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Game kicked me / then killed me ( and made me watch )


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This story is to good not to share so ill do a TLDR  for the question.


TLDR: game kicked me and when i came back i was in my drone  in a diffrent system 70 KM away from my ship . My ship in the center of a armada of enemeys  of a faction im at war with.

Epic  loot  / ship destroyed > me  trying to figure out what happens by reading bug reports .



So the last night  all my buddy's went to bed and  i was solo mining  to get some funds for the alliance. Im nearly done for the night so i fly back to civilization to sort  out some new gear and park for the night.


Suddenly the system im in becomes under attack from another faction. this area  iv been using to  repair in so i decided to join the war effort  and aid them. Epic battle ensued and good times wher had . Well i had been looking for a territory to raid  so this presented a opportunity.


I fly out to enemy territory and start ganking haulers . So im jumping around the enemys home systems  ganking  and helping out my  new war allies as they warp in for attacks  and having a blast. Then i find  a hualer full of microchips a good  hual about  4  mill worth . then i get engaged  in a huge battle in a trading  station heavy system as the  battel rages  on i decide  it's to late  and  i should go to bed. I spot  on hualer  across the  map and decide to check him out while my jump drive cali. so i can jump out and  log off .


Well as  i fly  up to the hualer the items apear.  Mining  robot's  . OMG  thats  a sweet find ( about 10 million worth at  least  )  so i kill him take his 98 mining robots  and start heading  off to the smugler .


I get to the seller and try to unbrand the bots  but nothing is working , is this thing  bugged , non responsive WTF ?  then the game kicks  me  . When i log back on im in my drone back in the system i was fightning  in like 5  miniuts ago and  my  ship is  70 KM away just getting  pounded on by a few cruisers. I trey to fly to the ship but it's in vain , i was abel to select it and  put insurance on it  in the nic of time but thats about it .


So now  im sitting in my drone  in hostile space  20 jumps away from cizilization looking at  a massive ball of loot  worth id say about 15 mill and  all my  gear mods / wepons floting in space . I logged off for the night  :o


P.s. the game meta  gamed me and killed me . how fucking sweet is that . i supose they really needed them mining robots

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So more to the story. I managed to escape with my  pod  by building a small ship and jumping out . Limped my way to civilization built a new ship.


I went back to salvage my ship and found all my weapons  and upgrades , cargo had de-spawned however .


But later on in the day i "found" my ship. It  was sitting  at the warp in spot of another system .  100% dupe including turrets , cargo and upgrades.


Remember this is  online server so somehow this odd game crash seems to have seperated  my  drone from my ship and dupe my ship leaving one ship in one system and one ship in a totaly diffrent system altogether.


has anyone ever encountered this bug before  ?  Is something wrong with the server on this end  perhaps that's causing this . Now im really curious.



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  • 2 months later...

I had a similar thing recently. it wasn't a DC, but a forced close. I dropped into a system and a faction war started. as I had 2 carriers (and some miner/salvager drones) on escort and I was hit in the cross-fire. the fighters deployed before I could change any orders and completely redded both factions in seconds.  needless to say my carriers were destroyed before I could get them far enough away to save them. I was so pissed I task managered and ended task. when I logged in the next day I was two systems back and all ships in the fleet were there with me. even the ones that had been destroyed. curious I went ahead and jumped thru the same path I used the night before ending up in the same sector again. when I jumped in there was a complete second set of the fleet. it got really messed up because everything tried to follow the copy of the ship I was flying in instead of the one I was in. when I finally got them all to the outer edges and could inspect things all crew, systems, weapons and cargo were duplicated. fighters however were not. the dupes were named the exact same and everything so that made the fleet lists weird. only showed one set. to solve this I gave the dupes to the alliance. after that it showed the locations of all the ships. great way to get free ships but a big mess to sort when you didn't expect it. thankfully it also reset the relations to both factions to pre-fight conditions. I can only assume it was a save issue. I killed the process rather than logging out and shutting down so it didn't have time to save  the results. A disconnect could do the same. I did reproduce this as a test and it did the same thing the second time.  needless to say I restarted a new galaxy. meh.

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I also have had a similar situation.  Had massive lag, where the server crashed and put me back about 5 mins.  Didn't have the drone issue, and restarted on my ship again... but then found a dupe of my ship with all it's stuff in the last spot I  had warped to 5 mins earlier. 

Very strange bug indeed. 

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