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Player built turrets and fighters



I've read about awesome fighters rework, where you build them and pay for each fighter with your resources and credits, but they are essentially endless. This I won't take credit for ofc, just wanted to know your opinion.


My suggestion is an ability to build capital turrets yourself. Like you designate its size, which affects size of the turret rotatable base. You then proceed to build it on this base, with different weapon types for muzzles and several blocks that affect performance and balance. From The Depth, but much less complicated. That would be just great if I could build my own giga cannon or double laser capital gun. I know it is really hard to implement, but that was my hands down favorite thing in crafting games untill I saw your block resize tools, that hold first now. If you added guns that I could build myself, along the fighters I could be myself - it would be heaven on earth.


P.s. Why did you lock hangar until trinium? I understand that it is for a content curve, but I just love carriers, and having to wait for a trinium to get them is excruciating. Is it manageable to mod by myself? 


P.p.s. Wormholes are just way too op imo. I managed to jump from iron and small amount of titanium to loads of trinium in half an hour. The thing is I had wormhole 6 gates away from my start, and after taking it - almost immediately second one even closer to the center. I know that biggest blocker is enemy strength but it is still quite OP, that I almost entirely skipped green ore.


P.p.p.s. (I do love this, yes). Just remembered other idea. Basically - a turret balance slider, that makes you choose between range and power. For example mining turret. Leftmost position is an almost pointblank range but really fast mining. Rightmost is really slow buy long range mining, like 2-3 km, but REALLY slow. I have a huge ship and I would gladly just spam some turrets to compensate for low power that way, because now I'm forced to move that hunk of metal with huge precision for every asteroid there is. And pointblank would actually allow players to mine higher grade materials early on without spamming turrets just by doing more piloting.

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