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Science/Explorer Ship Playstyle



I know this suggestion is TL;DR but w/e :).


New System Upgrade: Anomaly Scanner this works with my below suggestion and gives an option to play as a 'science' vessel.


New Cargo Type: Navigation Buoy. (Used for new mission types, and can be bought at research/science stations)



Anomaly System:


All sectors would have a chance of having an anomaly through rngesus. Once you arrive into a sector, if your ship is equipped with an Anomaly Scanner it will detect if there are any anomalies present similar to how the Object Scanner works currently. You would then find and approach the anomaly and start scanning it and after waiting a set amount of time(based on ship processor power), you will receive a  data disk(like xsotan tech fragment) which has a value based on a formula like (anomaly size * anomaly scanner tech level). Anomalies can only be scanned once and the data can be sold to research or science stations. I also figured it would be useful if the anomalies were in categories like Dangerous, Trap, and Harmless. I think their appearance could be similar to how the wormhole looks but they should be transparent so they're hard to find!


(Game story spoiler!)


There should also be an increased chance of encountering the AI faction in these sectors.




Trap Anomalies:

Gravity Anomaly:

-- Has a negative impact on all movement.

-- Severely reduces your ships sector jump distance.


Dangerous Anomalies:

Radiation Anomaly:

-- Could have a small nuclear icon on the map with appropriate tech level radar/scanner upgrade.

-- High radiation which slowly kill crews, and damages tech blocks.

-- Larger asteroids in these sectors.

-- Could contain Abandoned ships, stations.

-- Could contain single or multiple space stations with high tech level compared to other sectors nearby.


Harmless Anomalies:

Wormhole Anomaly:

-- Already in game!

-- Allows ships to jump vast distances.


New Missions:

Science Stations or Research Stations would grant three mission types.


Mission Type 1:

--Go to a random sector with a dangerous or trap anomaly and deploy a navigation buoy.

--Reward: Credits or random system upgrade


Mission Type 2:

--Go to a random sector with an anomaly and scan it, and deliver the disk back to the station.

--Reward: Credits or random system upgrade


Mission Type 3:

--Go to a random sector with a wormhole anomaly and deploy a navigation buoy.

--Reward: Credits or random system upgrade


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