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Posts posted by NerArth

  1. Ah, good to know. Also another quick run through your guide I found that you didn't mention that Tesla guns can't destroy stone blocks and Railguns can't damage Armor blocks in the Building section, although they still do damage to your overall hull. Might be good to add that to the turret section too. Also in the building section you should also mention that Turret Rotation lock stop turrets from turning to make them always face forward ( I used to use this so turrets didn't take ages to turn to the target if their facing towards the rear of the ship ).

    Also you forgot to mention about how the rotation from thrusters will be improved depending on how far away from the centre of mass it is.


    And also something I would like, it would be nice to add Something about alliances in the guide so I can quickly give it to newbies for reference when their just starting in multiplayer.


    ( And If you want me to give you a butt-load of tips / things to add just message me )


    Yeah, I completely forgot about the tesla/rails since I'm so used to that mechanic already. But I'll be adding some of those things soon.


    You can pm me with it all, I don't mind, but a lot of information might warrant a separate guide? I have mixed feelings about making a basics guide too dense.


    Edit: I haven't messed too much with alliances myself so what do you think is pertinent to talk about? I do understand how they work and how they're structured, but I'm not sure I'll do much good just describing that. ;)

  2. Hello. I wish to ask about something regarding sound effects. In the SFX folder, there are all the sound effects/music utilized by the game. But right now it is the sound effects that I am looking at.

    Is there a way to expand the amount of sounds that can be triggered by the game? Like adding an impact_shield4, 5, and 6.wav? I imagine that in an .lua somewhere it will list a library of sounds, or a bit of math.random trickery to tell the game to {play these sounds} when {thing} happens. But have been unable to find it. Is it possible to do this? Or is it just something hardcoded?


    I've been trying to find a .lua that has the sound files specified for specific actions too but no luck either... :(


    I do know that weapons have a sound property when they are generated, but I don't really know how it works as I haven't looked into it.

  3. It pains me to see that it says Naonite is the heaviest low Tier material, I find that Iron is the Heaviest. Even the game says in its tips that Iron is one of the heaviest materials.


    Also not to sure about this, but I'm fairly sure that Avorion doesn't have the highest Durability.


    Oops, you're right about the mass, I'll correct that briefly. Not sure how I reached that conclusion... :-\


    As for Avorion's hp, I double-checked, it is the highest per volume, except that Avorion does not have any armour blocks, and Ogonite does, so Ogonite armour is better for protection than simply having Avorion hull.


  4. You can find my

    Avorion Basics guide here.



    A Lua guide with info on how to rename ships.


    I'm currently writing a guide on some Lua basics too. I'm not a programmer and so I only know stuff at a hobby level; but I've messed around a fair bit with Lua before and I've figured out things like ship renaming and can lead you into more general use of the Lua commands. I will edit this part when it's ready.


    I thought I would make this post so I can keep track of my own guides, and so people can easily find them all. If you have a suggestion for another guide, let me know.

  5. a lot of us have already 'beat the end game' or in other words defeated the final boss so wouldn't care about any module under legendary anyway in most cases.  I for one have a few hundred legendary's in inv and so much junk I normally just mark everything below exceptional as trash and one click sell it at the dock.  for those that haven't gotten there yet, its so easy to get modules and research them to legendary that it wouldn't take long anyway.  researching modules is great in this game. not a huge amount of rng to smack you.  its the turrets that suck to research.

    prolly why so many just craft them instead.


    I understand that lower rarity modules are not worth much to post-endgame players like yourself, but I'm not sure what the point you're making is, exactly; could you please clarify? I'm just not sure if you mean if the modules are fine as they are or if they do indeed need more penalties, especially to compensate the bonus at legendary level; or if you mean something else entirely that I've completely missed.


    Ive half shelved the game for now. I have enough resources saved up to rebuild my entire empire 3 or 4 times over and nothing in the galaxy can hurt me.. sure if half the galaxy attacked one system theyd prolly win but then theyd be wiped out. which doesn't work in current version so no fun. meh. anyway that's another topic.


