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My Attempt into the designing aspects.


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I have seen some WONDERFUL designs here, and after viewing most of them, almost didn't upload mine, but... what the heck!


Mine is a Star Trek, or more precisely, a Star Trek Online Based design. I have seen a few in here, and just know that I stole ideas from a lot of you. Well done.


This design is a cross between the Dakota Class, and the STO Stargazer Class. It is rather late game because it takes a bit of high end material.



39,056 Iron

239 Trinium

26,655 Xanion

315,263 Avorion






































I know it is not near as good as some of the ones on here, but it is using the directional thrusters, and the Gyro. So, she is ready to fly with little to no modifications.


This should link to the XML file (I hope): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9YjgBORxMG4NE8wX2VCcVd2MUk


I will work on some others as I have time.




I think I bit off more than I could chew!  Seemed like such a great idea at the time.


I am putting this out there in hopes that someone else can take what I've started with, keeping true to the overall design and skin this thing out and finish it. (I truly stink using those triangle boxes.) My intention was to keep it lower tier, like really nothing over Naonite, but not sure if that is even going to be possible due to the design shape. So I swapped out Xanion engines, still not great.

Take a look, and see if you can help!

















And My Work sheet...




And the XML File:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9YjgBORxMG4TWNWMWVhcmt3Rk0

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This is highly recognizable.  So you did good, I think.  I bought that ship(mirror version) off the exchange ages ago and equipped it with all mission rewards as an example to those who get discouraged and think that that game is pay to win, like the grind is just too much to ever get to a "useful" state.  It deals in excess of 20k DPS in only a mediocre team.


The fact that I was able to recognize it says a lot about your ability to manipulate the building tools in this game.  And yeah, this game completely stole me away from star trek online.

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Hi Ghozt


What sort of help were you interested in?


In the meantime, let me offer these two items (element breakdown & smoothing), which you may find helpful.



Corsair Star, Breakdown

The Corsair Insignia (the five pointed star - see attachment) would be painful with a straight forward approach.

Instead, I would suggest you break that element down.

As you can see below, the angled five-point star is possible if you break it down into right angle triangles





When I did the Warr Logo, I used this the same technique to make this designed insignia.

The angles are not possible in one go, so the technique was a requirement to give a clean effect.

At first blush, I made the elements thicker - for easy build.  Then with the end product, i scaled it to the desired size and added lighting for that luminescent effect in some of my ships - this one from Audax






Sloped surfaces:

For the many many angles you will have in building the Corsair, if I may suggest downloading another's work on their ship (various XMLs) to see their solution to smoothing edges.  I had posted my Wing Pods (xml)  for the Jackal.

For your design with the Corsair, as you modify your various slopes through your ship, you could result in a very smooth, yet varying sloped surface - even on the edges like your wings and the tail.


I hope this helps - Good luck.  Its an ambitious project.  :)


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