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Can I turn Anti-aliasing on? How?


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I have a Radeon R9 series card with plenty of Anti-aliasing options. But when I play Avorion I see lots of jagged edges.


I went to the AMD Catalyst Control Center and added Avorion.exe (found in C:\{steam folder}\steamapps\common\Avorion\bin\) as an Exception to the 3D Application Settings tab. Then I set "Anti-aliasting mode" to 'Override application settings', set "Anti-aliasting samples" to '8xEQ', set "Filter" to 'Standard', and left "Anti-aliasting method" at 'Multisampling'.


With that, I tried again. But if there was any less jaggies than before, I couldn't tell.  :(


I tried changing the "Anti-aliasting samples" with other settings, but nothing seems to work.


I also switched from "borderless" to "full screen" in the options menu. But it's still every bit as jaggy as before.


Is this because Avorion is a Steam game? Is it because it must be launched indirectly through Steam.exe? Does that prevent my Radeon from detecting that a 3D application was launched and so it never engages Anti-aliasing?


I really want to using Anti-aliasing with Avorion. Any suggestions?

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