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How does drop system works?


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Apparently, the tutorial about mining turrets at mining ships and reverse is a lie. You get mining, salvaging turrets drop from everything. Same goes to armed wrong turrets dropping. I can destroy a rocket-only ship but get some cannons dropped...  Sometimes i can get a legendary from a single damned hull!


Then i thing that drop chances are bigger when doing wipe out pirates missions, distress signals and xsesotan ships drop more things with better rarity.


If so, which factors affect rarity and chance of dropping things when shooting dumb wreckage? Does those even exist or its just me?

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Agreed. IIRC it's random for any given piece, but I could be wrong. Can't place where I got that from, could be a leftover from Rebel Galaxy...


As it is, mining turrets are like fleas and tick infestations. Good for leveling up chances for a couple solid ones and then selling... But so, so many.


I find the Alien ships are the best for drops. Pirates are always a step or two down from where I am, Aliens tend to be at or just shy. Maybe just my luck or..? I just prefer the Ay's to R's...


I also agree with and really wish you got what the ship was firing at you with. I get so close I can see the weapons on a ship, it's got 8 or 10 laser turrets in a color I like. It drops poor DPS cannons, a couple of chain guns and more mining turrets. If it's hitting me with chain guns I get some, otherwise I get a lot of stuff the enemy must be manufacturing as the ship is blowing up around them.


Wish it would give you the same style when upgrading too. If I put 5 triple chain guns, I want a triple chain gun. Instead I get some paltry DPS single unit with average stats. I put yellow double lasers in and get a single pink one. Aye, the luck of the draw is not strong with this one...



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