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Posts posted by Salminar

  1. Well the update is nice but the fixes don't seem to be working for me. Weapon range is still broken on my weapons, i have railruns supposed to shoot at 6km that can't at more than 3, my salvaging and mining that are below 0.75 while they are supposed to be 1.2.


    The disabling of servers scripts is still an issue too. I haven't test much the rest but i feel like the fixes are not working at all. Don't know for others.

  2. If you play on single player, most of the scripts will work just fine. The way this game is designed is a bit different from most.

    Basically you have one script, and only one part is used on the client and another on the server. Don't know if what i say is clear but, it will be ok in single  player and far easier to use in single player, like most of the scripts you will find here.

  3. I think it will come later.


    You refered to the X serie and OOS gestion was a big issue in this game as it was in end game what was making most of the lags even if the management was really simplified.


    If they want to have OOS efficient on avorion it need to be multi threaded and think carefully so that it don't make more troubles in the futur than really help. So i'm a bit like you, waiting for it cause it will add a lot of interrest to the game, but at the same time i don't want it to be rushed and the dev realize at somepoint it should be redone from scratchs cause of conception issues.

  4. You are confusing me a bit here.

    Is it a good coding practice to put saves in roaming? Is it microsoft that is asking for this? I hope not. I thought those directory was created to prevent applications like photoshop to saturate the windows registry like they were doing in the past.

    To me roaming and "app data" in general is meant to have configuration files stored in, like key binding.


    On the other hand you have a special directory created by the system for savegames purpose :"My games". And this way you don't loose you savegames when you are installing your system again, as app data is trashed when it happens, and not my docs.


    It looks more like a linux way to do, and it's just fine on this OS, but on windows it won't just work.



  5. Hi,


    While modding a little bit i came upon an issue i'm actually trying to solve on my mod, but that's not the point.

    Upon working around with it, i discovered that this, will lead to simply crashing a script from the server and making it unavaible for everyone until the server reboot.


    I won't post the whole process here as it is pretty simple to reproduce and i don't want to have all the avorion servers constantly crashed by people wanting to arm the game. So 'ill complete the post by PM just wanted to catch your attention.

  6. So i don't know how you want to manage your list, i guess its a bit hard as the game is quite new. also, was wondering, maybe make some categories to sort all this as it seem to start to be a lot of mods in the list.

  7. Hi,


    I'm asking here, cause it's really a request, to move the game save files to my docs and stop putting them in app data/roaming.

    First it's not the place of such files, when you need to make a backup, having save games in a system hidden directory is always a bad idea.


    Secondly i have a SDD for my system and avorion is saturating it for nothing here and will end up as i won't be able to play anymore cause of disk saturation. And i don't think i will be alone in this situation in a close futur.


    I'll add a point on screenshots that are made twice on windows at least, once they are stored in the steam files and a second time in roaming, again.


    Thank you for reading.

  8. Not directly related to the topic but i was looking in the game files and i went accross the ingame classification that is related to volume of the ships (as we could guess) and was feeling posting it here would be good for everyone to know


        local base = 2000

        local scale = 2.5


        -- base class (explorer)

        maxVolumes[1] = base * math.pow(scale, -3.0)

        maxVolumes[2] = base * math.pow(scale, -2.0)

        maxVolumes[3] = base * math.pow(scale, -1.0)

        maxVolumes[4] = base * math.pow(scale, 0.0)  -> 2000

        maxVolumes[5] = base * math.pow(scale, 1.0)  -> 5000

        maxVolumes[6] = base * math.pow(scale, 2.0)  -> 12 500

        maxVolumes[7] = base * math.pow(scale, 2.5)  -> 19 750 ( 19764.235 ...)

        maxVolumes[8] = base * math.pow(scale, 3.0)  -> 31 250

        maxVolumes[9] = base * math.pow(scale, 3.5)  -> 49 400 (49410.588 ...)

        maxVolumes[10] = base * math.pow(scale, 4.0)-> 78 125

        maxVolumes[11] = base * math.pow(scale, 4.5)

        maxVolumes[12] = base * math.pow(scale, 5.0)



    Military classification












    Traders classification







    Freighters classification






    Cargo Transport

    Cargo Hauler

    Heavy Cargo Hauler



    Miners classification


    "Light Miner

    "Light Miner



    "Heavy Miner

    "Heavy Miner

    "Mining Moloch

    "Mining Moloch


    So they are sorted from the lighter to heavier. You have 12 categories defined by the code, but as you can see, only 9 exists for military and even less for the rest, so i guess it's for incoming updates.