    And personally I think anyone can burn out from any game. In related genres, I played Freelancer, mostly multiplayer and modded, for almost 10 years or something like that, at least more than a few times every week but eventually it did trail off completely for me. I guess in Avorion it can be quite easy to become very powerful in the endgame, which leads to a loss of having a challenge and becoming bored, because of the way stat scaling works without a hard cap -which can both be good and bad, depending on intended replayability of a game. But like you say, that's for another topic, though I don't mind discussing those things. :D

  6. Hey there,


    in my opinion the mining modules are quite useless at the moment.

    So, what could we do to buff them ?

    => Mark the mineable asteroids in a larger radius: maybe in it's legendary version, the marks could be system wide, but I think this is not possible as there would be way too many marks then. but let's say the marking radius would be 60km - that would be great !

    => Let even the smallest mining module have an output like "there are 217 mineable rich asteroids left in this system", and everytime a rich asteroid is completely mined, there's a new output message. Or maybe the output is generated every 2 minutes, or on demand by text command ....


    I do unfortunately find them a bit useless too because it's quite easy to spot most of the mineral-rich asteroids anyway.


    To me it would be interesting if the modules could sort of allow you to get a reasonable amount of resources from the asteroids that aren't mineral-rich, but this is probably not a great idea (since they aren't mineral-rich). The only reason I suggest this for the bland asteroids is because you can get some resources out of them anyway, but the amount is so pathetic, why do they even give anything?


    And I like your idea about having an output of the number left in the sector.

  7. I like the mod, but was wondering if you would add more possible drawbacks or maybe have some systems with multiple drawbacks, maybe something like reduced shields, decreased velocity or acceleration, lower warp distance, increased warp recharge, etc.  I think the number of turrets far outshines the penalties you can get so far especially if you don't care about cargo, the energy cost also seems rather negligeable.  I don't see why someone would want to use the normal turret systems if they can use these.


    I think that's a fair critique; I didn't want to do overdo the penalties because I don't know how people might build their ships with these modules, so while I can predict some factors, I was trying to be cautious. In addition to this, I actually don't know how people generally build their ships. I don't build ships made entirely of Avorion, but I'm guessing some people do. How should this be balanced?


    And you're right that for a person that doesn't care about cargo, that's a penalty that is not very relevant.


    So far, my own use of these modules tells me that I rarely use them on smaller ships because of the energy cost, so I do still use the vanilla modules on those ships. It can be easy to offset the cost for a larger ship, but again, I don't have the statistical information to be making an informed decision on how I should be balancing these. My idea is that at most you should want up to 2 of each module, so 2 military + 2 civilian; if you have a 15 slot ship, that leaves 11 slots to either counter the penalties or boost something else.


    This means that if you have 2 legendary MX-20s  you'd have +40 to armed turrets, or +70 if they were best rolls with MX-35; I personally think this is reasonable because the largest turrets take up a lot of slots and the whole point of the mod is to let you have other weaker, smaller slot turrets, but for people hosting servers they might want a config for the values... It's a possible to-do.


    And finally, the whole idea for the mod, as mentioned in the OP is to let you have a larger amount of smaller turrets mixed with a few bigger turrets (which is how I'm using it) but obviously this can't be enforced because of the way the turret slots system works. Ideally it would be fantastic to be able to have, for example, an uncommon rarity module add +4 slots to any turret that doesn't take up more than 2, and say +1 to a turret that takes up no more than 4 or something. (if this idea doesn't make sense to read I'll make a mock-up image that demonstrates clearly)


    Ultimately, my concern is that if I put very great penalties, you won't feel like using the modules at all unless they are legendary rarity. There's a lot to think about in regards to balance, and I've made this reply quite long already...


    I would like anyone's feedback on this: How are you currently using the modules? (How many are slotted in, of what rarity, on a ship of what size/slots/hull, etc...)

  8. I actually really like the default torpedo alert sound-effect... but unfortunately it does get quite annoying after a while, because it's so loud and there's no option to tone it down or disable it.


    Not sure how to give a preview of the sound here, but if someone has any suggestion on how to do that, please let me know.


    So I made a softer sound that replaces it. Readme and download below:


    Created by NerArth; Bonk Proximity




    This mod simply changes a single file, which is the ..\data\sfx\interface\proximity_urgent.wav and replaces it with a sound effect I made.


    This sound is used by the incoming torpedo alert and my sound effect is a softer sound than the original one.


    --Version history



    Mod created.





  9. I'll have a go at making a simple concepts guide, which should be helpful for new players. I'll try to include some stuff about ship building in it.


