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Building my own weapons is a Problem for me


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Hello guys.

First of all, i am a bit new to this game. Only something about 52 hours of over all gametime. Now i want to build my own weapons for mining or fighting enemies. So i got a few questions. Which weapon is the best to fight enemies using Xanion? Or should I wait for Ogonite to get even better weapons? (I just don't find the way nearer the centre of the map) To build weapons i need some ressources like steel, ammo and some more. I'm jumping from base to base but its very hard to find the ressources I need. Is there a easier way to find the ressources I need? Or must I flying hours over hours from base to base to find the ressources? I hope someone can answer me some or all of my questions i got. Thanks for reading and helping!



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Da gibt leider keine Abkürzung, dafür den einen oder anderen Bug ^^ Ich glaube das Material hat keinen Einfluss auf die Stärke der Turrets sondern nur das Techlevel (abhängig vom Abstand vom Zentrum).


Einige Waffen erforden Güter die als gefährlich markiert sind, welche von den Fraktionswachen konfisziert werden. Die reden immer von einer Lizenz die man nicht hätte, die es aber überhaupt nicht gibt. Die Räuber ^^.


Wenn man mehr als 15 Güter im Frachtraum hat werden nicht alle im Inventar angezeigt. Echt unpraktisch wenn sich einer illegale Ware außerhalb des angezeigten Bereichs versteckt und man immer wieder von den Fraktionen angehalten wird. Du solltest dich also von vornherein für eine Waffe entscheiden. Ich persönlich nehme immer Laser. Die benötigten Materialien sind fast die selben wie für Bergbaulaser und Abwracklaser und alle Materialien sind legal zu transportieren.


Die Waffenfabriken habe zwei Bugs von denen ich weiß:




Google translator:

There is no abbreviation, but one or the other bug ^^ I believe the material has no influence on the strength of the Turrets but only the Techlevel (depending on the distance from the center).


Some weapons require goods marked as dangerous, which are confiscated by the faction guards. They always talk about a license that you would not have but which does not exist at all. The robbers ^^.


If you have more than 15 goods in the fraktraum not all are displayed in the inventory. It is really unpractical if an illegal product is hidden outside the indicated area and the fractions are always stopped. So you should choose a weapon from the start. I personally always take lasers. The required materials are almost the same as for mining laser and scrapper lasers and all materials are legally transportable.


The weapons factories have two bugs of which I know:



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It seems that currently either Cannons or Railguns give you the best "bang for the buck"... They deal a couple of thousand damage every few seconds and managing overheating is only a minor inconvinience.

I just can't see gatlings, plasma and bolter keep up with them.

I have seen lasers and lightning guns get high damage numbers in factories, but i am unsure how they would compare

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I personally go for trading / building them... but that is b/c i like uniformity in my armament.


I do the same for salvagers aswell... around naonite/trinium i grab a set of 10 railguns and 8 salvagers if i can find a factory that has nice mods on them.


Also, yes, energy weapons are better agains shield, while others work better against hull. I still don't see a reason to mix armament... you are gimping ur damage against both and shields usually don't regen after they are down.


Edit: ofc you can swap armament in fight, but thats a pita currently... might be a good idea in boss fights for burning thu their shields quicker and then go to town on their hulls.

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Yep, best is to specify at one weapontyp and salvage laser.

Write down what you need for them to build 25 maybe 50 of them.

Expand your ship with a cargohold to hold these mass of components.


Then try to complete the quest to reach the core, you need to travel alot.

When you encounter a faction who sells one of these component gather factionstanding for them and buy the components.


But for salvage/mining laser you maybe should wait until you got into the core and find a factory to build Avorion weapons.

And once you got to the core, you can research these 50 weapons into 10 exoctic ones with higher tech level (get a station close to 0,0).



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The whole process of making the turrets yourself is a bit tedious, since you have to know where to buy the required components.

What I did to make it myself easier was to list all the needed components for the turrets I wanted so you can quickly see if a sector is selling the components you need with a trading module.


