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[Developer Request] LUA Archeticture


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Greetings, I am a Student of Application Development and I am looking to build mods for Avorion. However I am finding it a little bit tedious as locating which files and function need to be altered to achieve the desired effect are scattered about in places that require me to dig around. I am hoping that a Avorion Developer would be willing to Post here or to send me a copy of the LUA architure designs so i can more easily find things when i am modding. Thank you. I understand if your not able to.

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Thank you for pointing that out, its fairly close to what i needed, however i don't see what im looking for.  I am trying to find the means to modify the vanilla weapons that spawn on AI ships to rebalance them in the game, I have already found the Turret Factory mod made by others but i don't want to use it until the AI 's have an equal buff so as not to unbalance the game... I have noticed in turretmerchant.lua file a function is called that seems to hint at it possibly being what im looking for


TurretGenerator = require ("turretgenerator")


Anyone know anything about how i might go about implementing a rebalance of AI weapons?


****Edited Found what i was looking for under the lib directories, thanks for the help ***

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Can you mod aliens to be more challenging with tougher ships in intense mode or whatever the hardest mode is and also make the aliens weapon drops have potential to be better than turret factories? would be awesome lol


Just getting into the modding of the game, while i thought this was going to be easy my initial attempt seems to have broken crew recruitment even though i never touched anything to do with crews... so, your probably better off asking someone who has been making mods for the game already. I'll need time to figure out the inner workings of this game before I could make any promises.

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