becomes in an exponential or logarithmic fashion.  Possibly with an inverse power cost versus processing cost for larger vs smaller turret bases allowing the player to tinker with how they chose to arm ships as they get larger and larger.

    Perhaps turret bases could even reduce the overall processing power of a ship thus forcing players to make important choices between more guns or more module slots for upgrades, thus keeping that element of current gameplay intact.


    In this fashion you could build an over-gunned small ship or the Executor Class Super Star Destroyer with its hundreds of turbolaser batteries, it would all be a matter of building your ship to handle the requirements to power/feed the gun turrets.  And when you get down to it one of the greatest glories of Avorion is ship design.

  4. Hi,

    I like this mod quite a bit and want to use it on my dedicated server.

    However it is not available on the workshop and I only use workshop mods on my server for ease of pushing updates to my players.

    I also had to update this rather significantly to make it work in the current version of the game.


    That being said I am going to publish this to the workshop with full credits to you.

    If you do not want this on the workshop I will happily take it down just let me know.


    Thanks again for making this excellent mod.

  5. if you simply set the Dependancy to {id = "Avorion", max = "0.*"} it will be compatible with any version of Avorion going forward.  Personally when I create mods for any game I simply keep them up to date so the versioning doesn't become an issue.  When I do decide to take a hiatus from modding on a game I will set a version limit if available, and I always note in the description what version the mod is made for and that it is no longer being maintained.  Setting an arbitrary version limit on my mods when they will most likely continue to function regardless of game updates and especially the idea that they would become non functional beyond the next update seems like a really bad idea.

  6. Literally every outdated mod, simply changing the version dependency in the modinfo.lua for the mod is enough to allow the game to load without issue.  This is easy enough to do clientside for an individual but it literally stonewalled my dedicated server totally making it unplayable. I have done a workaround for now by publishing a small compilation mod of just the most crucial outdated mods for my gaming community.

    Client Log attached.  Also attaching the server log from my dedicated server.



  7. With 25.2 out there is a new problem with outdated mods.  Now the system will not allow you to play with these mods even if you force enable them. I have even pulled some of these mods and installed them locally with the game version dependency set to 0.* and they load and function just fine.  This affects both SP and MP servers, the game runs fine but when it tries to connect to the server whether dedicated or even the SP local server it errors out with "Error while enabling Mods:".  This happens whether I am starting a new game or loading an existing game.

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