If you also want to get into trading and building stations, now would be the time to make a spreadsheet where you keep track of all good trades in a sector and also if they have a decent stock of goods you might need later on.

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Seekers missiles are an awesome combo to put with almost any weapon as you don't have to bother for their speed.


I used them with plasma and with railguns and with was awfull for the enemies. Basically when you mount more than one type of weapon you have troubles cause the travel speed of bullets are not the same, resulting in lot of miss with one or more of the weapon types. You don't have to bother if you have missiles.


So equiping plasma with mssiles seekers for exemple result in a burst of fast bullets draining the shield, while your missiles are on the way, slowly but seeking the target you have locked. And when shields are down you can switch target and let the missiles do their work.


The issue with plasma is that they end up draining too much energy, so i'm using railguns with missiles on my main gun now, it less efficient but railguns with their insta hit are nice too.


Try the weapons a little bit, you can look at them while you loot some, use for see the mechanics and then know if they are to your taste. For the rest in terme of DPS i find canons weak. They have a high burst but a really low sustained DPS compared to bolters and chainguns.

On the other hand chainguns have an accuracy quite horrible, meaning you don't hit much if not at close range.

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Yea, what the others said.


I used a trade module and put notes on sectors with goods important for manufacturing mining/salvaging lasers and railguns...


That way collecting them once you find a turret factory with satisfactory modifications it is easier to go around and grab them

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First thing I do is establish a base of operation near the core border and then just use several hyperspace modules to remove my cooldown and then I jump to all the green dots. Works best if you can get 2-3 civs together and map them all.


I then work my rep up with those who won't talk to me by blowing up xsotan and pirates until I can at least buy/sell resources.. then I trade whatever low level mats i have to get to the min rep to build turrets/buy stuff.


Next step is revisiting all the sectors which have turret builders.. set to exceptional and look at each type. Good salvagers are the first thing I want, but I'll take notes at each factory to see if they have insane turrets of any type. I found that railguns and lasers are best by far.. lasers are hard to beat when you find insane ones plus they share components with lasers so building a st of both is easy, most of the mats can be bought at the same time.


To get the mats.. i use a buy/sell upgrade. First scout the map (you discovered dozens of green dots, hover them in map and find factories for stuff you need, jump, buy for 10, 20+ turrets


For mats you can't find factories, just check tradeposts, you'll evntually find them.


Also, use the mechat upgrade buy tab each time you warp to see if there is anything you need... Say you jump to a laser compressor sector, check prices, they might have lasr heads at the trade station...


Las but not least keep illegal goods for the end.... And simply avoid sector patrols.

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One of the solutions for illegal goods is to make your own mine/station in a non-patrolled sector not far from desired turret factories.


Once you get that illegal Warheads, ExpCharges or whatever, go to your station and use it as temporary storage for illegal gods.


The UI of "exchange cargo" allows to transfer just one unit of cargo per click, though, so it can be sometimes easier to swallow the opinion penalty than to do that clickclickclick for hundreds of warheads.

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  • 1 month later...

is there a way to edit it out "dangerous materials scan"? its literally ruining the game for me..and after 582 hours its getting very tedious lol... I don't understand if im not classed as a pirate or enemy why they would scan me anyways, I buy from the faction and sell next sector over , port on top of one of these cops and bam 20 million faction gone from perfect to hatefull like I just wiped out all their families...


on top of that it doesn't even tell you what dangerous materials is causing it.... I a had a couple suspicious packages from quests on me that weren't showing up at one point because cargo was full of random stuff and they kept harassing me, didn't even notice till I sold all my wares because I had no dangerous or illegal materials at all, then bam, they showed up because only thing left in cargo.....


I understand its alpha and all but its just ass hat retarded mechanic of the game that's really starting to kill it.  how the hell the station can sell me the components to make the weapons yet nail me 30 seconds later in same sector by their own cops.. entrapment much?. then it takes forever to get them to be friends (if hostile) again even more so if you sold asteroids to them to make them friends in first place and now none left in areas.


then your stuck fighting a zillion pirates and xsotans just to regain favor with the damn people that sold you the weapon parts in the first place,,, NICE SCAM ^^



I was using a mule ship that I would park in off sectors but that just makes building /finding all the stuff even more of a pain in the butt going back and loading off loading.....


