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Hyperspace Drive Recharge


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First off all, sorry if its in the wrong section.


I've built a rather big ship, but to make it not too big to handle properly i've used 2 decently sized computer cores made out of xanion to make my upgrade count jump from 9 to 11.

after finishing my ship so far, i have a mass of 1.11 MT and a physical volume of 38.13 mill m³. (note the physical value!)


These values show a hyperspace cooldown of 156.1 seconds on the build mode.


now we get to the tricky part... when actually using the hyperspace drive, im getting a cooldown time of about 520 seconds. (yes almost 9 minutes!)

if i remove only the computer cores it jumps back down to about 140 seconds on build mode and reality.


my guess is, that either the hyperspace cooldown on build mode is calculated using the physical volume while the real cooldown is calculated using the virtual volume or the computer cores made out of xanion are causing a hidden issue.


Either way it might be a good idea to actually make the effects of the computer cores visible to avoid confusion in case this is working as intended.


Version is the latest Stable (0.11 r7783) and im playing on multiplayer.

Edit: Logs show nothing in case questions arise.


Edit 2: according to a friend who used trinium computer cores, it doesnt happen with these. this would mean there is an issue with the xanion cores i think.

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After reading the whole post, it sounds like unintended behaviour to me -> aka BUG.


You can access those computer-cores? Well, if you were able to remove those... Have you tried to convert those to Trinium? If you don't have the resources for that, start a new game in creative-mode.


How are the stats in the ship-menu (P) compared to those in the build-mode?


I hope you don't have just power-issues (not enough power to recharge the hyperdrive quickly).

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I just did a few volume experiments to figure out the slot progression from 9 to 11, so you can have another option besides adding a huge computer core to get 11 slots.


Minimum values for max slots


~19.5 mill total volume = 9 slots

~31.5 mill total volume = 10 slots

~41.5 mill total volume = 11 slots


Your ship is 38 mill total volume, so total volume alone gives 10 slots. Computer core adds to total volume, so just its volume adds 1 extra slot (from 9 to 10), then the bonus gives 1 extra slot on top of that. The computer core you added is at least 6.5 mill volume. If instead of a computer core (to get 38 mill total volume + computer core bonus) you add other block types to get a total volume of 41.5 mill, you get 11 slots just from total volume. That's an extra ~3.5 mill volume on a 38 mill ship.


In practical terms, it means that instead of having a 6.5 mill block that gives 1 extra system slot but nothing else, you could have ~9.5 mill of other block types for various improvements, i.e. generator, shield, gyros, thrusters, engines, inertial dampeners, cargo, armor, etc, and get 11 slots. But if your ship is perfect the way it is at 38 mill volume, then that means the ship design must become a little less perfect. But maybe it's possible to increase total volume by scaling so you wouldn't have to change its design.


It doesn't fix the hyperjump recharge problem, but it gives you another option besides adding a computer core to get 11 slots.

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