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How do I start a second ship while in the first ship?


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I am trying to start a second ship but not sure how I do that. When I go into build mode it always shows my current ship. How do I start a new ship?


Plus, if I do create a new ship does my old ship jsut stay in the sector that I am currently in? Can it be destroyed? How would I protect it?.

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To found a new ship, you need to leave your current ship in a mining drone (I think default key was T). Then use the same button to found a new ship as before.


Your current ship will stay in the same place indefinitely. When you're in the sector, stuff can happen to it, but if you leave the sector in a new ship, after 5 minutes the sectors is saved and unloaded, meaning nothing happens inside, so nothing happens to your ship either. You will still have to play your crewmen, but if you move them to the new ship it wouldn't matter. The empty ship without mechanics will get slowly damaged by ambient hazards, but as soon as you leave the sector, that would cease just as well.


Safe travels, captain.

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There are a few other tricks as well. You can buy just a block with crew at shipyard, meaning you'll get a free captain in the deal. This is ideal when making a factory founder, since you can just have it escort you to where you want to put it.


With all ship/factories you make, you can remotely interact with them and choose the 'build' option, which will go into build mode for what you have selected without leaving your ship.


To change crew and modules you're still going to have to move close to it and 'T'ransfer yourself. Through the player menu (Citadel icon top right, or whatever you have it mapped to) you can select ships/factories you own for this.

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