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Mono-directional thrusters



I've transplanted this from another thread, the focus of which moved very quickly away from this.


I currently don't like the way thrusters work. Their power/weight/size/energy/crew ratio is insufficient to be able to incorporate them elegantly into a design, without resorting to stacking 0.05-thin ones - If thrusters' thrust is to eventually be blocked by adjacent parts, without addressing the balance of the factors governing their efficiency, it'll exacerbate the problem.


I instead suggest an alternative way of dealing with thrusters. Mono-directional blocks, much like an engine, provide thrust in a single direction.  They would each be a number of times more powerful than an equivalent regular thruster block for that reason.

These blocks can be rotated and re-scaled as one likes. The housing for these thrusters can be edges or cubes (Maybe as a separate piece requiring adjacency, for the sake of fitting form while still being able to dictate its stats through scale).

There could also be vector thrusters, capable of providing thrust within 90-135 degrees of a direction, while having weaker output or higher crew/energy demands. There could also be thrusters that serve as a half-way between an engine and a normal thruster, possibly with and without vectoring. These options would allow for some exceptionally maneuverable ship designs, and the aim is to overall reduce the visual footprint of current thrusters.


It seems thruster mechanics are already being addressed:



However, I'd still like the options of powerful mono-directional and vector thrusters


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