I did try one of the mods that gives you a pass from stations, but its only half working,, they say I have a pass then charge me faction points, then ask like 5 times in a row causing like 25k rep loss anyways or more lol I even tried the supposed update reinstalled it , same thing. /cry

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is there a way to edit it out "dangerous materials scan"? its literally ruining the game for me..and after 582 hours its getting very tedious lol... I don't understand if im not classed as a pirate or enemy why they would scan me anyways, I buy from the faction and sell next sector over , port on top of one of these cops and bam 20 million faction gone from perfect to hatefull like I just wiped out all their families...


on top of that it doesn't even tell you what dangerous materials is causing it.... I a had a couple suspicious packages from quests on me that weren't showing up at one point because cargo was full of random stuff and they kept harassing me, didn't even notice till I sold all my wares because I had no dangerous or illegal materials at all, then bam, they showed up because only thing left in cargo.....


I understand its alpha and all but its just ass hat retarded mechanic of the game that's really starting to kill it.  how the hell the station can sell me the components to make the weapons yet nail me 30 seconds later in same sector by their own cops.. entrapment much?. then it takes forever to get them to be friends (if hostile) again even more so if you sold asteroids to them to make them friends in first place and now none left in areas.


then your stuck fighting a zillion pirates and xsotans just to regain favor with the damn people that sold you the weapon parts in the first place,,, NICE SCAM ^^



I was using a mule ship that I would park in off sectors but that just makes building /finding all the stuff even more of a pain in the butt going back and loading off loading.....


I did try one of the mods that gives you a pass from stations, but its only half working,, they say I have a pass then charge me faction points, then ask like 5 times in a row causing like 25k rep loss anywaysor more lol I even tried the supposed update reinstalled it , same thing. /cry

Purge the entire annoying faction when you get the guns :P

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That mod was working correctly last time I tried it, they fixed those issues.


As far as weapons go.

Tech level and rarity are most important in generating the stats, material does play a part but not as much as tach and rarity.


One tip is to use research stations, as any thing researched will come out at the tech level of the station, so what you can do is buy a load of cheap low tech guns and upgrade them at a higher tech research station.


Turret factories give you better more consistent results than and the ability to tweak the results to get what you want, over the random nature of drops or research.

Building at a turret factory can be annoying esp if you cannot find the parts you need, in my last game I couldn't find any High pressure tube factories :( again mod's help here, the find stations mod is very handy http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2665.0.html


On weapons themselves, My opinions.

Bolt guns tend to be the weakest is dps (on like for like, in tech and rarity) I think they need a buff personally.

Personally I quite like chainguns for their sustained constant dps, the issue with energy weapons is that as the damage goes up so does the energy drain , esp the sustained cost

Rail guns and cannons both have the overheating mechanic, which means generally the higher the damage the quicker the overheat, so have high burst damage.

Rockets are very hard to hit with due to the low projectile speed, unless guided in which case they are very hard to miss with.

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Rockets are very hard to hit with due to the low projectile speed, unless guided in which case they are very hard to miss with.


I do love a good seeker missile turret though, so hassle free and no need to worry about trying to get the reticle just right on those annoying NPC pencil ships.

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One of the solutions for illegal goods is to make your own mine/station in a non-patrolled sector not far from desired turret factories.


Once you get that illegal Warheads, ExpCharges or whatever, go to your station and use it as temporary storage for illegal gods.


The UI of "exchange cargo" allows to transfer just one unit of cargo per click, though, so it can be sometimes easier to swallow the opinion penalty than to do that clickclickclick for hundreds of warheads.


I am doing this by using an external tool: KeyCommander.


You can set any mouse or keybord input to be emulated, so it can do the clickclickclickclick work for you. Its even nice to store all stuff for weapons in a mine, so you don't need to care for cargo space (im playing german, how is this exactly called?) on your ship.


I'm just not sure about the rules with external tools, but i think it is allowed(?)

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