    Anyway even if it's directly extracted from the code, the values seem a bit weird, but at least that give an idea of the current ingame system.

    It's in script/lib/shiputility.lua if anybody want to check and play a little bit with it, so it will look ingame for you as you wish it to be.

    Don't forget to make a backup of the file.

  9. I will never buy X rebirth but ...


    X4 is in development!




    Now, lets see how they will do things this time. If it's to spend 7 years for a Xbox game that never made it to the Xbox and screwed the PC gamers, it's without me. If they come back to what made their game awesome like the previous X games, i'll give it a try.


    Anyway with avorion they have a serious game to compete with this time, so they really should work their sheet carefully, more than in the past.

  10. Hi,


    Since the game is only at early stages and the documentation is not the main goal of the main developper for now, i feel like it would be interresting to have a place for modders to share their knowledge and ask questions to other on issues and progress they make, be it with scripts, the API or anything that can be helpfull for the game.


    I think making all this together here would help a lot to find what we are seeking more easily without having to make huge searchs on the forum and having various request or suggestions showing up in the results.


    So as a rule for this topic, please don't do requests and we talk only about technical issues related to ingame modding or documentation.



    So here is a few things i came by that could help a lot.


    Modding documentation

    You can acces it in the folder of avorion "Avorion/Documentation/" in your steam folder and is HTML format. Incomplete but still helpfull.


    Utility.lua and stringutility.lua

    Those two files are really helpfull for debugging or trying things in the game, specially the printTable function that allows you to look easily what is stored in the game variables.



    Don't forget to asign a key to the showconsole in your game options, all the messages made with print as well as runtime errors are displayed in the console.


    UI bug

    I have reported it already, but it seem that the UI refuse to draw labels on scrollframes. Until a fix or a workaround is found keep that in mind.




    Finally if people are using LUA for sometime now i have a question, is it possible to know if a function is present on the server before using invokeServerFunction or at least a way to track the error and prevent the error?

  11. I think he ask sort by DPS, more than by damages.


    And actually, you can't access the inventory with mods. So you can sort by damages in inventory, without being able to have the DPS, but for the research station, it could be possible to sort with a mod how you want it to be sorted. But i don't see the point to do so in the research station ... Cause all is about rarity techlv and material, not damages.

  12. Heyas,


    Working a bit on my UI mod and had an issue with making work a label that wasn't displaying at all with my rect information while all the other elements were performing well.

    After a lot of debugging i finally replaced the ScrollFrame : createLabel function by the TabbedWindow : createLabel, the exact same function but for the parent of my scrollframe and it worked just fine.


    Maybe i am doing something wrong, but i could place pictures, an any element created from the scrollframe at the exact place my label was supposed to be. And it was at the right place using the parent, so it really look like a bug for this particular function for me.


    I'll post if i find more about it.

  13. Posting a preview of what will look like the tab for transfering fighters.




    It was much harder than expected as you can't use the drag & drop feature used to manage quads or inventory, the items can't pass from one side of the window to the other. (With many other issues linked to the drag & drop)


    So i workaround with a combo of buttons and pictures to get this result. It won't be possible to manage the squad from this window until another patch from the game, but should make the whole thing work tomorrow.

  14. Actually the game is almost frozen out of system.


    We are a few to try to put things together t make the game work even when we are not in the sector, but so far Laserzwei as the best approach.

    So in my opinion, just wait a little bit for updates or if someone find a way with a mod to work around.


    But one last thing, keep in mind that even if a mod make this happen, if it's too heavy and drain all the server, it won't help at all (what happens when mods become too heavy and complicated), so i'm pretty sure this thing should be rushed if anybody find a way.

  15. Could you add icons like NexusNull did on his version so it's easier to see what is what?


    I'd like to see a combination of the mods where it's possible to transfer one or an amount input by user like on Laser's version but also with the option to move all the goods like on your version.


    Icons have been added in 1.02, but for the more options to move goods and crew i don't think i will do it right now, cause it would be confusing and overcharging the UI. If i find a way to make it intuitive and nice maybe i'll merge both in one.


    Nice think. Had current Not time to Test it.

    Is it possible with this Mod to Transfer a specific Level of crew. That i can Take my Tier 3 Crew in a Transport frighter and Go and Level only the low Tier Crew.


