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Show grid/axis/other in build mode (and a grabby thing)



While building, I discovered it's sometimes a challenge to place block exactly where I want it to be, and for perspective or other reasons it's slightly off and I have to delete it and try again, sometimes over and over. For example, in my armored dagger design it's been a huge shield generator block in the rear, which was intended to sit right in the middle so that it can be covered with edge armor blocks nicely and smoothly, but actually placing it there was... quite a challenge (in the end I want away with looking over three of its corners instead of trying to put its center in the middle.

Anyway, things like wireframe-like grid (with new block edges and contact areas highlighted), coordinates, axis etc would be helpful.


P. S. snapping didn't help, if someone decides to mention it.

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6 answers to this suggestion

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Sometimes the scale of the blocks is a bit messed up, I found changing the grid scaling to half that of the block scaling fixes that but it'll also double the possible amounts of placable spots so it can be a bit clumsy to place down.

Making the grid steps half of the scale steps helps, but even that is not perfect. The match block checkbox can be handy for what the OP mentioned, though that is also a little clunky. What I noticed is that each block seems to have its own grid, which causes issues sometimes when you try to attach things to different sides of different blocks.


Not sure what the best fix would be, though it definitely needs work.

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Just thought about it. Would be really easier if I could grab any point of the block in creation and drag it to move the thing, instead of it sticking its center to my mouse, doing weird things and all that. Possibly add shift to grabby thing for scaling, and/or other keys? This would make it a huge lot easier to place them properly (able to look at all the edges without actually placing the block, and nudge it into the right place.. btw, nudging it with arrow keys could also be helpful)

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Usually its enough to just place a block on some other face. Nobody is preventing you from placing a block temporarily, place the other block into a desired location, and removing the first block. You should be more flexible in your problem-solving. Developers can't cover up for every problem you might encounter, and most of the time it is not that big of a deal.

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Usually its enough to just place a block on some other face. Nobody is preventing you from placing a block temporarily, place the other block into a desired location, and removing the first block. You should be more flexible in your problem-solving. Developers can't cover up for every problem you might encounter, and most of the time it is not that big of a deal.

How does it help with placing a block without any gaps from any side, or making an edge or corner of the proper height and angle to make a properly seamless surface without any rough edges or whatnot? I must see the block from all sides and angles to debug it, and I have to continuously delete and adjust it instead of ...doing things normally. Takes quite a lot of time to get a satisfactory result for each block (no gaps, no holes, nothing sticks out, all angles consistent, etc)

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