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Posts posted by Trance

  1. I'm here! And I love Watermelons and AVORION !


    My long-term approach is building a Warterminateleon!


    I know AVORION for 320 in-game hours now and  I'm very enthusiastic about this and can hardly wait for the next versions and future of this game!


    I'm experimenting a lot with a dedicated server I set up for this game and the fun and possibilities I can imagine raise each day!


    My Warterminateleon won't be ready until release, because I'm spending almost all free time on the server setup and writing lua etc. But it will come!


    I'm happy to see you all here!

  2. Thanks  for your answer!


    Here is a (shortened, debug) example of my code, i changed (included) the red part now, and it works as expected:


    for a, p in ipairs(players) do

        playercount = playercount + 1

        print(a .. " " .. p.name)

        if Server():isOnline(p.index) then







    I didn't write the red part before and was thinking the player object is enough, but the isOnline() function requires an index and not a player object (I guess). After your answer it was clear! It'd be more logical for me, if it accepts a player object (too) but ok, this is the way! Thanks again!



  3. Hi!


    I'm currently writing scripts for some timed events. Some attach to a randomly chosen player. I use this, to see which players are available:


    local players = {Server():getOnlinePlayers()}


    The script(s) and everything works fine, but if a player that was chosen logs off, the event may break (stop). So I have to check if a player is still online at some point and handle this.


    I couldn't find any information about this.

    I found that this exists:


    But I wasn't able to find any documentation about 'isOnline'. I was experimenting a lot, tried variations of 'isOnline' calls....no luck.


    How do I check if a specific player is (still) online?




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