    Edit: I typed up most of it now, you can find it here. I will be adding images, especially to the building section, throughout the next couple of days.


    Hey nice job!


    Thanks, if you have any feedback or suggestions of something I could add, just let me know (either here/pm or on the guide's comments).


    I think I might add a tiny section about controls because when I started playing I discovered a few things by accident before I understood them completely.

  10. A player ship can survive on ore and credits alone, sure... but is there a user-base that is actually actively avoiding stations?


    I already find the turret factories annoying as they are, and I can't be the only one, because they are such a chore with a massive shopping list, if you want to make even a small number of turrets. It's not that it's difficult - it's that it's very time-consuming in a way that doesn't feel particularly fun (to me). I don't avoid them, but I certainly don't use them as often as I'd like.


    If those components are dropping, that might help. Your idea could probably work to some extent, but I can see it turning your own production chains into something pointless, depending on how common the drops would be. If the drops are too common, you might not bother making factory chains, and if the drops are too rare, aren't you making players have less turrets available anyway? This would need really careful balancing and probably a lot of playtesting, since it's a big change to how things currently work.


    But looking at the rest of the suggested points in the reddit thread, it feels like a lot of them are a bit strangling; there's a lot of: this should take space, x should require y to do z or to keep x. I like the freedom that the game does give you, and I think a lot of those points would be detrimental to this player freedom. Inventory management isn't a hassle in Avorion, which is a nice change of pace for me, and it seems to me it could easily become a hassle with some of those points.


    The trading and factory system should be getting better anyway once players can assign full-bodied crafts to go on specified trade routes, because that's a crucial bit of mechanics that's currently missing to make things work, as the factory system works pretty much like in the X games, where interaction with the economy is mostly through indirect passive trading, apart from at the start, where you do some combat or trading to get the capital to start making trading fleets.

  11. I run a small linux multiplayer server for my friends. One of our player has an issue where he can only target a jump once per day. I know it is weird.


    When you right click on the map and select "Enter coordinates into the Nav computer", it only functions for him once per day or so. Logging off, quitting, rebooting, reinstalling the game from steam, nothing seems to help.


    It is like selecting the option does nothing. The blue square highlight does not appear, and the message about computing the jump does not appear.


    Any ideas?


    What's the ship's size and mass? Like Devious said, anything in client/server logs?

  12. Thought I'd just bump this; unfortunately I still haven't been able to find the specific cause for this within MineCorp, though as far as I can isolate, it does seem to be the problem, and the logs have really just not been shedding much light, but I'm still having this issue with new galaxies as well.


    Things to note about what I've found so far, and why it does seem to be MineCorp's fault:

    Simply removing/restoring the MineCorp files to the original vanilla scripts does not do anything by itself; just deleting sectors on its own doesn't solve the issue either.


    However, restoring the scripts to vanilla and deleting the sectors seems to make the issue stop. At the moment I'm simply not using MineCorp anymore until I, or anyone else, can find out what's the specific trigger within the mod. My suspicion is that the generator isn't the problem and that it has something to do with the way the mod is "ticking" within the eventscheduler.lua once the problem starts to occur.

  13. TEN THOUSAND THANKS to thee Senpai! Much much MUCH appreciated :)


    No problem, let me know if you have any further feedback down the line; I really want to fix the issue with not being able to see all the items in one page, but still trying to figure out how to add scrolling or pages (pages will probably be easier).

  14. Readme:


    Created by NerArth, based on the mod request of http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4814.0.html and based on the info at http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1560.0.html




    I created this mod based on a request by the forum user Echo-107. This mod modifies the following two files:

    ..\data\scripts\lib\shop.lua - where we add a random variation to the amount of any given item being stocked

    ..\data\scripts\entity\merchants\equipmentdock.lua - where we make the item generator iterations go higher, so that possibly more variety will exist


    This mod's scope is only to increase quantities of stock, not quality. Below you can see how this was achieved.


    --Installation and Technical stuff


    Replace the two lua files mentioned above with the provided files.


