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Nanogeo's shipyard (Battlestar Galactica themed)


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Just a couple of ships I've been working on for the past couple weeks from the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series:


Battlestar Galactica:




Cylon Basestar:



I really hate how to shadows look on this so I may just have to remake to whole thing :(










And here's a size comparison of the two:








Let me know what y'all think if you have any suggestions to make them better or what not


Also if you do want to use either they're probably creative mode only cause the Battlestar takes somthing like 30 million Trinium to build and I'm not really sure how to downsize it.

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Looks great. Did you build the battlestar to scale? If you can't afford the full ship, hold Q while dragging the mouse and pasting to scale it up or down. That way people can build what they can afford.


I build one that's about 1/2 scale and had trouble with some of the detailing as a result as I didn't want to use blocks smaller than 1x1x1 to try and keep some standard measurements, but it went wrong anyway (Due lack of experience with the game) and some of the curves didn't come out as I wanted. Like the front of the ship... the lines curve in 2 directions and so far I haven't been able to work out how to make a smooth join and while building this I just made the front a simple slope. However, I also wanted it to be a ship I can use in my singleplayer. I would love to build another, but it takes forever to try and get things right though.


One important thing I learned pretty quick when I wanted to put weapons on was that xanion or higher weapons won't go onto the trinium amour. I knew this before I started the build, but didn't think about that when I was building it in creative. I almost feel like we should be able to though. I mean, we bolt different materials together in real life all the time... always seems like an odd restriction when I find stuff like this in games.


Another user started a BSG thread. Not much going on there... seems not many BSG builds make it to the forum or they don't know about the thread.

BSG thread: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1717.0.html

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