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Please make tutorial smart enough to not strand people.



Hi, I just bought the game, spent 2 hours playing with the ship building tools, then was told by the tutorial to make a hyperspace jump to a nearby sector.  After I jumped to a desolate area with literally nothing in site, the tutorial tells me to jump back but my hyperdrive has a 1.7 hour cooldown.  So I had no choice but to let the game sit for two hours but of course pirates came along and destroyed my ship so now I have nothing.  Not the best tutorial experience.  The game looks like it has a lot of potential but I sure don't have the motivation to start over from scratch now.

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3 answers to this suggestion

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Your problem with the hyperdrive was that the recharge costs energy, and if that exceeds the amount you generate the cooldown takes very long.


I agree that the tutorial isn't very helpful besides the instructions on how to get started making a ship, that could use some more work as I've heard more about being stranded without a clue what to do.


Losing two hours of progress is not much tho, the game isn't so lenient at times so if you decide to continue playing prepare to die every now and then. Either to NPCs or flying into an asteroid, as long as you pay attention you should be fine.

The game can be a lot of fun when you get into it, playing with a friend easily doubles the fun tho.

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Hi, I just bought the game, spent 2 hours playing with the ship building tools, then was told by the tutorial to make a hyperspace jump to a nearby sector.  After I jumped to a desolate area with literally nothing in site, the tutorial tells me to jump back but my hyperdrive has a 1.7 hour cooldown.  So I had no choice but to let the game sit for two hours but of course pirates came along and destroyed my ship so now I have nothing.  Not the best tutorial experience.  The game looks like it has a lot of potential but I sure don't have the motivation to start over from scratch now.


In hindsight; your rudimentary Mining Drone has the capacity to Hyperdrive the default (~3 sector) distance. You could also have removed all weapons and modules from your ship before "scuttling" (See; turn off Safe Mode in Build, select entire ship, Delete) and saved yourself the tedium of waiting at the expense of losing your crew.


Normally what would've happened is either you were fortunate enough to find one of those illusive starting Titanium Asteroids and either built a big enough Generator, or simply stripped down to the bare minimum and strapped some great big honking Solar Panels to yourself to improve the efficiency to the point where you can jump out.


That said, there are two things the tutorial doesn't teach you about; Power Generation and Consumption. That early on the easiest thing to do is build something small and efficient, utilizing only half of what your ship produces, and be mindful of your money too until you get lucky with a claimable Asteroid or salvage a Force Turret to sell.

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