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Koonschi Yellowjacket


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This is a recreation based on the ship Koonschi did a while back in his ship building demo YouTube video. I made some modification and added a lot of detail. And yes, there are computer monitors in the captains deck!


This ship is 100% designed to be starter friendly. 7k credits and 3k iron is all it takes. I also have a "barebones" version I'll include that doesn't have any thrusters or solar panels so it can be detailed to your liking (and resized).


Main changes

Made it one section shorter.

Covered the open forked area (hidden engine thrusters and solar panel underneath, cockpit on top)

Streamlined the back engines.

And that's about it as far as major mods.


Thanks Koonschi for the original base design!





EDIT: Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the IMG tags! Never had trouble using them anywhere else, and I can use all other tags just fine, but here they are just blank. The hyperlink will have to do!


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EDIT: Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the IMG tags! Never had trouble using them anywhere else, and I can use all other tags just fine, but here they are just blank. The hyperlink will have to do!

Looking at the page, there's a URL on the right-hand side that seems to be a link for the raw image; just going to test it here.

[img ]https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/wKt9OQVIT.png[/img ]





Edit: It works... and I see that at the same time I post this you upload it to a different site anyway XD

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