    Yes you can, when you point at the crewbar the level is displayed, so you can just choose to move your lv 3 mechanics or your lv 1 gunners with no troubles.


    Updated to 1.02. Working on the fighter transfer but have many testing to do as it's undocumented.

  16. UI upgrade for transfer of goods.


    This mod aim at improving the UI for transfers of goods in ship to ship and ship to station configuration.


    Upon reading a bit the files of the game and the forum, i tend to put my version to upgrade the UI and specially the transfer part that was a bit tedious to use. And as i was working on it, i wanted too a way to transfer fighters as well as crew and cargo.

    As i wasn't alone to look around this features we decided then to unify the projects as only one so it would be easier to maintain and let Lazerswei focus on his other project OOSP, ending in two slightly different branchs for how to transfer the goods.



    Compatibility read first


    When you use this mod on multiplayer, the UI part will work just fine, but the new features like the transfer of fighters will only work on servers that have BetterTransfer v1.10 or superior installed.

    It don't matter which branch is used, as vanilla and convenient are fully compatible with each other.



    transfer vanilla version :

    transfer crew and cargo by one or by 10 by a single clic.






    transfer convenient version :

    crew and cargo will be transfered by the number set in the textfield after clicking the attached button.






    The fighter transfer tab :

    Clic the icon of the fighter you want to transfer.

    /!\ You need to have the script installed on the server too for the fighter transfer to work. What version (vanilla or convenient) don't make difference as long as the server have one.




    What is next :

    A rework of the double scrollframe used on all tabs into a single one

    Drag & drop for fighters

    Fighter squads management



    Known issues :

    The transfer fighter tab don't manage more than 7 squads, having more than that will lead to a bug preventing you from any transfer.

    The UI always display 7 squads even if there are none.



    Thank you to HellkerN for his original post that made me look in this file for something i was looking for some time now

    Thank you to Laserswei for the merging of our two projects in a single one. His original mod

    And thank you for the HTML documentation, even incomplete, it helped a lot!



    Changelogs :


    V 1.0

    cargo display raised from 9 to 20

    added buttons to transfert cargo and crew by 10

    added the fighters tab, still not fuctionnal.



    V 1.01

    cargo display raised to 30 to unify it with the convenient branch

    Laserzwei transfer project added as the convenient branch (or modified on github)

    original project become the vanilla branch (or master on github)

    added the lv of crew while overing the quantity bars


    V 1.02

    added icons for crews and cargos for both versions

    optimized some code, a few elements were repainted twice in a row


    V 1.10

    Fighter transfer is now working for both convenient and vanilla

    Transfer range for fighters set to 0.5 instead of 0.2 for other goods

    Upgraded maintainability of the code


    V 1.11

    Added freespace to the global bar for crew cargo and fighters

    Code reworked and unified between the two branches

    New tooltip for fighters

    Added a function to get server version of BetterTransfer

    Code improved in efficiency


    V 1.12

    Bug fix from convenient version 1.11, transfers being impossible sometime

    Freespace for fighters have been rounded

    Cargo that are illegal, dangerous or with a special status are displayed and highlighted

    Fighter tab don't use anymore the scroll bar.

    Fighters squads are displayed on a single line and not 2 anymore.

    Cargo on vanilla are now transfered by 25 and not by 10 with the fast transfer button



    Get all the releases in archive files from Github here

  17. Seekers missiles are an awesome combo to put with almost any weapon as you don't have to bother for their speed.


    I used them with plasma and with railguns and with was awfull for the enemies. Basically when you mount more than one type of weapon you have troubles cause the travel speed of bullets are not the same, resulting in lot of miss with one or more of the weapon types. You don't have to bother if you have missiles.


    So equiping plasma with mssiles seekers for exemple result in a burst of fast bullets draining the shield, while your missiles are on the way, slowly but seeking the target you have locked. And when shields are down you can switch target and let the missiles do their work.


    The issue with plasma is that they end up draining too much energy, so i'm using railguns with missiles on my main gun now, it less efficient but railguns with their insta hit are nice too.


    Try the weapons a little bit, you can look at them while you loot some, use for see the mechanics and then know if they are to your taste. For the rest in terme of DPS i find canons weak. They have a high burst but a really low sustained DPS compared to bolters and chainguns.

    On the other hand chainguns have an accuracy quite horrible, meaning you don't hit much if not at close range.

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