    Alternatively, if you already have modified files from another mod or modpack, this mod changes the following:


    In the ..\data\scripts\lib\shop.lua file, at the function Shop:add(item_in, amount) we change the original

        item.amount = amount


        item.amount = amount * math.random(2,5)

    here, we have made it so that the amount of any given stocked item is multiplied by a random value between 2 and 5


    This is a smaller file, so you shouldn't get lost in it;

    In the ..\data\scripts\entity\merchants\equipmentdock.lua file, at the function EquipmentDock.shop:addItems() we change the original

        while counter < 12 do


        while counter < 36 do

    effectively, this increases the amount of times the an upgrade generation is called; 36 is an arbitrary value of treble the original


    --Version History


    Made sure the mod was compatible with Avorion v0.20



    Created the mod, modifies equipmentdock.lua and shop.lua files.






    Known issue: Equipment docks may generate a lot of systems available for purchase with this mod, but the default UI does not provide a way to scroll through the list, so the actual visible stock will be subjected and limited to the higher quality systems only (or until you buy out all the higher quality stock, which is easy enough in creative).

  15. I might have a look at this later today, as I find myself in the same frustration at times (even though I find hundreds of weapons and modules, it's just not enough), and as far as I know the server config settings for turret drops etc don't exactly work.


    Edit: I'll make a separate thread for the resulting mod.

  16. I believe you answered it.  I noticed when I researched the vanilla anti fighter turrets after they released that they revert to being normal chainguns. same with the other defensive's. point defense becomes normal lasers. not always the first research. but eventually.  even when using nothing but same type turrets.  so I was curious if these modded systems would also do that or stay as the modded or revert to normal system upgrades.  I still haven't done much involving the mod tho so cant comment beyond loving the idea


    Ah ok; I had tested it with the research at the time I replied to you previously and it all seemed to work fine. Thanks for your feedback so far; if you do find any issues or have any other feedback for further development, such as balancing and how you are using modules with other stuff etc, do let me know.

  17. My Second issue is a relatively minor one, I noticed that some weapons seem to spawn with a requirement of both armed and unarmed turret slots. I had at least 3 tesla turrets spawn with this "double requirement" and I just found a laser turret as well. The funny thing is that attaching the weapon to a ship without any unarmed turret modules won't stop you from adding the turret, it will simply force it on but it still takes up unarmed turret slots. I am uncertain if this is intentional or not but based on the fact that you can still add the turrets without any unarmed turret modules makes me think it is unintentional.


    Also worth mentioning, all the turrets I have seen so far with this problem came from drops and were not crafted in a turret factory.


    https://imgur.com/a/w9qqTxC pictures to highlight what I mean


    Note: I did remove some turrets to make room for the second pic but I didn't change any systems on my ship =\


    I've noticed this with a single turret so far; it's a tesla turret that takes 3 slots of both types too, like you described.




    Don't have an image of the slots thing specifically, but this was a researched turret, unlike yours that were dropped.

  18. I just installed this and am booting up.  am wondering about upgrades tho... will these be upgradable to legendary or will they revert to vanilla when researched?  either way I can see the benefit of the mod and am glad to see it!




    Oops, I just uploaded a new version right after I saw your comment! The new version adds more penalties to the modules; watch out, the modules are meant to be for late/end-game ships where you can build around the penalties (though I didn't want them to be that severe either... so may still warrant some balancing)


    You can play with the initial version for no penalties of course.  8)


    They will go up to legendary if you keep researching them; these don't replace any vanilla modules, so they never become normal turret modules, if that's what you mean? Could you rephrase your question about the research? Just want to answer accurately.

  19. Yes, not only should you be able to rebuild their fleet and help them settle down, but they should be a special faction.  So, when you salvage their ships you lose rep with them.  Ultimately, if you help them rebuild, they should assist you in the final battle agaisnt the Wormhole Guardian- getting revenge upon the aliens that exiled them.


    I think I would agree with the special faction bit, especially since they would make sense as a unique background lore faction.


    Giving assistance against the Guardian would make sense to me too, even if it was only out of honour or good-intent; since others did not treat them so well, there is actually a good reason they might not want to help others with a common problem, but it could work.


    I thought it quite an interesting little story made up by the devs.  And to think your just a person who suddenly appeared in the galaxy hundreds of years after the event with the Xsotan actually happened. I do think you should be able to donate to them it would be amazing work by the devs if they even added an ability to rebuild their fleet.


    Yeah, I also liked it for giving some depth to the time scale of the game's setting.

