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Posts posted by asauhdf

  1. So I found fuzzy string matching and got a working version of the levenshtein algorithm up and running

    What does that mean? That means that string matching is now possible, so you no longer have to hardcode "pla" = plasmagun, "rail" = "railgun", etc.


    Advantage: If you can somehow pull the list of all weapon names, you can auto-find the weapon type closest to what you typed.


    I packaged that and a bunch of other changes into a workshop mod, that you can find here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1807357787

  2. Finally took a look at the server log (didn't realize server logs were localized to galaxies - kind of a big brain fart). apparently this was mod-based.


    Somehow I got a "Thread 1 Error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION". I have no idea what caused it, because I just fixed whatever was done to it (random lines added and removed ... thanks VSCode) and then the server stopped crashing


    Here's the stack trace I found if it's usefull at all (however usefull some random memory addresses can be)

    Thread Name [2]: Stacktrace Sender

    === STACKTRACE =====================================

    #1: ?? [0x49d0f8]

    #2: ?? [0x4b632b]

    #3: ?? [0x4b67fd]

    #4: ?? [0xb71e6d]

    #5: ?? [0xb887c3]

    #6: ?? [0xb725f3]

    #7: ?? [0xb7123e]

    #8: ?? [0xb729c7]

    #9: ?? [0xb6954d]

    #10: ?? [0x9bbde8]

    #11: ?? [0x9bd6a5]

    #12: ?? [0x5fecc6]

    #13: ?? [0xb71e6d]

    #14: ?? [0xb887c3]

    #15: ?? [0xb725f3]

    #16: ?? [0xb7123e]

    #17: ?? [0xb729c7]

    #18: ?? [0xb6954d]

    #19: ?? [0x9bbde8]

    #20: ?? [0x9bd6a5]

    #21: ?? [0x9cbd04]

    #22: ?? [0x441971]

    #23: ?? [0x431416]

    #24: ?? [0x431a5f]

    #25: ?? [0x41013e]

    #26: ?? [0x4040de]

    #27: ?? [0xeeec91]

    #28: ?? [0x4013c7]

    #29: ?? [0x4014fb]

    #30: [ext] BaseThreadInitThunk [0x7ffbc9414034]

    #31: [ext] RtlUserThreadStart [0x7ffbcbfe3691]



  3. Wait for an open beta 0.23.

    What you currently see In the workshop are mods that work on closed beta. They're for modders - we're checking that everything in the modding update works fine, learning and updating our mods.


    Ah I see. That would explain why I couldn't find any details in the patchnotes. thanks!

  4. As title.  Attached is what I see when I go to settings. Conspicuously missing is anything related to mods.




    Currently going off of the instructions from https://avorion.gamepedia.com/Using_Mods


    I currently have a modified version of the avorion commands package, and copies of all things that downloaded from the workshop in



    and I have subscribed to a bunch of the sample mods on the workshop. Zilch. nada.


    No settings option in the screen, none of the mods in the directory actually being handled properly.

    I thought new changes were supposed to mean we don't have to physically overwrite all the files now, but i guess not.


    ^ That's from a clean uninstall, and reinstall of the game

  5. The brake thrust provided by inertia dampeners is not included in brake thrust calculations ... for the AI. They work perfectly fine when there is a player controlling the ship.


    BUT. It appears that the speed of AI ships set to follow you is determined by the ship's brake thrust. As such, ships with bad brake thrust follow you unbelievably slowly.


    Said follow AI appears to only use thrusters to steer. Given a ship with good gyro arrays and inertia dampeners, it refused to turn, instead using the sole thruster I used for decoration to try and move laterally.


    As an experiment, I took said ship and told it to follow (linearly to prevent said issue). The ship followed at a measly 50 m/s. (had a mix of thrusters and inertia dampeners just in case i was right).

    I then replaced all the inertia dampeners with thrusters. Coincidentally, the brake thrust statistic more than halved. The ship followed at ~150 m/s.

  6. No idea what cargo shuttle is doing in a weapons list, but this is the list version i'm currently using. Works for all current weapon types afaik.

    Pretty sure would need something different for torpedoes or cargo shuttles, given i'm almost certain they're part of a different enum.

    {function (str) return str:find("^[cC]ha") end,  0, "ChainGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("nse[cC]") end,  1, "PointDefenseChainGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("nse[lL]") end,  2, "PointDefenseLaser"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[lL]as") end,  3, "Laser"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[mM]in") end,  4, "MiningLaser"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[pP]la") end,  5, "PlasmaGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[rR]oc") end,  6, "RocketLauncher"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[cC]an") end,  7, "Cannon"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[rR]ai") end,  8, "RailGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[rR]ep") end,  9, "RepairBeam"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[bB]ol") end,  10, "Bolter"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[lL]ig") end,  11, "LightningGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[tT]es") end, 12, "TeslaGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[fF]or") end, 13, "ForceGun"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[sS]al") end, 14, "SalvagingLaser"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[pP]ul") end,  15, "PulseCannon"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^[aA]nt") end,  16, "AntiFighter"},

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