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Everything posted by DracoNB

  1. FYI you can change the X and Y mirror axis locations. Highlight a block(s) and then there is a button you can press to change the axis to the center of those blocks.
  2. For leveling unleveled => Specific roles: Have them also gain levels 1-3 (without increasing their ability), once level 3 there is a new option next to the + / - in the crew menu which is a promote button. That then turns them into a level 1 of that type.
  3. Long titles cause the post response to look really bad and be almost unusable (attachment 1) Reducing the size of the text in the .navigate_section li span fixes it maybe just make that not wrap? Or use up the whole area at least, right now its a col-sm-8 and the col-sm-4 used for .social-icons is empty, make it span the whole width.
  4. Yes I will upload it. The only reason I didnt do yet is, that I can't just upload it. I have to extract it from my modpack, remove my modpacks custom modifications from modfiles and then package a new mod wich works for vanilla game. Because I did lot of changes in my modpack and the mod itself this will take some time to get everything working. Also I have to update my other mods before. I hope you can have some fun with new turret editor while waiting for this ;) Did not test in 0.18 yet, but I expect it to work. Is your mod pack available somewhere?
  5. Awesome glad that small asteroids should no longer insta 1 shot me... lost a few ships to that and it drove me crazy.
  6. You need to have a dedicated server, maybe host one from your machines or buy a cheap vps server. You could also try syncing the galaxy folder using dropbox or something, but I'm guessing you'll end up with corruption trying to do that.
  7. The code.bbc_code needs to be updated to either have white(ish) text color: color: #FFFFFF or remove the background: #1b1d29 and have it light bg + dark font
  8. Wow thats a big change, thought I went to the wrong site at first :D
  9. Along with that, you'll need to have it call the server script if it runs client side with the invokeServerFunction("nameOfScript")
  10. I don't think there are 3rd party sites... why would there be when steam workshop works very well and is integrated?
  11. I'm guessing it has to do with localization, I'm doing a string check against those values and they must be named differently in other locals. Not sure the best way to support that :(
  12. That is the correct version Make sure the ports are opened properly on your router, and that you set it to be public and available in steam in the settings file.
  13. Use middle mouse button to click on it. You can always scale the ship up then back down to remove turrets as well
  14. DracoNB

    Q & A Combat Update II

    Looking awesome! Can't wait to play with it Edit: NVM I see that B17 was already released today in another post :)
  15. You can remove them by dragging them to empty space from the hanger window
  16. Yes the "attack now" needs to be updated in general to check line of fire before attacking for mining, salvaging and regular weaponry. Also the "ouch now I hate you" needs to check if damage was actually done first, because mining lasers don't hurt shields, so they shouldn't get pissed at you.
  17. You can easily go from 100% Admired to 100% Hated in seconds with a huge salvaging squad if a friendly ship gets stuck next to a wreck... even though you won't hurt their shields with your salvagers they will still hate you. So that might be it, one of your salvagers might be hitting them for a second and making them angry.
  18. Yikes that shadow / color combo burns my eyes
  19. Big wrecks fighters have issues with for sure. I dunno if they have reduced damage vs hull prices or what but it is painful since they fly in and out so only really active like 50% of the time. For small wrecks this is improved because they change targets and this attack angles more often. High damage is also important. Try to get a energy based one which have high base damage Big wrecks like stations of highly recommend salvaging yourself or leave a ship there while you do something else.
  20. Yes it does. It runs on the server side for most of the logic and client side needs the UI
  21. I've tried this multiple times, unfortunately without success. I've also had someone who plays on my local server try it as well, and he got the same result. Very strange. I've googled around and checked the forum, and I haven't found an answer to this. So no one on your server is able to get the quest to work properly? What version are you playing on? Any mods installed?
  22. Thanks :). Yeah I wanted a smaller ship, its tiny compared to all my friend's builds, I can fly through some of their ships :D. The internals are heavily stacked. Was my first attempt at a "nice" ship and took a long time (started at trinium, finally finished it after having avorion :D). Did the hull first and then filled with overlapping framework, then replaced those with different parts as needed. I was hoping that the front hanger would be functional but ended up just blocking it as fighters were having a hard time landing in it (even size 1). Most of the hanger is internal to the ship with just the 4 exists on the undersides of the wings. I actually posted a Trinium only one last night: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406728310 Cost: 2,265,764 Trinium: 226,365 Slots: 7 Hull: 61,796 Shield: 187,054 Blocks: 3,006 What I used while building it, with some xanion hardpoints which would be simple to replace, but figured I'd leave it pure trinium for ease of using ingame. The weapon bay area on the wings is also much larger than it was when building since I couldn't fit in avorion weapons to had to re-design it, but it still looks cool with larger guns like cannons and railguns.
  23. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406559926 Sleek and Agile ship that packs a punch. Mostly Trinium hull with hardpoints for Avorion turrets. Avorion or Trinium Insides. Inspired by the Everspace Interceptor. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406559926 Cost: 3,863,634 Trinium: 69,816 Avorion: 182,408 Slots: 7 Hull: 72,652 Shield: 631,307 Blocks: 3006 Volume: 9.1m^3 Also a Trinium only mid game version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406728310 Cost: 2,265,764 Trinium: 226,365 Slots: 7 Hull: 61,796 Shield: 187,054 Blocks: 3,006
  24. https://github.com/draconb/avorion-autoresearch Before: After: Features Will not remove favorited items! Research without worry :) Allows you to limit how high of rarity it will auto-research items (capped at Exceptional since I didn't want people accidently making all their exotics into one legendary, you can add it if you want!) Allows you to select all systems or specific ones Will research from lowest to highest, so only one click needed! Install Backup your "Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts\entity\merchants\researchstation.lua" file Download the latest release from https://github.com/draconb/avorion-autoresearch/releases and unzip it or just download the lua script and place it in "Steam\steamapps\common\Avorion\data\scripts\entity\merchants\researchstation.lua". It will replace the existing researchstation.lua file in there, so make sure to back it up. Usage Fly to research station (found at faction "home" sectors and randomly through the galaxy) Select MAX item rarity to research (capped at Exceptional so you don't research away your exotics!) Select the system or leave it at All Click on "Auto Research", it will disable the button and re-enable once completed. Depending on how many items you might have quite a delay on the right side of the screen of it showing the added/removed items. Uninstall To uninstall, replace the file with the original one you backed up, or verify files in steam (will remove all mods!) Requirements Needs to be installed on both **client and server**. Known issues * Some systems don't properly combine if they have differing attributes, the names are different so they don't get grouped together. TODO * Add extra UI space for placing the minimum required. Currently only researches if 5 are available (for 100% success). * Add auto researching for weapons as well? Have to determine how and also need custom UI for the options. Note: The original researchstation.lua doesn't use a namespace, so thats why I edited everything inline, I might move it to a separate file at some point in the future.
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