  20. I just made this quick mod, which adds more powerful but energy inefficient modules that increase turret slots a bit higher than normal.


    This mod will conflict with other mods that change the upgradegenerator.lua file. (See readme too)


    Some quick screenshots:






    Readme (version history here):



    Created by NerArth;


    -- Description


    "Not Enough Turrets" is a mod that I made because as a solo player I got tired of seeing NPC ships have 10 turrets, of a slot size of 3 or more, when the same wasn't possible for myself without having a ridiculous amount of system power and slotting everything as turret modules. One of my frustrations was that I couldn't possibly understand how I could get a decent amount of DPS while still having some point-defence turrets, so this is partly a band-aid for that too.





    This mod requires adding two lines to the ..\data\scripts\lib\upgradegenerator.lua before you'll start seeing any modules in the game;


        UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/netmilitary.lua", 1)

        UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/netcivilian.lua", 1)


    after the already existing lines that are similar.


    I provide a modified upgradegenerator.lua file with this mod, BUT if you have other mods that modify THE SAME FILE, you must add the lines in manually, to have compatibility.




    -- Version history:


    + Made descriptive text in the modules stand out differently

    + Made module name include an E or C for energy or cargo penalty, followed by the number that represents the percent of the penalty

    + Changed legendary module bonuses and made the bonuses generally more volatile; bearing in mind that both price and energy requirement will go up with each additional turret slot provided by modules. (e.g. A legendary with 35 slots can cost as much as 48million credits and require roughly 11GW of energy for military); as of this version, rarities can have up to the following bonus numbers:

        Petty (grey): 1 (remaining the same as before)

        Common (white): 1 to 3 (up from 1)

        Uncommon (green): 2 to 5 (up from 3)

        Rare (blue): 4 to 7 (up from 5)

        Exceptional (yellow): 6 to 9 (up from 7)

        Exotic (red): 8 to 11 (up from 9)

        Legendary (purple): 20 to 35 (up from 11)

        Any old modules may be anywhere between these ranges, depending on seed.


    As a development note, at this point I am not super concerned about adding adjustable config values, more especially since it's not user-friendly to adjust mod configs at the time of writing.

    I might possibly rename the mod from Not Enough Turrets to Not Enough Tech, if I start adding other modules in the future. Would like to add a module that adjusts efficiency for civilian turrets but can't see a feasible way of doing that just yet, though I don't think it's impossible.



    Added additional penalties to the NET modules.



    Created the mod, made NET Civilian and NET Military modules; these are modules meant for very large ships that give a high amount of turret slots at a proportionally inefficient energy cost. Functionality may be tweaked in a later version to change in what ways they can be inefficient.





    1.0b (Google Drive)


    Old versions:







    Note on uninstalling:

    Fairly simple methods; verify your game content with steam, which will make your game completely vanilla again; or remove the added lines from upgradegenerator.lua delete the netcivilian.lua and netmilitary.lua files.


    Either way, it's safe to load a galaxy that previously had the mod installed, as the old modules will simply become blanked trash modules; however, I've noticed while testing this that these blank modules can cause issues, such as becoming non-removable if already slotted into a ship, so I recommend removing installed modules from any ships before un-installing, so you can safely delete them in the full inventory view with the Destroy button.


    To-do list:

    • Change the negative impacts that can roll on the modules;
    • Try to include a config file where values can be tweaked globally, instead of individually for added modules;Not likely to be doing this for the mod soon because currently configs for mods aren't very user-friendly in my opinion, but it's on my mind for the future

  21. fair enough- if it helps, we've started a thread over here due to our uncertainty as to IF its mc causing issues: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4802.0.html


    the annoying thing is it either doesn't seem to be the specific sector thats bugged but the player (van, in this case), or he SOMEHOW got shroded (shrodinger'd) when i teleported him, and keeps trying to load in at the broken(?) sector despite his ship being on the other side of the galaxy >.<


    Thanks for letting us know, I'll be watching that thread just in case; I unfortunately haven't been able to find anything else that's wrong with the mod so far... I will post here if I do find something out.  :(

  22. crap-err, how do i delete? sorry about the dp


    No worry about the dp, thanks for your input on this. I'm going to have a more thorough look through the code and see if all the functions etc are really correct, but without the input from the original mod author, I personally might not be able to go much further :(

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