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Beta 0.12.1 r8521 - Blocks frequently being allowed to overlay or go through.


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When making my latest creation that focused on mostly blocky placements on the beta branch I noticed that often when scaling up on one axis, upwards in particular (Z axis?) it very frequently was not stopped by showing the red outline despite there being a block above it.


I had to remove blocks and shorted the misplaced blocks so many times. This was when I was placing blocks inside a hollowed out creation I made in order to make the husk of a ship complete and functional. So when trying to replicate this bug, try making something hollowed first, though it should occur regardless, usually.


This also may only happen with a singular block above it rather than multiple layers, though I haven't tested that.








This has also occurred with just two unit high blocks, as well as half way through the top block or just a full block in. Rather strange :/


Regardless I highly doubt this is intended or anything, so I am reporting it now as a bug, hope it gets fixed within the next few updates, as it is rather annoying, and I'm sure I'm not the only player affected by it..



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It's really hard to replicate your bug, and being able to replicate it is essential for us to fix it.

If you know how to cause it, would you mind sharing something that allows us to (easily!) replicate the problem?

Examples: Problem with minimal amount of blocks necessary to replicate it, upload to steam workshop, images what exactly to do, etc.




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Sorry for the late reply, been a slow week, didn't really notice the reply.

The replication is actually fairly simple.


Start with a cube, then make it a hollow space be placing smaller blocks around the outside on two axes, then delete the centre cube. Finally you can build on the inside at a smaller scale, scale upwards and you will be able to build through without any collision, even though when the scale is bigger it does.







(My screenshot program bugged out on the last one, but you can still see most of what I mean with the collisions)


This is the simplest way to do it, but I assure you it often does do the same thing with larger builds especially with smaller parts equal to or less than scale 1.


It's a real pain when trying to build inside a hollowed out ship due to this, would be easier if there were some ghosting feature where you can make the blocks partially transparent so you can do this without your view being obstructed,

Though that's not really the point here :/


The easiest way I can explain why this annoyance is a pain is imagine you're filling the inside of something and you can only see half of the block you're placing because your camera is in a fixed spot so you can see a bit, you scale up and you think that all the right amount of space is filled, but then you move the camera and realized you've not only filled the space, but peired through the outside and have a massive spire sticking out of your creation.. -_-

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